GitHub Custom Global Navigation

Customize GitHub's new global navigation

// ==UserScript==
// @name         GitHub Custom Global Navigation
// @namespace
// @version      1.5.1
// @description  Customize GitHub's new global navigation
// @author       Blake Gearin
// @match        *://*
// @require
// @grant        GM.getValue
// @grant        GM.setValue
// @license      MIT
// @icon
// @supportURL
// ==/UserScript==

/*global GM_config*/

(function () {
  'use strict';

  const SILENT = 0;
  const QUIET = 1;
  const INFO = 2;
  const DEBUG = 3;
  const VERBOSE = 4;
  const TRACE = 5;


  const USERSCRIPT_NAME = 'GitHub Custom Global Navigation';

  function log(level, message, variable = -1) {
    if (CURRENT_LOG_LEVEL < level) return;

    console.log(`${USERSCRIPT_NAME}: ${message}`);
    if (variable !== -1) console.log(variable);

  function logError(message, variable = null) {
    console.error(`${USERSCRIPT_NAME}: ${message}`);
    if (variable) console.log(variable);

  log(TRACE, 'Starting');

  function updateHeader() {
    log(DEBUG, 'updateHeader()');

    if (CONFIG.backgroundColor !== '') {
      HEADER_STYLE.textContent += `
          background-color: ${CONFIG.backgroundColor} !important;


    if (CONFIG.repositoryHeader.import) importRepositoryHeader();


    if (CONFIG.divider.remove) removeDivider();

    if (CONFIG.marketplace.add) createMarketplaceLink();
    if (CONFIG.explore.add) createExploreLink();


    if (CONFIG.marketplace.add) updateLink('marketplace');
    if (CONFIG.explore.add) updateLink('explore');

    if (CONFIG.flipIssuesPullRequests) flipIssuesPullRequests();


    if (CONFIG.flipCreateInbox) flipCreateInbox();




    modifyThenObserve(() => {

  function updateHamburgerButton() {
    log(DEBUG, 'updateHamburgerButton()');

    const configKey = 'hamburgerButton';
    const elementConfig = CONFIG.hamburgerButton;
    log(DEBUG, 'elementConfig', elementConfig);

    const hamburgerButton = HEADER.querySelector(SELECTORS[configKey]);

    if (!hamburgerButton) {
      logError(`Selector '${SELECTORS[configKey]}' not found`);

    if (elementConfig.remove) {
      HEADER_STYLE.textContent += cssHideElement(SELECTORS[configKey]);


  function updateLogo() {
    log(DEBUG, 'updateLogo()');

    const configKey = 'logo';

    const elementConfig = CONFIG[configKey];
    const elementSelector = SELECTORS[configKey];

    if (elementConfig.remove) {
      HEADER_STYLE.textContent += cssHideElement(elementSelector.topDiv);

    const logo = HEADER.querySelector(elementSelector.svg);

    if (elementConfig.color !== '') {
      HEADER_STYLE.textContent += `
        ${elementSelector.svg} path
          fill: ${elementConfig.color} !important;

    if (elementConfig.customSvg !== '') {
      const oldSvg = logo;

      let newSvg;

      if (isValidURL(elementConfig.customSvg)) {
        newSvg = document.createElement('img');
        newSvg.src = elementConfig.customSvg;
      } else {
        const parser = new DOMParser();
        const svgDoc = parser.parseFromString(elementConfig.customSvg, 'image/svg+xml');
        newSvg = svgDoc.documentElement;

      oldSvg.parentNode.replaceChild(newSvg, oldSvg);

  function removePageTitle() {
    HEADER_STYLE.textContent += cssHideElement(createId(;

  function updatePageTitle() {
    log(DEBUG, 'updatePageTitle()');

    const elementConfig = CONFIG.pageTitle;
    log(DEBUG, 'elementConfig', elementConfig);

    const pageTitle = HEADER.querySelector(SELECTORS.pageTitle.topDiv);

    if (!pageTitle) {
      logError(`Selector '${SELECTORS.pageTitle.topDiv}' not found`);


    if (elementConfig.remove) {

    if (elementConfig.color !== '') {
      HEADER_STYLE.textContent += `
          color: ${elementConfig.color} !important;

    if (elementConfig.hover.color !== '') {
      HEADER_STYLE.textContent += `
          color: ${elementConfig.hover.color} !important;

    if (elementConfig.hover.backgroundColor !== '') {
      HEADER_STYLE.textContent += `
          background-color: ${elementConfig.hover.backgroundColor} !important;

  function updateSearch() {
    log(DEBUG, 'updateSearch()');

    const configKey = 'search';

    const elementConfig = CONFIG[configKey];
    const elementSelector = SELECTORS[configKey];

    let topDivSelector =;
    const topDiv = HEADER.querySelector(createId( ||

    if (!topDiv) {
      logError(`Selectors '${createId(}' and '${elementSelector.topDiv}' not found`);


    if (elementConfig.remove) {
      HEADER_STYLE.textContent += cssHideElement(createId(;

    if (elementConfig.alignLeft) {
      const response = cloneAndLeftAlignElement(createId(topDivSelector), topDivSelector);

      if (response.length === 0) return;

      // Also need to hide button due to it showing up on larger screen widths
      HEADER_STYLE.textContent += cssHideElement(`${createId(topDivSelector)} ${elementSelector.input}`);

      HEADER_STYLE.textContent += `
          flex-grow: 1 !important;

      const [cloneId, _cloneElement] = response;

      topDivSelector = createId(cloneId);

      HEADER_STYLE.textContent += `
          flex: 0 1 auto !important;
          justify-content: flex-start !important;

    if (elementConfig.width === 'max') {
      log(DEBUG, 'elementSelector', elementSelector);

      HEADER_STYLE.textContent += `
        @media (min-width: 1012px) {
            width: auto !important

            flex: 0 1 auto !important;

            flex: 1 1 auto !important;
            justify-content: space-between !important;

            display: block !important;

            max-width: none !important;
    } else if (elementConfig.width !== '') {
      HEADER_STYLE.textContent += `
        @media (min-width: 1012px)
            width: ${elementConfig.width} !important

        @media (min-width: 768px)
            --feed-sidebar: 320px;

        @media (min-width: 1400px)
            --feed-sidebar: 336px;

    if (elementConfig.margin.left !== '') {
      HEADER_STYLE.textContent += `
        @media (min-width: 1012px)
            margin-left: ${elementConfig.margin.left} !important

    if (elementConfig.margin.right!== '') {
      HEADER_STYLE.textContent += `
        @media (min-width: 1012px)
            margin-right: ${elementConfig.margin.right} !important

    if (elementConfig.rightButton !== 'command palette') {
      const commandPaletteButton = HEADER.querySelector(elementSelector.commandPalette);
      if (!commandPaletteButton) {
        logError(`Selector '${elementSelector.commandPalette}' not found`);
      } else {
        HEADER_STYLE.textContent += cssHideElement(elementSelector.commandPalette);

    const placeholderSpan = HEADER.querySelector(elementSelector.placeholderSpan);

    if (!placeholderSpan) {
      logError(`Selector '${elementSelector.placeholderSpan}' not found`);

    if (elementConfig.placeholder.text !== '') {
      // Without this, the placeholder text is overwritten by the shadow DOM
      // You may see the following error in the console:
      // qbsearch-input-element.ts:421 Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'innerHTML')
      placeholderSpan.setAttribute('data-target', 'avoidShadowDOM');
      placeholderSpan.innerText = elementConfig.placeholder.text;

    if (elementConfig.placeholder.color !== '') {
      HEADER_STYLE.textContent += `
          color: ${elementConfig.placeholder.color} !important;

    const searchButton = HEADER.querySelector(elementSelector.button);

    if (!searchButton) {
      logError(`Selector '${elementSelector.button}' not found`);

    if (elementConfig.backgroundColor !== '') {
      HEADER_STYLE.textContent += `
          background-color: ${elementConfig.backgroundColor} !important;

    if (elementConfig.borderColor !== '') {
      // There are different buttons at different widths
      HEADER_STYLE.textContent += `
        ${elementSelector.input} button
          border-color: ${elementConfig.borderColor} !important;

    if (elementConfig.boxShadow !== '') {
      HEADER_STYLE.textContent += `
          box-shadow: ${elementConfig.boxShadow} !important;

    if (elementConfig.magnifyingGlassIcon.remove) {
      HEADER_STYLE.textContent += cssHideElement(elementSelector.magnifyingGlassIcon);

    if (elementConfig.modal.width !== '') {
      HEADER_STYLE.textContent += `
          width: ${elementConfig.modal.width} !important;

    if (elementConfig.rightButton === 'slash key') {
      HEADER_STYLE.textContent += `
          width: 100% !important;

      const parser = new DOMParser();
      const svgDoc = parser.parseFromString(
        '<svg xmlns="" width="22" height="20" aria-hidden="true"><path fill="none" stroke="#979A9C" opacity=".4" d="M3.5.5h12c1.7 0 3 1.3 3 3v13c0 1.7-1.3 3-3 3h-12c-1.7 0-3-1.3-3-3v-13c0-1.7 1.3-3 3-3z"></path><path fill="#979A9C" d="M11.8 6L8 15.1h-.9L10.8 6h1z"></path></svg>',
      const slashImg = svgDoc.documentElement;
      slashImg.alt = 'slash key to search';

      const placeholderDiv = HEADER.querySelector(elementSelector.placeholderDiv);

      if (!placeholderDiv) {
        logError(`Selector '${elementSelector.placeholderDiv}' not found`);

      HEADER_STYLE.textContent += `
          display: flex !important;

          padding-inline-start: 8px !important;


  function removeDivider() {
    log(DEBUG, 'removeDivider()');

