- // ==UserScript==
- // @name 自研 - 多个站点 - 自动签到
- // @name:en_US Self-made - Multi-site - Auto Check-in
- // @description 自动完成周期性签到。目前已适配中图网、阿里云开发者社区和母带吧音乐论坛。
- // @description:en_US Automatically complete periodic check-ins. Currently compatible with options BooksChina, Alibaba Cloud Developer BBS, and MuDaiBa MUSIC BBS.
- // @version 1.0.3
- // @author CPlayerCHN
- // @license MulanPSL-2.0
- // @namespace https://www.gitlink.org.cn/CPlayerCHN
- // @match https://www.bookschina.com/vieworder/default.aspx
- // @match https://link.bilibili.com/p/center/index
- // @match https://live.bilibili.com/*
- // @match https://developer.aliyun.com/
- // @match https://developer.aliyun.com/?accounttraceid=*
- // @match https://developer.aliyun.com/live/251214
- // @match https://developer.aliyun.com/score
- // @match https://mudaiba.com/
- // @exclude https://mudaiba.com/user-login.htm
- // @grant GM_openInTab
- // @grant window.close
- // @run-at document-idle
- // @noframes
- // ==/UserScript==
- /*
- {
- "name": "[站点名称]( - 签到项)",
- "enable": ["true 启用", "false 禁用"],
- "url": /页面正则/,
- "checks": {
- "login": { // 登录状态检测
- "enable": ["true 启用", "false 禁用"],
- "mode": ["elm 元素存在", "text 元素内文本", "attribute 元素属性"],
- "elm": "元素选择器",
- "data": ["元素内文本或元素属性键", "元素属性值"]
- },
- "signIn": { // 签到检测
- "mode": ["elm 元素存在", "text 元素内文本", "attribute 元素属性"],
- "elm": "元素选择器",
- "data": ["元素内文本或元素属性键", "元素属性值"]
- },
- },
- "actions": {
- "signIn": [
- {
- "name": "行动名称",
- "mode": ["click 点击元素", "open 新建页面", "openSelf 当前页面跳转", "reload 重载页面", "close 关闭页面", "script 脚本"],
- "data": "元素选择器或页面链接",
- "sleep": "执行前等待(单位为秒)"
- }
- ],
- "unLogin": [],
- "hasSignIn": [
- {
- "name": "关闭页面",
- "mode": "close",
- "data": "",
- "sleep": 1
- }
- ]
- }
- },
- */
- (function() {
- 'use strict';
- // 定义「配置信息」「网页标题」变量和「元素选择器」「操作执行」函数
- const config = [
- {
- "name": "中图网",
- "enable": true,
- "url": /https:\/\/www.bookschina.com\/vieworder\/default.aspx/,
- "checks": {
- "login": {
- "enable": true,
- "mode": "",
- "elm": "",
- "data": [""]
- },
- "signIn": {
- "mode": "text",
- "elm": ".signBtn a",
- "data": ["签到送书币"]
- },
- },
- "actions": {
- "signIn": [
- {
- "name": "打开签到弹框",
- "mode": "click",
- "data": ".signBtn a",
- "sleep": 2
- },
- {
- "name": "点击签到按钮",
- "mode": "click",
- "data": ".flopCon #cover1",
- "sleep": 2
- },
- {
- "name": "关闭页面",
- "mode": "close",
- "data": "",
- "sleep": 6
- }
- ],
- "unLogin": [],
- "hasSignIn": [
- {
- "name": "关闭页面",
- "mode": "close",
- "data": "",
- "sleep": 1
- }
- ]
- }
- },
- {
- "name": "阿里云开发者社区 - 签到",
- "enable": true,
- "url": /https:\/\/developer.aliyun.com\/(\?accounttraceid=\w+)?$/,
- "checks": {
- "login": {
- "enable": true,
- "mode": "text",
- "elm": ".aliyun-register",
- "data": ["登录/注册"]
- },
- "signIn": {
- "mode": "elm",
- "elm": ".user-sign-day-box.active .user-sign-day-box-num",
- "data": [""]
- },
- },
- "actions": {
- "signIn": [
- {
- "name": "点击签到按钮",
- "mode": "click",
- "data": ".user-sign-day-box.active .user-sign-day-box-num",
- "sleep": .5
- },
- {
- "name": "打开视频任务页面",
- "mode": "openSelf",
- "data": "https://developer.aliyun.com/live/251214",
- "sleep": .5
- }
- ],
- "unLogin": [
- {
- "name": "访问登录页面",
- "mode": "click",
- "data": ".aliyun-register",
- "sleep": 0
- }
- ],
- "hasSignIn": [
- {
- "name": "关闭页面",
- "mode": "close",
- "data": "",
- "sleep": 1
- }
- ]
- }
- },
- {
- "name": "阿里云开发者社区 - 视频任务",
- "enable": true,
- "url": /https:\/\/developer.aliyun.com\/live\/251214/,
- "checks": {
- "login": {
- "enable": true,
- "mode": "text",
- "elm": ".aliyun-register",
- "data": ["登录/注册"]
- },
- "signIn": {
- "mode": "elm",
- "elm": "114514",
- "data": [""]
- },
- },
- "actions": {
- "signIn": [
- {
- "name": "将视频静音",
- "mode": "script",
- "data": () => {
- function waitForElm(selector) {
- // https://stackoverflow.com/questions/5525071/how-to-wait-until-an-element-exists
- return new Promise(resolve => {
- if (document.querySelector(selector)) {
- return resolve(document.querySelector(selector));
- }
- const observer = new MutationObserver(mutations => {