    HEADER_STYLE.textContent += `
        content: none !important;

  function updateLink(configKey) {
    log(DEBUG, 'updateLink()');

    const elementConfig = CONFIG[configKey];
    const elementSelector = SELECTORS[configKey];

    let link;
    const tooltipElement = SELECTORS.toolTips[configKey];

    if (tooltipElement) {
      link = tooltipElement.previousElementSibling;
    } else {
      log(DEBUG, `Tooltip for '${configKey}' not found`);

      const linkId = createId(SELECTORS[configKey].id);
      link = HEADER.querySelector(linkId);

      if (!link) {
        logError(`Selector '${linkId}' not found`);


    let linkSelector =;
    link.setAttribute('id', linkSelector);

    if (elementConfig.remove) {
      HEADER_STYLE.textContent += cssHideElement(createId(configKey));


    if (!elementConfig.tooltip && SELECTORS.toolTips[configKey]?.id) {
      HEADER_STYLE.textContent += cssHideElement(createId(SELECTORS.toolTips[configKey].id));

    if (elementConfig.alignLeft) {
      const response = cloneAndLeftAlignElement(createId(,;

      if (response.length === 0) return;

      const [cloneId, cloneElement] = response;

      elementSelector[CONFIG_NAME] = {
        leftAlignedId: cloneId,
      link = cloneElement;

      linkSelector = createId(cloneId);

    const padding = '7px';'padding-left', padding, 'important');'padding-right', padding, 'important');

    let textContent = elementConfig.text.content;

    if (elementConfig.icon.remove) {
      const svgId = `${configKey}-svg`;
      const svg = link.querySelector('svg');

      if (!svg) {
        logError(`Selector '${configKey} svg' not found`);


      svg.setAttribute('id', svgId);

      HEADER_STYLE.textContent += cssHideElement(createId(svgId));
    } else {
      link.querySelector('svg').style.setProperty('fill', elementConfig.icon.color);
      textContent = UNICODE_NON_BREAKING_SPACE + textContent;

    modifyThenObserve(() => {

    if (elementConfig.text.content !== '') {
      const spanElement = document.createElement('span');
      const spanId = `${configKey}-text-content-span`;
      spanElement.setAttribute('id', spanId);

      if (elementConfig.text.color) {
        HEADER_STYLE.textContent += `
            color: ${elementConfig.text.color} !important;

      const textNode = document.createTextNode(textContent);


    if (!elementConfig.border) {
      HEADER_STYLE.textContent += `
          border: none !important;

    if (elementConfig.boxShadow !== '') {
      HEADER_STYLE.textContent += `
          box-shadow: ${elementConfig.boxShadow} !important;

    if (elementConfig.hover.backgroundColor !== '') {
      HEADER_STYLE.textContent += `
          background-color: ${elementConfig.hover.backgroundColor} !important;

    if (elementConfig.hover.color !== '') {
      HEADER_STYLE.textContent += `
        ${linkSelector} span:hover
          color: ${elementConfig.hover.color} !important;

    log(DEBUG, `Updates applied to link ${configKey}`, link);

  function cloneAndFlipElements(firstElementSelector, secondElementSelector, firstElementId, secondElementId) {
    log(DEBUG, 'cloneAndFlipElements()');

    const firstElement = HEADER.querySelector(firstElementSelector);

    if (!firstElement) {
      logError(`Selector '${firstElementSelector}' not found`);
      return [];

    const secondElement = HEADER.querySelector(secondElementSelector);

    if (!secondElement) {
      logError(`Selector '${secondElementSelector}' not found`);
      return [];

    const firstElementClone = firstElement.cloneNode(true);
    const secondElementClone = secondElement.cloneNode(true);

    const firstElementCloneId = `${firstElementId}-clone`;
    const secondElementCloneId = `${secondElementId}-clone`;

    firstElementClone.setAttribute('id', firstElementCloneId);
    secondElementClone.setAttribute('id', secondElementCloneId);'display', 'none');'display', 'none');

    HEADER_STYLE.textContent = HEADER_STYLE.textContent.replace(
      new RegExp(escapeRegExp(firstElementSelector), 'g'),

    HEADER_STYLE.textContent = HEADER_STYLE.textContent.replace(
      new RegExp(escapeRegExp(secondElementSelector), 'g'),

    HEADER_STYLE.textContent += cssHideElement(firstElementSelector);
    HEADER_STYLE.textContent += cssHideElement(secondElementSelector);

    log(VERBOSE, `#${firstElementCloneId}, #${secondElementCloneId}`);
    HEADER_STYLE.textContent += `
        display: flex !important;

    if (secondElement.nextElementSibling === null) {
    } else {
      secondElement.parentNode.insertBefore(firstElementClone, secondElement.nextElementSibling);

    if (firstElement.nextElementSibling === null) {
    } else {
      firstElement.parentNode.insertBefore(secondElementClone, firstElement.nextElementSibling);

    if (firstElementSelector.includes('clone')) {

    if (secondElementSelector.includes('clone')) {


    return [firstElementClone, secondElementClone];

  function flipIssuesPullRequests() {
    log(DEBUG, 'flipIssuesPullRequest()');

    const issuesId = SELECTORS.issues[CONFIG_NAME]?.leftAlignedId ||;
    log(VERBOSE, 'issuesId', issuesId);

    const pullRequestsId = SELECTORS.pullRequests[CONFIG_NAME]?.leftAlignedId ||;
    log(VERBOSE, 'pullRequestsId', pullRequestsId);


  function createOldLink(configKey, svgString) {
    const pullRequestsLink = HEADER.querySelector(;

    if (!pullRequestsLink) {
      logError(`Selector '${}' not found`);

    const clonedLink = pullRequestsLink.cloneNode(true);

    const linkId = SELECTORS[configKey].id;
    clonedLink.setAttribute('id', linkId);

    const oldSvg = clonedLink.querySelector('svg');

    const parser = new DOMParser();
    const svgDoc = parser.parseFromString(svgString, 'image/svg+xml');
    const newSvg = svgDoc.documentElement;

    oldSvg.parentNode.replaceChild(newSvg, oldSvg);

    const ariaId = `tooltip-${configKey}`;

    clonedLink.setAttribute('href', `/${configKey}`);
    clonedLink.setAttribute('aria-labelledby', ariaId);




  function createMarketplaceLink() {
    log(DEBUG, 'createMarketplaceLink()');

    const svgString = `
      <svg xmlns="" aria-hidden="true" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16" version="1.1" width="16" data-view-component="true" class="octicon octicon-gift">
        <path d="M2 2.75A2.75 2.75 0 0 1 4.75 0c.983 0 1.873.42 2.57 1.042.183-.375.411-.725.68-1.044C9.376.42 10.266 0 11.25 0a2.75 2.75 0 0 1 2.45 4h.55c.966 0 1.75.784 1.75 1.75v2c0 .698-.409 1.301-1 1.582v4.918A1.75 1.75 0 0 1 13.25 16H2.75A1.75 1.75 0 0 1 1 14.25V9.332C.409 9.05 0 8.448 0 7.75v-2C0 4.784.784 4 1.75 4h.55c-.192-.375-.3-.8-.3-1.25ZM7.25 9.5H2.5v4.75c0 . 0v5h4.5a.25.25 0 0 0 .25-.25V9.5Zm0-4V8h5.5a.25.25 0 0 0 .25-.25v-2a.25.25 0 0 0-.25-.25Zm-7 0a.25.25 0 0 0-.25.25v2c0 . 1.25 0 0 0 0 2.5h2.309c-.233-.818-.542-1.401-.878-1.793-.43-.502-.915-.707-1.431-.707ZM8.941 4h2.309a1.25 1.25 0 0 0 0-2.5c-.516 0-1 .205-1.43.707-.337.392-.646.975-.879 1.793Z"></path>

    createOldLink('marketplace', svgString);

  function createExploreLink() {
    log(DEBUG, 'createExploreLink()');

    const svgString = `
      <svg xmlns="" aria-hidden="true" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16" version="1.1" width="16" data-view-component="true" class="octicon octicon-telescope">
        <path d="M14.184 1.143v-.001l1.422 2.464a1.75 1.75 0 0 1-.757 2.451L3.104 11.713a1.75 1.75 0 0 1-2.275-.702l-.447-.775a1.75 1.75 0 0 1 .53-2.32L11.682.573a1.748 1.748 0 0 1 2.502.57Zm-4.709 9.32h-.001l2.644 3.863a.75.75 0 1 1-1.238.848l-1.881-2.75v2.826a.75.75 0 0 1-1.5 0v-2.826l-1.881 2.75a.75.75 0 1 1-1.238-.848l2.049-2.992a.746.746 0 0 1 .293-.253l1.809-.87a.749.749 0 0 1 .944.252ZM9.436 3.92h-.001l-4.97 3.39.942 1.63 5.42-2.61Zm3.091-2.108h.001l-1.85 1.26 1.505 2.605 2.016-.97a.247.247 0 0 0 .13-.151.247.247 0 0 0-.022-.199l-1.422-2.464a.253.253 0 0 0-.161-.119.254.254 0 0 0-.197.038ZM1.756 9.157a.25.25 0 0 0-.075.33l.447.775a.25.25 0 0 0 .325.1l1.598-.769-.83-1.436-1.465 1Z"></path>

    createOldLink('explore', svgString);

  function updateCreateNewButton() {
    log(DEBUG, 'updateCreateNewButton()');

    const configKey = 'create';
    const elementSelector = SELECTORS[configKey];
    const tooltipElement = SELECTORS.toolTips[configKey];

    if (!tooltipElement) {
      logError(`Selector '${SELECTORS.toolTips[configKey]}' not found`);

    let button = HEADER.querySelector(elementSelector.button);
    let oldButtonId = null;

    if (!button) {
      logError(`Selector '${elementSelector.button}' not found`);

      oldButtonId = `${elementSelector.button}-old`;
      button = HEADER.querySelector(oldButtonId);

      if (!button) {
        logError(`Selector '${oldButtonId}' not found`);

    const elementConfig = CONFIG[configKey];

    if (elementConfig.remove) {
      HEADER_STYLE.textContent += cssHideElement(elementSelector.topDiv);

    } else if (!elementConfig.tooltip) {
      HEADER_STYLE.textContent += cssHideElement(createId(;

    const topDiv = HEADER.querySelector(elementSelector.topDiv);

    if (!topDiv) {
      logError(`Selector '${elementSelector.topDiv}' not found`);


    const buttonLabel = button.querySelector(elementSelector.dropdownIcon);

    if (elementConfig.plusIcon.remove) {
      HEADER_STYLE.textContent += `
        ${oldButtonId || elementSelector.button} ${elementSelector.plusIcon}
          display: none !important
    } else {

      if (elementConfig.plusIcon.color !== '') {
        HEADER_STYLE.textContent += `
            color: ${elementConfig.plusIcon.color} !important;

      if (elementConfig.plusIcon.hover.color !== '') {
        HEADER_STYLE.textContent += `
          ${elementSelector.plusIcon.split(' ').join(':hover ')} svg path
            fill: ${elementConfig.plusIcon.hover.color} !important;

      if (elementConfig.plusIcon.marginRight !== '') {
        HEADER_STYLE.textContent += `
            margin-right: ${elementConfig.plusIcon.marginRight} !important;

    modifyThenObserve(() => {

    if (elementConfig.text.content !== '') {
      // Update the text's font properties to match the others
      HEADER_STYLE.textContent += `
          font-size: var(--text-body-size-medium, 0.875rem) !important;
          font-weight: var(--base-text-weight-medium, 500) !important;

      const spanElement = document.createElement('span');
      spanElement.setAttribute('id', elementSelector.textContent);'color', elementConfig.text.color);
      spanElement.textContent = elementConfig.text.content;

      // New span is inserted between the plus sign and dropdown icon
      buttonLabel.parentNode.insertBefore(spanElement, buttonLabel);

    if (elementConfig.dropdownIcon.remove) {
      HEADER_STYLE.textContent += `
          display: none !important
    } else {
      HEADER_STYLE.textContent += `
          grid-area: initial !important;

      if (elementConfig.dropdownIcon.color !== '') {
        HEADER_STYLE.textContent += `
            color: ${elementConfig.dropdownIcon.color} !important;

      if (elementConfig.dropdownIcon.hover.color !== '') {
        HEADER_STYLE.textContent += `
          ${elementSelector.dropdownIcon.split(' ').join(':hover ')} svg path
            fill: ${elementConfig.dropdownIcon.hover.color} !important;

    if (!elementConfig.border) {
      HEADER_STYLE.textContent += `
          border: none !important;

    if (elementConfig.boxShadow !== '') {
      HEADER_STYLE.textContent += `
          box-shadow: ${elementConfig.boxShadow} !important;

    if (elementConfig.hoverBackgroundColor !== '') {
      HEADER_STYLE.textContent += `
          background-color: ${elementConfig.hoverBackgroundColor} !important;

  function updateInboxLink() {
    log(DEBUG, 'updateInboxLink()');

    const configKey = 'notifications';

    const elementConfig = CONFIG[configKey];
    const elementSelector = SELECTORS[configKey];

    const notificationIndicator =  HEADER.querySelector(createId( ||

    if (!notificationIndicator) {
      logError(`Selectors '${createId(}' and '${elementSelector.indicator}' not found`);


    const inboxLink = notificationIndicator.querySelector('a');

    if (!inboxLink) {
      logError(`Selector '${elementSelector.indicator} a' not found`);

    if (elementConfig.remove) {
      HEADER_STYLE.textContent += cssHideElement(elementSelector.indicator);

    if (!elementConfig.tooltip) {
      HEADER_STYLE.textContent += cssHideElement(createId(;

    if ( {
      HEADER_STYLE.textContent += `
          content: none !important;
    } else {
      if ( !== '') {
        HEADER_STYLE.textContent += `
            background: ${} !important;

      if ( !== '') {
        HEADER_STYLE.textContent += `
            box-shadow: 0 0 0 calc(var(--base-size-4, 4px)/2) ${} !important;

    if (elementConfig.icon.symbol === 'inbox') {
      if (elementConfig.icon.color !== '') {
        HEADER_STYLE.textContent += `
          ${createId(} a svg
            fill: elementConfig.icon.color !important;
    } else {
      const inboxSvgId = 'inbox-svg';
      const inboxSvg = inboxLink.querySelector('svg');
      inboxSvg.setAttribute('id', inboxSvgId);

      HEADER_STYLE.textContent += cssHideElement(createId(inboxSvgId));

    if (elementConfig.icon.symbol === 'bell') {
      // Bell icon from
      const bellSvgId = 'bell-svg';
      const bellSvg = `
        <svg id=${bellSvgId} style="display: none;" aria-hidden='true' height='16' viewBox='0 0 16 16' version='1.1' width='16' data-view-component='true' class='octicon octicon-bell'>
          <path d='M8 16a2 2 0 0 0 1.985-1.75c.017-.137-.097-.25-.235-.25h-3.5c-.138 0-.252.113-.235.25A2 2 0 0 0 8 16ZM3 5a5 5 0 0 1 10 0v2.947c0 . 2.555A1.519 1.519 0 0 1 13.482 13H2.518a1.516 1.516 0 0 1-1.263-2.36l1.703-2.554A.255.255 0 0 0 3 7.947Zm5-3.5A3.5 3.5 0 0 0 4.5 5v2.947c0 .346-.102.683-.294.97l-1.703 2.556a.017.017 0 0 0-.003.01l.001.006c0 . 0 0 0-.003-.01l-1.703-2.554a1.745 1.745 0 0 1-.294-.97V5A3.5 3.5 0 0 0 8 1.5Z'></path>

      inboxLink.insertAdjacentHTML('afterbegin', bellSvg);

      HEADER_STYLE.textContent += `
          display: initial !important;

      if (elementConfig.icon.color !== '') {
        HEADER_STYLE.textContent += `
          ${createId(bellSvgId)} path
            fill: ${elementConfig.icon.color} !important;

    if (elementConfig.icon.hover.color !== '') {
      HEADER_STYLE.textContent += `
        ${createId(} a:hover svg path
          fill: ${elementConfig.icon.hover.color} !important;

    modifyThenObserve(() => {

    if (elementConfig.text.content !== '') {
      const padding = '9px';

      HEADER_STYLE.textContent += `
        ${createId(} a
          padding-left: ${padding} !important;
          padding-right: ${padding} !important;
          width: auto !important;
          text-decoration: none !important;
          display: flex !important;

      let textContent = elementConfig.text.content;

      if (elementConfig.icon !== '') {
        textContent = UNICODE_NON_BREAKING_SPACE + textContent;

      const spanElement = document.createElement('span');
      spanElement.setAttribute('id', elementSelector.textContent);

      // Update the text's font properties to match the others'font-size', 'var(--text-body-size-medium, 0.875rem)', 'important');'font-weight', 'var(--base-text-weight-medium, 500)', 'important');

      if (elementConfig.text.color)'color', elementConfig.text.color);

      const textNode = document.createTextNode(textContent);


    if (!elementConfig.border) {
      HEADER_STYLE.textContent += `
        ${createId(} a
          border: none !important;

    if (elementConfig.boxShadow !== '') {
      HEADER_STYLE.textContent += `
        ${createId(} a
          box-shadow: ${elementConfig.boxShadow} !important;

    if ( {
      HEADER_STYLE.textContent += `
          top: 5px !important;
          left: 18px !important;

    if (elementConfig.hoverBackgroundColor !== '') {
      HEADER_STYLE.textContent += `
        ${createId(} a:hover
          background-color: ${elementConfig.hoverBackgroundColor} !important;

    log(DEBUG, `Updates applied to link ${configKey}: `, inboxLink);

  function insertAvatarDropdown() {
    log(DEBUG, 'insertAvatarDropdown()');

    const elementSelector = SELECTORS.avatar;
    const svgSelector = elementSelector.svg;

    if (HEADER.querySelector(createId(svgSelector))) {
      log(VERBOSE, `Selector ${createId(svgSelector)} not found`);

    const dropdownSvg = `
      <svg id='${svgSelector}' style="display: none;" height="100%" width="100%" fill="#FFFFFF" class="octicon octicon-triangle-down" aria-hidden="true" viewBox="0 0 16 16" version="1.1" data-view-component="true">
        <path d="m4.427 7.427 3.396 3.396a.25.25 0 0 0 .354 0l3.396-3.396A.25.25 0 0 0 11.396 7H4.604a.25.25 0 0 0-.177.427Z"></path>

    const button = HEADER.querySelector(elementSelector.button);

    if (!button) {
      logError(`Selector '${elementSelector.button}' not found`);

    const divElement = document.createElement('div');
    divElement.insertAdjacentHTML('afterbegin', dropdownSvg);


  function updateAvatarButton() {
    log(DEBUG, 'updateAvatarButton()');

    const elementSelector = SELECTORS.sidebars.right;
    const backdropSelector = elementSelector.backdrop;

    const backdrop = HEADER.querySelector(backdropSelector);

    if (!backdrop) {
      log(DEBUG, `Selector ${backdropSelector} not found`);

    const avatarButton = HEADER.querySelector(SELECTORS.avatar.button);

    if (!avatarButton) {
      log(DEBUG, `Selector ${SELECTORS.avatar.button} not found`);

    if (backdrop.classList.contains('Overlay--hidden')) {
      if (avatarButton.hasAttribute('data-close-dialog-id')) {
        const dialogId = avatarButton.getAttribute('data-close-dialog-id');
        avatarButton.setAttribute('data-show-dialog-id', dialogId);