- if (document.querySelector(selector)) {
- observer.disconnect();
- resolve(document.querySelector(selector));
- }
- });
- observer.observe(document.body, {
- childList: true,
- subtree: true
- });
- });
- };
- waitForElm('video').then((vid) => {
- document.querySelector('video').muted = true;
- })
- },
- "sleep": 0
- },
- {
- "name": "打开积分领取页面",
- "mode": "openSelf",
- "data": "https://developer.aliyun.com/score",
- "sleep": 120
- }
- ],
- "unLogin": [
- {
- "name": "访问登录页面",
- "mode": "click",
- "data": ".aliyun-register",
- "sleep": 0
- }
- ],
- "hasSignIn": [
- {
- "name": "关闭页面",
- "mode": "close",
- "data": "",
- "sleep": 1
- }
- ]
- }
- },
- {
- "name": "阿里云开发者社区 - 积分领取",
- "enable": true,
- "url": /https:\/\/developer.aliyun.com\/score/,
- "checks": {
- "login": {
- "enable": true,
- "mode": "text",
- "elm": ".aliyun-register",
- "data": ["登录/注册"]
- },
- "signIn": {
- "mode": "elm",
- "elm": ".user-level-bottom-box-wrapper-button",
- "data": [""]
- },
- },
- "actions": {
- "signIn": [
- {
- "name": "点击签到按钮",
- "mode": "click",
- "data": ".user-level-bottom-box-wrapper-button",
- "sleep": 3
- },
- ],
- "unLogin": [
- {
- "name": "访问登录页面",
- "mode": "click",
- "data": ".aliyun-register",
- "sleep": 0
- }
- ],
- "hasSignIn": []
- }
- },
- {
- "name": "母带吧音乐论坛",
- "enable": true,
- "url": /https:\/\/mudaiba.com\//,
- "checks": {
- "login": {
- "enable": true,
- "mode": "elm",
- "elm": ".nav-link[href=\"user-login.htm\"]",
- "data": [""]
- },
- "signIn": {
- "mode": "text",
- "elm": "#header .navbar-nav:nth-child(2) li:nth-child(5) a",
- "data": [" 签到"]
- },
- },
- "actions": {
- "signIn": [
- {
- "name": "点击签到按钮",
- "mode": "click",
- "data": "#header .navbar-nav:nth-child(2) li:nth-child(5) a",
- "sleep": 0
- },
- ],
- "unLogin": [
- {
- "name": "访问登录页面",
- "mode": "click",
- "data": ".nav-link[href=\"user-login.htm\"]",
- "sleep": 0
- }
- ],
- "hasSignIn": []
- }
- }
- ],
- title = document.title;
- function $(elm, node = 0) {
- try {
- return document.querySelectorAll(elm)[node]
- }catch (e) {
- return true
- }
- }
- function action(data) {
- document.title = `[正在执行「${data.name}」中]${title}`
- // 等待指定时间加噪音时间后,正式执行对应操作
- setTimeout(() => {
- if(data.mode === "click" && $(data.data)) {
- $(data.data).click();
- }else if(data.mode === "open") {
- GM_openInTab(data.data, {"active": true})
- }else if(data.mode === "openSelf") {
- window.open(data.data,"_self")
- }else if(data.mode === "reload") {
- location.reload()
- }else if(data.mode === "close") {
- window.close()
- }else if(data.mode === "script") {
- data.data()
- }
- }, (data.sleep + Math.random()) * 1000);
- }
- // 等待 3 秒
- setTimeout(() => {
- // 遍历「配置信息」
- config.forEach((datas) => {
- // 如果匹配且配置启用
- if(datas.url.test(location.href) && datas.enable) {
- document.title = `[已匹配规则「${datas.name}」]${title}`
- // 判断是否登录,如果未登录就执行对应操作
- if(datas.checks.login.enable && datas.checks.login.mode === "elm" && $(datas.checks.login.elm) || datas.checks.login.enable && datas.checks.login.mode === "text" && $(datas.checks.login.elm) && $(datas.checks.login.elm).textContent === datas.checks.login.data[0] || datas.checks.login.enable && datas.checks.login.mode === "attribute" && $(datas.checks.login.elm) && $(datas.checks.login.elm).getAttribute(datas.checks.login.data[0]) === datas.checks.login.data[1]) {
- document.title = `[未登录]${title}`
- datas.actions.unLogin.forEach((data) => {
- action(data)
- })
- // 判断是否签到,如果未签到就执行对应操作
- }else if(datas.checks.signIn.mode === "elm" && $(datas.checks.signIn.elm) || datas.checks.signIn.mode === "text" && $(datas.checks.signIn.elm) && $(datas.checks.signIn.elm).textContent === datas.checks.signIn.data[0] || datas.checks.signIn.mode === "attribute" && $(datas.checks.signIn.elm) && $(datas.checks.signIn.elm).getAttribute(datas.checks.signIn.data[0]) === datas.checks.signIn.data[1]) {
- document.title = `[签到中]${title}`
- datas.actions.signIn.forEach((data) => {
- action(data)
- })
- // 否则就执行已签到对应操作
- }else {
- document.title = `[已签到]${title}`
- datas.actions.hasSignIn.forEach((data) => {
- action(data)
- });
- }
- }
- });
- }, 3000);
- })();