    } else {
      if (avatarButton.hasAttribute('data-show-dialog-id')) {
        const dialogId = avatarButton.getAttribute('data-show-dialog-id');
        avatarButton.setAttribute('data-close-dialog-id', dialogId);


  function updateAvatar() {
    log(DEBUG, 'updateAvatar()');

    const configKey = 'avatar';

    const elementConfig = CONFIG[configKey];
    const elementSelector = SELECTORS[configKey];

    if (elementConfig.remove) {
      HEADER_STYLE.textContent += cssHideElement(elementSelector.topDiv);


    if (elementConfig.size !== '') {
      HEADER_STYLE.textContent += `
          height: ${elementConfig.size} !important;
          width: ${elementConfig.size} !important;

    if (elementConfig.dropdownIcon) {

      HEADER_STYLE.textContent += `
          background-color: transparent !important;

          display: initial !important;
          fill: #FFFFFF;
          height: 16px;
          width: 16px;
          margin-bottom: 1.5px;

        ${elementSelector.button}:hover ${createId(elementSelector.svg)} path
          fill: #FFFFFFB3 !important;

          gap: 0px !important;

  function flipCreateInbox() {
    log(DEBUG, 'flipCreateInbox()');


  function updateGlobalBar() {
    log(DEBUG, 'updateGlobalBar()');

    const elementConfig = CONFIG.globalBar;

    if (elementConfig.boxShadowColor !== '') {
      HEADER_STYLE.textContent += `
          box-shadow: inset 0 calc(var(--borderWidth-thin, 1px)*-1) ${elementConfig.boxShadowColor} !important;

    if ( !== '') {
      HEADER_STYLE.textContent += `
          gap: ${} !important;

    if ( !== '') {
      HEADER_STYLE.textContent += `
          gap: ${} !important;

  function updateLocalBar() {
    log(DEBUG, 'updateLocalBar()');

    const elementConfig = CONFIG.localBar;

    if (elementConfig.backgroundColor !== '') {
      HEADER_STYLE.textContent += `
          background-color: ${elementConfig.backgroundColor} !important;
          box-shadow: inset 0 calc(var(--borderWidth-thin, 1px)*-1) var(--color-border-default) !important;

    if (elementConfig.alignCenter) {
      HEADER_STYLE.textContent += `
          display: initial !important;
          padding-right: 0px !important;

        ${SELECTORS.header.localBar.topDiv} nav
          max-width: 1280px;
          margin-right: auto;
          margin-left: auto;

        @media (min-width: 768px) {
          ${SELECTORS.header.localBar.topDiv} nav
            padding-right: var(--base-size-24, 24px) !important;
            padding-left: var(--base-size-24, 24px) !important;

        @media (min-width: 1012px) {
          ${SELECTORS.header.localBar.topDiv} nav
            padding-right: var(--base-size-32, 32px) !important;
            padding-left: var(--base-size-32, 32px) !important;

          .notification-shelf > div
            padding-right: var(--base-size-32, 32px) !important;
            padding-left: var(--base-size-32, 32px) !important;
            max-width: 1280px;
            margin-right: auto;
            margin-left: auto;

    if (elementConfig.boxShadow.consistentColor) {
      HEADER_STYLE.textContent += `
          box-shadow: none !important;

    if (elementConfig.links.color !== '') {
      HEADER_STYLE.textContent += `
        ${SELECTORS.header.localBar.topDiv} a,
        ${SELECTORS.header.localBar.topDiv} a span
          color: ${elementConfig.links.color} !important;

  function preloadLeftSidebar(elementSelector) {
    log(DEBUG, 'preloadLeftSidebar()');

    if (!LEFT_SIDEBAR_PRELOADED) return;

    const leftModalDialog = HEADER.querySelector(elementSelector.left.modalDialog).remove();

    if (!leftModalDialog) {
      logError(`Selector '${elementSelector.left.modalDialog}' not found`);

    window.addEventListener('load', () => {
      HEADER.querySelector(`${SELECTORS.hamburgerButton} button`).click();
      log(INFO, 'Left sidebar preloaded');


  function preloadRightSidebar(elementSelector) {
    log(DEBUG, 'preloadRightSidebar()');


    const rightModalDialog = HEADER.querySelector(elementSelector.right.modalDialog);

    if (!rightModalDialog) {
      logError(`Selector '${elementSelector.right.modalDialog}' not found`);


    window.addEventListener('load', () => {
      log(INFO, 'Right sidebar preloaded');


  function updateSidebars() {
    log(DEBUG, 'updateSidebars()');

    const configKey = 'sidebars';

    const elementConfig = CONFIG[configKey];
    const elementSelector = SELECTORS[configKey];

    if (elementConfig.backdrop.color !== '') {
      HEADER_STYLE.textContent += `
          background: ${CONFIG.sidebars.backdrop.color} !important;

    if (elementConfig.left.preload) preloadLeftSidebar(elementSelector);

    if (elementConfig.right.floatUnderneath) {
      HEADER_STYLE.textContent += `
          border-top-right-radius: 0.75rem !important;
          border-bottom-right-radius: 0.75rem !important;
          bottom: initial !important;
          margin-top: 55px;
          margin-right: 20px;

          margin-bottom: 0px !important;

          padding-bottom: 0px !important;

    if (elementConfig.right.preload) preloadRightSidebar(elementSelector);

    if (elementConfig.right.maxHeight) {
      HEADER_STYLE.textContent += `
          max-height: ${elementConfig.right.maxHeight} !important;

    if (elementConfig.right.width !== '') {
      HEADER_STYLE.textContent += `
          --overlay-width: ${elementConfig.right.width};

  function importRepositoryHeader() {
    log(DEBUG, 'importRepositoryHeader()');

    const configKey = 'repositoryHeader';
    const repositoryHeader = document.querySelector(SELECTORS[configKey].id);

    if (!repositoryHeader) {
      // This is expected on pages that aren't repositories
      log(DEBUG, `Selector '${SELECTORS[configKey].id}' not found`);

    const topRepositoryHeaderElement = document.createElement('div');'display', 'flex');'padding', '0px');'box-shadow', 'none');

    const elementConfig = CONFIG[configKey];

    if (elementConfig.backgroundColor !== '') {'background-color', elementConfig.backgroundColor);

    if (repositoryHeader.hidden) {
      log(VERBOSE, `Selector '${SELECTORS[configKey].id}' is hidden`);

      if (!HEADER.querySelector(SELECTORS.pageTitle.separator)) {
        log(INFO, `Selector '${SELECTORS.pageTitle.separator}' not found, not creating a repository header`);


      // A repo tab other than Code is being loaded for the first time
      const pageTitle = HEADER.querySelector(SELECTORS.pageTitle.topDiv);

      if (!pageTitle) {
        logError(`Selector '${SELECTORS.pageTitle.topDiv}' not found`);

      const repositoryHeaderElement = document.createElement('div');
      repositoryHeaderElement.setAttribute('id', TEMP_REPOSITORY_HEADER_FLAG);
      repositoryHeaderElement.classList.add(REPOSITORY_HEADER_CLASS, 'pt-3', 'mb-2', 'px-md-4');

      const clonedPageTitle = pageTitle.cloneNode(true);

    } else if (HEADER.querySelector(createId(TEMP_REPOSITORY_HEADER_FLAG))) {
      log(VERBOSE, `Selector '${createId(TEMP_REPOSITORY_HEADER_FLAG)}' found`);

      // The Code tab is being loaded from another tab which has a temporary header
      const tempRepositoryHeader = HEADER.querySelector(createId(TEMP_REPOSITORY_HEADER_FLAG));

      NEW_ELEMENTS = NEW_ELEMENTS.filter(element => element !== tempRepositoryHeader);

      insertPermanentRepositoryHeader(topRepositoryHeaderElement, repositoryHeader);
    } else {
        `${SELECTORS[configKey].id} is hidden and selector '${createId(TEMP_REPOSITORY_HEADER_FLAG)}' not found`,

      // The Code tab being loaded for the first time
      insertPermanentRepositoryHeader(topRepositoryHeaderElement, repositoryHeader);


    if (elementConfig.backgroundColor !== '') {
      HEADER_STYLE.textContent += `
          background-color: ${elementConfig.backgroundColor} !important;

    if (elementConfig.alignCenter) {
      HEADER_STYLE.textContent += `
          max-width: 1280px;
          margin-right: auto;
          margin-left: auto;

          padding-left: 0px !important;
          padding-right: 0px !important;

        @media (min-width: 768px) {
            padding-right: var(--base-size-24, 24px) !important;
            padding-left: var(--base-size-24, 24px) !important;

        @media (min-width: 1012px) {
            padding-right: var(--base-size-32, 32px) !important;
            padding-left: var(--base-size-32, 32px) !important;

    if ( !== '') {
      HEADER_STYLE.textContent += `
          color: ${} !important;

    if ( !== '') {
      HEADER_STYLE.textContent += `
          color: ${} !important;

    if ( !== '') {
      HEADER_STYLE.textContent += `
          background-color: ${} !important;

    if ( !== '') {
      HEADER_STYLE.textContent += `
          text-decoration: ${} !important;

    HEADER_STYLE.textContent += `
        flex: auto !important;

        display: flex;
        align-items: center;

        flex: 0 1 auto !important;
        height: auto !important;
        min-width: 0 !important;

      @media (min-width: 768px)
        .AppHeader-context .AppHeader-context-compact
          display: none !important;

      .AppHeader-context .AppHeader-context-full
        display: inline-flex !important;
        width: 100% !important;
        min-width: 0 !important;
        max-width: 100% !important;
        overflow: hidden !important;

      .AppHeader-context .AppHeader-context-full ul {
        display: flex;
        flex-direction: row;

      .AppHeader-context .AppHeader-context-full li:first-child {
        flex: 0 100 max-content;

      .AppHeader-context .AppHeader-context-full li {
        display: inline-grid;
        grid-auto-flow: column;
        align-items: center;
        flex: 0 99999 auto;

      .AppHeader-context .AppHeader-context-full ul, .AppHeader .AppHeader-globalBar .AppHeader-context .AppHeader-context-full li {
        list-style: none;

      .AppHeader-context .AppHeader-context-item {
        display: flex;
        align-items: center;
        min-width: 3ch;
        line-height: var(--text-body-lineHeight-medium, 1.4285714286);
        text-decoration: none !important;
        border-radius: var(--borderRadius-medium, 6px);
        padding-inline: var(--control-medium-paddingInline-condensed, 8px);
        padding-block: var(--control-medium-paddingBlock, 6px);

      .AppHeader-context .AppHeader-context-full li:last-child .AppHeader-context-item {
        font-weight: var(--base-text-weight-semibold, 600);

      .AppHeader-context .AppHeader-context-item-separator {
        color: var(--fgColor-muted, var(--color-fg-muted));
        white-space: nowrap;

        padding: 16px !important;

    if (elementConfig.removePageTitle) removePageTitle();

    return true;

  function insertPermanentRepositoryHeader(topRepositoryHeaderElement, repositoryHeader) {
    log(DEBUG, 'insertPermanentRepositoryHeader()');

    const clonedRepositoryHeader = repositoryHeader.cloneNode(true);

    // This is needed to prevent pop-in via Turbo when navigating between tabs on a repo
    clonedRepositoryHeader.removeAttribute('data-turbo-replace');'display', 'none', 'important');




    clonedRepositoryHeader.firstElementChild.classList.remove('container-xl', 'px-lg-5');


  function updateRepositoryHeaderName() {
    log(DEBUG, 'updateRepositoryHeaderName()');

    const elementConfig = CONFIG.repositoryHeader;

    const name = document.querySelector(;

    if (!name) {
      // When not in a repo, this is expected
      log(DEBUG, `Selector '${}' not found`);
    }'display', 'none', 'important');

    const pageTitle = HEADER.querySelector(SELECTORS.pageTitle.topDiv);

    if (!pageTitle) {
      logError(`Selector '${SELECTORS.pageTitle.topDiv}' not found`);

    const ownerImg = document.querySelector(SELECTORS.repositoryHeader.ownerImg);

    if (!ownerImg) {
      log(INFO, `Selector '${SELECTORS.repositoryHeader.ownerImg}' not found`);

    const clonedPageTitle = pageTitle.cloneNode(true); = '';

    const pageTitleId = `${REPOSITORY_HEADER_CLASS}_pageTitle`;
    clonedPageTitle.setAttribute('id', pageTitleId);

    HEADER_STYLE.textContent += `
        display: initial !important;

    clonedPageTitle.querySelectorAll('svg').forEach(svg => svg.remove());
    clonedPageTitle.querySelectorAll('a[href$="/stargazers"]').forEach(link => link.remove());

    ownerImg.parentNode.insertBefore(clonedPageTitle, ownerImg.nextSibling);

    if (elementConfig.avatar.remove) {
    } else if (elementConfig.avatar.customSvg !== '') {
      if (isValidURL(elementConfig.avatar.customSvg)) {
        ownerImg.src = elementConfig.avatar.customSvg;
      } else {
        const divElement = document.createElement('div');'display', 'flex');'align-items', 'center');

        divElement.innerHTML = elementConfig.avatar.customSvg;

        ownerImg.parentNode.replaceChild(divElement, ownerImg);

    HEADER_STYLE.textContent += cssHideElement(SELECTORS.repositoryHeader.bottomBorder);

  function cloneAndLeftAlignElement(elementSelector, elementId) {
    log(DEBUG, 'cloneAndLeftAlignElement()');

    const leftAlignedDiv = HEADER.querySelector(SELECTORS.header.leftAligned);

    if (!leftAlignedDiv) {
      logError(`Selector '${SELECTORS.header.leftAligned}' not found`);
      return [];

    const element = HEADER.querySelector(elementSelector);

    if (!element) {
      logError(`Selector '${elementSelector}' not found`);
      return [];

    const elementClone = element.cloneNode(true);
    const elementCloneId = `${elementId}-clone`;

    elementClone.setAttribute('id', elementCloneId);'display', 'none');

    HEADER_STYLE.textContent += cssHideElement(elementSelector);

    HEADER_STYLE.textContent += `
        display: flex !important;



    return [elementCloneId, elementClone];

  function insertNewGlobalBar(element) {
    log(DEBUG, 'insertNewGlobalBar()');

    const elementToInsertAfter = HEADER.querySelector(SELECTORS.header.globalBar);

    elementToInsertAfter.parentNode.insertBefore(element, elementToInsertAfter.nextSibling);

  function createId(string) {
    log(TRACE, 'createId()');

    if (string.startsWith('#')) return string;

    if (string.startsWith('.')) {
      logError(`Attempted to create an id from a class: "${string}"`);

    if (string.startsWith('[')) {
      logError(`Attempted to create an id from an attribute selector: "${string}"`);

    return `#${string}`;

  function cssHideElement(elementSelector) {
    log(TRACE, 'cssHideElement()');

    return `
        display: none !important;

  function isValidURL(string) {
    log(DEBUG, 'isValidURL()');

    const urlPattern = /^(https?:\/\/)?([\w.]+)\.([a-z]{2,6}\.?)(\/[\w.]*)*\/?$/i;
    return urlPattern.test(string);

  function escapeRegExp(string) {
    log(DEBUG, 'escapeRegExp()');

    return string.replace(/[.*+?^${}()|[\]\\]/g, '\\$&');

  function compareObjects(firstObject, secondObject, firstName, secondName) {
    log(DEBUG, 'compareObjects()');

    if (typeof firstObject !== 'object' || typeof secondObject !== 'object') {
      return 'Invalid input. Please provide valid objects.';

    const differences = [];

    function findKeyDifferences(obj1, obj2, path = '') {
      const keys1 = Object.keys(obj1);
      const keys2 = Object.keys(obj2);

      keys1.forEach(key => {
        const nestedPath = path ? `${path}.${key}` : key;
        if (!keys2.includes(key)) {
          differences.push(`Found "${nestedPath}" in ${firstName} but not in ${secondName}`);
        } else if (typeof obj1[key] === 'object' && typeof obj2[key] === 'object') {
          findKeyDifferences(obj1[key], obj2[key], nestedPath);

      keys2.forEach(key => {
        const nestedPath = path ? `${path}.${key}` : key;
        if (!keys1.includes(key)) {
          differences.push(`Found "${nestedPath}" in ${secondName} but not in ${firstName}`);

    findKeyDifferences(firstObject, secondObject);
    return differences.length > 0 ? differences : [];

  // eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars
  function checkConfigConsistency(configs) {
    log(DEBUG, 'checkConfigConsistency()');

    const lightDarkDifference = compareObjects(
      'Happy Medium Light',
      'Happy Medium Dark',

    if (lightDarkDifference.length > 0) {
      logError('lightDarkDifference', lightDarkDifference);

      return false;

    const typeDifference = compareObjects(
      'Happy Medium',
      'Old School',

    if (typeDifference.length > 0) {
      logError('typeDifference', typeDifference);

      return false;

    return true;

  function updateSelectors() {
    log(DEBUG, 'updateSelectors()');

    const toolTips = Array.from(HEADER.querySelectorAll('tool-tip'));
    SELECTORS.toolTips = {
      create: toolTips.find(
        tooltip => tooltip.textContent.includes('Create new'),
      pullRequests: toolTips.find(
        tooltip => tooltip.textContent.includes('Pull requests'),
      issues: toolTips.find(
        tooltip => tooltip.textContent.includes('Issues'),
      notifications: toolTips.find(
        tooltip => tooltip.getAttribute('data-target') === 'notification-indicator.tooltip',

  function waitForFeaturePreviewButton() {
    log(VERBOSE, 'waitForFeaturePreviewButton()');

    if (!HEADER) return;

    const liElementId = 'custom-global-navigation-menu-item';

    if (HEADER.querySelector(createId(liElementId))) return;

    const featurePreviewSearch = Array.from(
      document.querySelectorAll('[data-position-regular="right"] span'),
    )?.find(element => element.textContent === 'Feature preview') || null;

    if (featurePreviewSearch) {
      const featurePreviewSpan = featurePreviewSearch;
      const featurePreviewLabelDiv = featurePreviewSpan.parentNode;
      const featurePreviewLi = featurePreviewLabelDiv.parentNode;

      const newLiElement = featurePreviewLi.cloneNode(true);
      newLiElement.setAttribute('id', liElementId);

      newLiElement.onclick = () => {;

        if (GMC.get('on_open') === 'close sidebar') HEADER.querySelector(SELECTORS.sidebars.right.closeButton)?.click();

      const textElement = newLiElement.querySelector('[data-component="ActionList.Item--DividerContainer"]');
      textElement.textContent = GMC.get('menu_item_title');

      const oldSvg = newLiElement.querySelector('svg');

      const menuItemIcon = GMC.get('menu_item_icon');
      if (menuItemIcon === 'logo') {
        const newSvg = document.createElement('img');
        newSvg.setAttribute('height', '16px');
        newSvg.setAttribute('width', '16px');
        newSvg.src = `${THEME}_logo.svg`;

        oldSvg.parentNode.replaceChild(newSvg, oldSvg);
      } else {
        let svgString;

        if (menuItemIcon === 'cog') {
          svgString = `
            <svg xmlns="" aria-hidden="true" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16" version="1.1" width="16" data-view-component="true" class="octicon octicon-gear">
              <path d="M8 0a8.2 8.2 0 0 1 .701.031C9.444.095 9.99.645 10.16 1.29l.288 1.107c. 1.392.021 1.218.315.675.111 1.422-.364 1.891l-.814.806c-.049.048-.098.147-. 0 .772-. 1.216.364 1.891a7.977 7.977 0 0 1-.704 1.217c-.428.61-1.176.807-1.82.63l-1.102-.302c-.067-.019-.177-.011-.3.071a5.909 5.909 0 0 1-.668.386c-.133.066-.194.158-.211.224l-.29 1.106c-.168.646-.715 1.196-1.458 1.26a8.006 8.006 0 0 1-1.402 0c-.743-.064-1.289-.614-1.458-1.26l-.289-1.106c-.018-.066-.079-.158-.212-.224a5.738 5.738 0 0 1-.668-.386c-.123-.082-.233-.09-.299-.071l-1.103.303c-.644.176-1.392-.021-1.82-.63a8.12 8.12 0 0 1-.704-1.218c-.315-.675-.111-1.422.363-1.891l.815-.806c.05-.048.098-.147.088-.294a6.214 6.214 0 0 1 0-.772c.01-.147-.038-.246-.088-.294l-.815-.806C.635 6.045.431 5.298.746 4.623a7.92 7.92 0 0 1 .704-1.217c.428-.61 1.176-.807 1.82-.63l1.102.302c. 6.556.095 7.299.03 7.53.01 7.764 0 8 0Zm-.571 1.525c-.036.003-.108.036-.137.146l-.289 1.105c-.147.561-.549.967-.998 1.189-.173.086-.34.183-.5.29-.417.278-.97.423-1.529.27l-1.103-.303c-.109-.03-.175.016-.195.045-.22.312-.412.644-.573.99-.014.031-. 1.456a4.709 4.709 0 0 0 0 .582c.032.499-.119 1.05-.53 1.456l-.815.806c-.081.08-.073.159-. 1.113-.008 1.189l.289 1.105c. 6.6 0 0 0 1.142 0c.036-.003.108-.036.137-.146l.289-1.105c.147-.561.549-.967.998-1.189.173-.086.34-.183.5-.29.417-.278.97-.423 1.529-.27l1.103.303c.109.029.175-.016.195-.045.22-.313.411-.644.573-.99.014-.031.021-.11-.059-.19l-.815-.806c-.411-.406-.562-.957-.53-1.456a4.709 4.709 0 0 0 0-.582c-.032-.499.119-1.05.53-1.456l.815-.806c.081-.08.073-.159.059-.19a6.464 6.464 0 0 0-.573-.989c-.02-.03-.085-.076-.195-.046l-1.102.303c-.56.153-1.113.008-1.53-.27a4.44 4.44 0 0 0-.501-.29c-.447-.222-.85-.629-.997-1.189l-.289-1.105c-.029-.11-.101-.143-.137-.146a6.6 6.6 0 0 0-1.142 0ZM11 8a3 3 0 1 1-6 0 3 3 0 0 1 6 0ZM9.5 8a1.5 1.5 0 1 0-3.001.001A1.5 1.5 0 0 0 9.5 8Z"></path>
        } else if (menuItemIcon === 'compass') {
          svgString = `
            <svg xmlns="" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 512 512">
              <!--! Font Awesome Free 6.4.2 by @fontawesome - License - (Commercial License) Copyright 2023 Fonticons, Inc. -->
              <path d="M464 256A208 208 0 1 0 48 256a208 208 0 1 0 416 0zM0 256a256 256 0 1 1 512 0A256 256 0 1 1 0 256zm306.7 69.1L162.4 380.6c-19.4 7.5-38.5-11.6-31-31l55.5-144.3c3.3-8.5 9.9-15.1 18.4-18.4l144.3-55.5c19.4-7.5 38.5 11.6 31 31L325.1 306.7c-3.2 8.5-9.9 15.1-18.4 18.4zM288 256a32 32 0 1 0 -64 0 32 32 0 1 0 64 0z"/>

        const parser = new DOMParser();
        const svgDoc = parser.parseFromString(svgString, 'image/svg+xml');
        const newSvg = svgDoc.documentElement;

        oldSvg.parentNode.replaceChild(newSvg, oldSvg);

      const parentUl = featurePreviewLi.parentNode;
      const settingsLi = document.querySelector('[data-position-regular="right"] a[href="/settings/profile"]').parentNode;

      parentUl.insertBefore(newLiElement, settingsLi.nextSibling);

      const divider = featurePreviewLi.parentNode.querySelector('.ActionList-sectionDivider');
      const newDivider = divider.cloneNode(true);

      parentUl.insertBefore(newDivider, settingsLi.nextSibling);
    } else {
      setTimeout(waitForFeaturePreviewButton, 100);

  function generateCustomConfig() {
    log(DEBUG, 'generateCustomConfig()');

    const customConfig = {
      light: {},
      dark: {},

    function recursivelyGenerateCustomConfig(obj, customObj, themePrefix, parentKey = '') {
      for (const key in obj) {
        const currentKey = parentKey ? `${parentKey}.${key}` : key;
        if (typeof obj[key] === 'object') {
          customObj[key] = {};
          recursivelyGenerateCustomConfig(obj[key], customObj[key], themePrefix, currentKey);
        } else {
          const gmcKey = `${themePrefix}_${currentKey.replace(/\./g, '_')}`;

          if (gmcKey in GMC.fields) {
            customObj[key] = GMC.get(gmcKey);
          } else {
            logError(`GMC field not found for key: ${gmcKey}`);

    recursivelyGenerateCustomConfig(configs.happyMedium.light, customConfig.light, 'light');
    recursivelyGenerateCustomConfig(configs.happyMedium.dark, customConfig.dark, 'dark');

    return customConfig;

  function setTheme() {
    log(DEBUG, 'setTheme()');

    const dataColorMode = document.querySelector('html').getAttribute('data-color-mode');

    if (dataColorMode === 'auto') {
      if (window.matchMedia('(prefers-color-scheme: dark)').matches) {
        THEME = 'dark';
    } else if (dataColorMode === 'dark') {
      THEME = 'dark';
    } else if (dataColorMode !== 'light')  {
      logError('Unknown color mode');

    log(VERBOSE, `THEME: ${THEME}`);

  function gmcInitialized() {
    log(DEBUG, 'gmcInitialized()');


    log(QUIET, 'Running');

    GMC.css.basic = '';


  function gmcAddSavedSpan(div) {
    log(DEBUG, 'gmcAddSavedSpan()');

    const savedDiv = document.createElement('div');
    savedDiv.setAttribute('id', 'gmc-saved');

    const iconSpan = document.createElement('span'); = 'margin-right: 4px;';

    iconSpan.innerHTML = `
      <svg aria-hidden="true" focusable="false" role="img" class="octicon octicon-check-circle-fill" viewBox="0 0 12 12" width="12" height="12" fill="currentColor" style="display: inline-block;user-select: none;vertical-align: text-bottom;">
        <path d="M6 0a6 6 0 1 1 0 12A6 6 0 0 1 6 0Zm-.705 8.737L9.63 4.403 8.392 3.166 5.295 6.263l-1.7-1.702L2.356 5.8l2.938 2.938Z"></path>

    const textSpan = document.createElement('span');
    textSpan.innerText = 'Saved';


    div.insertBefore(savedDiv, div.firstChild);

  function gmcAddNewIssueButton(div) {
    log(DEBUG, 'gmcAddNewIssueButton()');

    const small = document.createElement('small');
    small.setAttribute('title', 'Submit bug or feature request');

    const link = document.createElement('a');
    link.href = '';
    link.innerText = 'submit bug or feature request';


    div.insertBefore(small, div.firstChild);

  function gmcOpened() {
    log(DEBUG, 'gmcOpened()');

    function updateCheckboxes() {
      log(DEBUG, 'updateCheckboxes()');

      const checkboxes = document.querySelectorAll('#gmc-frame input[type="checkbox"]');

      if (checkboxes.length > 0) {
        checkboxes.forEach(checkbox => {
      } else {
        setTimeout(updateCheckboxes, 100);


    const configVars = document.querySelectorAll('.config_var');

    configVars.forEach(configVar => {
      const label = configVar.querySelector('.field_label');
      const input = configVar.querySelector('input');

      if (label && input && input.type === 'text') = '33px';

      const select = configVar.querySelector('select');

      if (label && select) = '33px';

    modifyThenObserve(() => {
      document.querySelector('#gmc-frame .reset_holder').remove();

      const buttonHolderSelector = '#gmc-frame_buttons_holder';
      const parentDiv = document.querySelector(buttonHolderSelector);

      if (!parentDiv) {
        logError(`Selector ${buttonHolderSelector} not found`);



  function gmcRefreshTab() {

  function gmcRunScript() {

  function updateLogLevel() {
      'silent': SILENT,
      'quiet': QUIET,
      'debug': DEBUG,
      'verbose': VERBOSE,
      'trace': TRACE,

  function gmcSaved() {
    log(DEBUG, 'gmcSaved()');

    const gmcSaved = document.getElementById('gmc-saved'); = 'block';

      () => = 'none',


    switch (GMC.get('on_save')) {
      case 'refresh tab':
      case 'refresh tab and close':
      case 'run script':
      case 'run script and close':

  function gmcClosed() {
    log(DEBUG, 'gmcClosed()');

    switch (GMC.get('on_close')) {
      case 'refresh tab':
      case 'run script':


  function gmcClearCustom() {
    log(DEBUG, 'gmcClearCustom()');

    const confirmed = confirm('Are you sure you want to clear your custom configuration? This is irreversible.');

    if (confirmed) {
      const currentType = GMC.get('type');

      GMC.set('type', currentType);;

  function configsToGMC(config, path = []) {
    log(DEBUG, 'configsToGMC()');

    for (const key in config) {
      if (typeof config[key] === 'object' && !Array.isArray(config[key])) {
        configsToGMC(config[key], path.concat(key));
      } else {
        const fieldName = path.concat(key).join('_');
        const fieldValue = config[key];

        log(VERBOSE, 'fieldName', fieldName);
        GMC.set(fieldName, fieldValue);

  function gmcApplyCustomHappyMediumConfig() {
    log(DEBUG, 'gmcApplyCustomHappyMediumConfig()');

    const confirmed = confirm('Are you sure you want to overwrite your custom configuration with Happy Medium? This is irreversible.');

    if (confirmed) {

  function gmcApplyCustomOldSchoolConfig() {
    log(DEBUG, 'gmcApplyCustomOldSchoolConfig()');

    const confirmed = confirm('Are you sure you want to overwrite your custom configuration with Old School? This is irreversible.');

    if (confirmed) {

  function gmcBuildStyle() {
    log(DEBUG, 'gmcBuildStyle()');

    const headerIdPartials = [

    const sectionSelectors = headerIdPartials
      .map(varName => `#gmc-frame .config_var[id*='${varName}']`)

    const gmcFrameStyle = document.createElement('style');
    gmcFrameStyle.textContent += `
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        padding-bottom: 1rem;

      /* Fields */

      #gmc-frame .config_header
        font-size: 2em;
        font-weight: 400;
        line-height: 1.25;

        padding-bottom: 0.3em;
        margin-bottom: 16px;

      #gmc-frame #gmc-frame_type_var
        display: inline-flex;

      #gmc-frame .section_header
        font-size: 1.5em;
        font-weight: 600;
        line-height: 1.25;

        margin-bottom: 16px;
        padding: 1rem 1.5rem;

      #gmc-frame .section_desc,
      #gmc-frame h3
        background: none;
        border: none;
        font-size: 1.25em;

        margin-bottom: 16px;
        font-weight: 600;
        line-height: 1.25;
        text-align: left;

      #gmc-frame .config_var
        padding: 0rem 1.5rem;
        margin-bottom: 1rem;
        display: flex;

        display: flow;
        padding-top: 1rem;

      #gmc-frame .config_var[id*='flipCreateInbox_var'],
      #gmc-frame .config_var[id*='flipIssuesPullRequests_var']
        display: flex;

      #gmc-frame .field_label
        font-weight: 600;
        margin-right: 0.5rem;

      #gmc-frame .field_label,
      #gmc-frame .gmc-label
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      #gmc-frame .gmc-label
        display: table-caption;
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        border-style: solid;
        cursor: pointer;
        height: 1rem;
        place-content: center;
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        width: 1rem;
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        transition: background-color 0s ease 0s, border-color 80ms cubic-bezier(0.33, 1, 0.68, 1) 0s;
        margin-right: 0.5rem;
        flex: none;

      #gmc-frame input[type="checkbox"]
        appearance: none;
        border-style: solid;
        border-width: 1px;
        cursor: pointer;
        place-content: center;
        position: relative;
        height: 17px;
        width: 17px;
        border-radius: 3px;
        transition: background-color 0s ease 0s, border-color 80ms cubic-bezier(0.33, 1, 0.68, 1) 0s;

      #gmc-frame #gmc-frame_field_type
        display: flex;

      #gmc-frame input[type="radio"]:checked
        border-width: 0.25rem;

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      #gmc-frame .gmc-checkbox:checked
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      #gmc-frame .gmc-checkbox:checked::before
        visibility: visible;
        transition: visibility 0s linear 0s;

      #gmc-frame .gmc-checkbox::before,
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        animation: 80ms cubic-bezier(0.65, 0, 0.35, 1) 80ms 1 normal forwards running checkmarkIn;

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        height: 1rem;
        visibility: hidden;
        content: "";
        background-color: #FFFFFF;
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        display: block;

      #gmc-frame .gmc-checkbox
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        border-style: solid;
        border-width: 1px;
        cursor: pointer;

        height: var(--base-size-16,16px);
        margin: 0.125rem 0px 0px;
        place-content: center;
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        width: var(--base-size-16,16px);
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        transition: background-color 0s ease 0s, border-color 80ms cubic-bezier(0.33, 1, 0.68, 1) 0s;

      #gmc-frame input
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      #gmc-frame select
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      #gmc-frame select:focus
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        outline: 1px solid #2f81f7;

      #gmc-frame svg
        height: 17px;
        width: 17px;
        margin-left: 0.5rem;

      #gmc small
        font-size: x-small;
        font-weight: 600;
        margin-left: 3px;

      /* Button bar */

      #gmc-frame #gmc-frame_buttons_holder
        position: fixed;
        width: 85%;
        text-align: right;

        left: 50%;
        bottom: 2%;
        transform: translate(-50%, 0%);
        padding: 1rem;

        border-radius: 0.375rem;

        display: flex;
        align-items: center;

      #gmc-frame #gmc-frame_buttons_holder .left-aligned
        order: 1;
        margin-right: auto;

      #gmc-frame #gmc-frame_buttons_holder > *
        order: 2;

      #gmc-frame .saveclose_buttons
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      #gmc-frame .saveclose_buttons
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        display: inline-block;
        padding: 5px 16px;
        font-size: 14px;
        font-weight: 500;
        line-height: 20px;
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        vertical-align: middle;
        cursor: pointer;
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        user-select: none;
        border: 1px solid;
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        appearance: none;

        font-family: -apple-system,BlinkMacSystemFont,"Segoe UI","Noto Sans",Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif,"Apple Color Emoji","Segoe UI Emoji";

      @keyframes fadeOut
        from {
          opacity: 1;
        to {
          opacity: 0;

        display: none;
        margin-right: 10px;
        animation: fadeOut 0.75s ease 2s forwards;

    if (THEME === 'light') {
      gmcFrameStyle.textContent += `
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        #gmc-frame .section_header_holder
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          background-color: #FFFFFF;
          box-shadow: 0 0 0 1px #D0D7DE, 0 16px 32px rgba(1,4,9,0.2) !important;

        #gmc-frame input[type="text"],
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          border-color: #1F232826;

        #gmc-frame input[type="text"],
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        #gmc-frame .saveclose_buttons
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          border-color: #1f232826;
          box-shadow: 0 1px 0 rgba(31,35,40,0.04), inset 0 1px 0 rgba(255,255,255,0.25);
          color: #24292f;

        #gmc-frame [type=button]:hover,
        #gmc-frame .saveclose_buttons:hover
          background-color: #f3f4f6;
          border-color: #1f232826;

        #gmc-frame .gmc-checkbox
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          color: #6E7781;

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          fill: #000000;

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          border-top: 1px solid #D0D7DE;

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        #gmc-frame #gmc-frame_section_4 .config_var:not(:last-child)
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          border-color: rgba(31, 35, 40, 0.15);
          box-shadow: rgba(31, 35, 40, 0.1) 0px 1px 0px;
          color: #FFFFFF;

        #gmc-frame #gmc-frame_saveBtn:hover
          background-color: rgb(26, 127, 55);

        #gmc-frame #gmc-frame_section_4
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        #gmc-frame #gmc-frame_section_4 input
          background-color: #F6F8FA;
          border-color: #1F232826;
          box-shadow: 0 1px 0 rgba(31,35,40,0.04), inset 0 1px 0 rgba(255,255,255,0.25);
          color: #CF222E;

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          background-color: #A40E26;
          border-color: #1F232826;
          box-shadow: 0 1px 0 rgba(31,35,40,0.04);
          color: #ffffff;

          color: #1a7f37;

        #gmc-saved svg path
          fill: #1a7f37;
    } else if (THEME === 'dark') {
      gmcFrameStyle.textContent += `
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          color: #E6EDF3;
          box-shadow: 0 0 0 1px #30363D, 0 16px 32px #010409 !important;

        #gmc-frame .section_header_holder
          background-color: #0D1117;
          border: 1px solid #30363D;

          background-color: #161B22;
          box-shadow: 0 0 0 1px #30363D, 0 16px 32px #010409 !important;

        #gmc-frame input[type="text"],
        #gmc-frame textarea,
        #gmc-frame select
          border: 1px solid #5B626C;

        #gmc-frame input[type="text"],
        #gmc-frame textarea
          background-color: #010409;
          color: #FFFFFF;

        #gmc-frame [type=button]:hover,
        #gmc-frame .saveclose_buttons:hover
          background-color: #30363d;
          border-color: #8b949e;

        #gmc-frame .gmc-checkbox
          border-color: #6E7681;

        #gmc-frame input[type="radio"]
          color: #6D7681;

        #gmc-frame input[type="text"]:focus,
          background-color: #0D1117;

        #gmc-frame [type=button],
        #gmc-frame .saveclose_buttons
          color: #c9d1d9;
          background-color: #21262d;
          border-color: #f0f6fc1a;

        #gmc-frame svg
          fill: #E6EDF3;

        #gmc-frame .section_header
          border-bottom: 1px solid #30363D;

          border-top: 1px solid #30363D;

        #gmc-frame #gmc-frame_section_3 .config_var:not(:last-child),
        #gmc-frame #gmc-frame_section_4 .config_var:not(:last-child)
          padding-bottom: 1rem;
          border-bottom: 1px solid #30363D;

        #gmc-frame #gmc-frame_saveBtn
          background-color: #238636;
          border-color: #F0F6FC1A;
          box-shadow: 0 0 transparent;
          color: #FFFFFF;

        #gmc-frame #gmc-frame_saveBtn:hover
          background-color: #2EA043;
          border-color: #F0F6FC1A;

        #gmc-frame #gmc-frame_section_4
          border: 1px solid #f8514966;

        #gmc-frame #gmc-frame_section_4 input
          background-color: #21262D;
          border-color: #F0F6FC1A;

        #gmc-frame #gmc-frame_section_4 input
          color: #F85149;

        #gmc-frame #gmc-frame_section_4 input:hover
          background-color: #DA3633;
          border-color: #F85149;
          color: #FFFFFF;

          color: #3FB950;

        #gmc-saved svg path
          fill: #3FB950;


  function gmcBuildFrame() {
    log(DEBUG, 'gmcBuildFrame()');

    const body = document.querySelector('body');
    const gmcDiv = document.createElement('div');

    gmcDiv.setAttribute('id', 'gmc');


    const gmcFrameDiv = document.createElement('div');
    gmcFrameDiv.setAttribute('id', 'gmc-frame');



    return gmcFrameDiv;

  function applyCustomizations(refresh = false) {
    log(DEBUG, 'applyCustomizations()');

    log(DEBUG, 'refresh', refresh);

    HEADER = document.querySelector(SELECTORS.header.self);

    if (!HEADER) return 'continue';

    const featurePreviewButton = document.querySelector(SELECTORS.avatar.button);

    if (!featurePreviewButton) {
      logError(`Selector ${SELECTORS.avatar.button} not found`);
      return 'break';

    featurePreviewButton.addEventListener('click', waitForFeaturePreviewButton);

      'Off': 'off',
      'Happy Medium': 'happyMedium',
      'Old School': 'oldSchool',
      'Custom': 'custom',


    if (CONFIG_NAME === 'off') return 'break';

    if (CONFIG_NAME === 'custom') configs.custom = generateCustomConfig();



    const headerSuccessFlag = 'customizedHeader';

    const foundHeaderSuccessFlag = document.getElementById(headerSuccessFlag);
    log(DEBUG, 'foundHeaderSuccessFlag', foundHeaderSuccessFlag);

    const configurationApplied = HEADER.classList.contains(CONFIG_NAME);

    if (!configurationApplied && (foundHeaderSuccessFlag === null || refresh)) {

      if (refresh) {
        modifyThenObserve(() => {
          HEADER_STYLE.textContent = '';

          NEW_ELEMENTS.forEach((element) => element.remove());

      if (CONFIG_NAME === 'oldSchool') {
        HEADER_STYLE.textContent += `
          @media (max-width: 767.98px)
              display: none !important;


      HEADER.setAttribute('id', headerSuccessFlag);


      log(QUIET, 'Complete');

      return 'break';
    } else {
      if (CONFIG.avatar.dropdownIcon) insertAvatarDropdown();
      if (CONFIG.avatar.canCloseSidebar) updateAvatarButton();

      if (CONFIG.repositoryHeader.import) {
        // When starting in a repository tab like Issues, the proper repository header
        // (including  Unwatch, Star, and Fork) is not present per GitHub's design.
        // If page title is removed, the page will be missing any location context in the header.
        // To improve this experience, a temporary repository header is created with the
        // page title or breadcrumbs.
        // The proper repository header replaces the temporary one when navigating to the Code tab.
        if (
          !document.querySelector( &&
            document.querySelector(createId(TEMP_REPOSITORY_HEADER_FLAG)) ||
        ) {
          const updated = importRepositoryHeader();

          if (updated) {
            log(QUIET, 'Repository header updated');
          } else {

          return 'break';

    if (CONFIG.avatar.dropdownIcon) insertAvatarDropdown();

  function startObserving() {
    log(DEBUG, 'startObserving()');

        childList: true,
        subtree: true,

  function modifyThenObserve(callback) {
    log(DEBUG, 'modifyThenObserve()');



  function observeAndModify(mutationsList) {
    log(VERBOSE, 'observeAndModify()');

      // This is a failsafe to prevent infinite loops
      logError('MAX_IDLE_MUTATIONS exceeded');

      // This is a failsafe to prevent infinite loops
      logError('MAX_HEADER_UPDATES exceeded');


    for (const mutation of mutationsList) {
      // Use header id to determine if updates have already been applied
      if (mutation.type !== 'childList') return;

      log(TRACE, 'mutation', mutation);

      const outcome = applyCustomizations();

      log(DEBUG, 'outcome', outcome);

      if (outcome === 'continue') continue;
      if (outcome === 'break') break;

  const REPOSITORY_HEADER_SUCCESS_FLAG = 'permCustomizedRepositoryHeader';
  const TEMP_REPOSITORY_HEADER_FLAG = 'tempCustomizedRepositoryHeader';
  const REPOSITORY_HEADER_CLASS = 'customizedRepositoryHeader';
  const MAX_IDLE_MUTATIONS = 1000;
  const MAX_HEADER_UPDATES = 100;

  let CONFIG;
  let HEADER;

  let HEADER_STYLE = document.createElement('style');
  let THEME = 'light';
  let NEW_ELEMENTS = [];
  let SELECTORS = {
    header: {
      self: 'header.AppHeader',
      actionsDiv: '.AppHeader-actions',
      globalBar: '.AppHeader-globalBar',
      localBar: {
        topDiv: '.AppHeader-localBar',
        underlineNavActions: '.UnderlineNav-actions',
      leftAligned: '.AppHeader-globalBar-start',
      rightAligned: '.AppHeader-globalBar-end',
      style: 'customHeaderStyle',
    logo: {
      topDiv: '.AppHeader-globalBar-start .AppHeader-logo',
      svg: '.AppHeader-logo svg',
    hamburgerButton: '.AppHeader-globalBar-start deferred-side-panel',
    pageTitle: {
      id: 'custom-page-title',
      topDiv: '.AppHeader-context',
      links: '.AppHeader-context a',
      separator: '.AppHeader-context-item-separator',
    search: {
      id: 'search-div',
      topDiv: '.AppHeader-search',
      input: '.search-input',
      button: '[data-target="qbsearch-input.inputButton"]',
      magnifyingGlassIcon: '.AppHeader-search-control label',
      commandPalette: '#AppHeader-commandPalette-button',
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  // if (!checkConfigConsistency(configs)) return;

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        label: '<h3>Repository header</h3><div class="gmc-label">Import</div>',
        type: 'checkbox',
        default: false,
      dark_repositoryHeader_alignCenter: {
        label: 'Align enter',
        type: 'checkbox',
        default: false,
      dark_repositoryHeader_removePageTitle: {
        label: 'Remove page title',
        type: 'checkbox',
        default: false,
      dark_repositoryHeader_backgroundColor: {
        label: 'Background color',
        type: 'text',
        default: '',
      dark_repositoryHeader_avatar_remove: {
        label: 'Avatar remove',
        type: 'checkbox',
        default: false,
      dark_repositoryHeader_avatar_customSvg: {
        label: 'Custom SVG (URL or text)',
        type: 'textarea',
        default: '',
      dark_repositoryHeader_link_color: {
        label: 'Link color',
        type: 'text',
        default: '',
      dark_repositoryHeader_link_hover_backgroundColor: {
        label: 'Link hover background color',
        type: 'text',
        default: '',
      dark_repositoryHeader_link_hover_color: {
        label: 'Link hover color',
        type: 'text',
        default: '',
      dark_repositoryHeader_link_hover_textDecoration: {
        label: 'Link hover text decoration',
        type: 'text',
        default: '',
      on_save: {
        label: 'On save',
        section: ['Settings'],
        type: 'select',
        options: [
          'do nothing',
          'refresh tab',
          'refresh tab and close',
          'run script',
          'run script and close',
        default: 'do nothing',
      on_close: {
        label: 'On close',
        type: 'select',
        options: [
          'do nothing',
          'refresh tab',
          'run script',
        default: 'do nothing',
      on_open: {
        label: 'On open',
        type: 'select',
        options: [
          'do nothing',
          'close sidebar',
        default: 'close sidebar',
      menu_item_title: {
        label: 'Menu item title',
        type: 'text',
        default: 'Custom global navigation',
      menu_item_icon: {
        label: 'Menu item icon',
        type: 'select',
        options: [
        default: 'logo',
      log_level: {
        label: 'Log level',
        type: 'select',
        options: [
        default: 'quiet',
      clear_custom_config: {
        label: 'Clear Custom',
        section: ['Danger Zone'],
        type: 'button',
        click: gmcClearCustom,
      apply_happyMedium_config: {
        label: 'Overwrite Custom with Happy Medium',
        type: 'button',
        click: gmcApplyCustomHappyMediumConfig,
      apply_oldSchool_config: {
        label: 'Overwrite Custom with Old School',
        type: 'button',
        click: gmcApplyCustomOldSchoolConfig,