
Download youtube videos at the comfort of your browser.

Tästä skriptistä on versioita, joissa koodia päivitettiin. Näytä kaikki versiot.

  • v1.1.4 2.10.2024

    [ 👋 This is a minor update, click "Reinstall" ]

    • Quality of life improvements and bug fixes
    • Switched endpoints and made the script more robust and ready for immediate changes
    • Fixed the broken endpoint
  • v1.1.3 9.8.2024

    [ 👋 This is a minor update, click "Reinstall" ]

    • Fix a bug where trustedHTML wasnt handled when reloading media
  • v1.1.2 8.8.2024

    👋 This is a minor update! Click "Reinstall"

    • Added TrustedHTML support for chromium based browsers
  • v1.1.1 17.7.2024

    👋 This is a minor update. Click on "Reinstall"

    • Switched endpoint
    • Added more brute-forcing if endpoints are redirected
    • Covered more edge cases for converters
    • Fixed quality swapping for it to be more consistent
    • Fixed issues where blobs were turned undefined if too big to download

    This update should ensure more stability.

  • v1.1.0 13.6.2024

    [👋 This an MAJOR update - Click "Reinstall"]

    • Added animations and made things smoother
    • Added complete support for embeds
    • Fixed shorts
    • Changed server and added support for 2K+
    • Added bulk retrying
    • Fixed a ton of bugs

    And much more... This is 1.1.0!

  • v1.0.3 19.7.2023

    [👋 This an new update - Click "Reinstall"]

    Fixed an unhandled error where the download would be stuck if the failed returned an error upon conversion.

  • v1.0.2 19.7.2023

    ### [👋 This an new update - Click "Reinstall"]

    Improved stability and an issue with byte conversion.

  • v1.0.1 18.7.2023

    [👋 This an new update - Click "Reinstall"]

    • Bugfix: Qualities would display wrong file sizes, so I went for an "estimated size" method instead of precise as the provider provides incorrect values.
    • Bugfix: Qualities would display the wrong qualities on some videos caused by the provider, I added bubble swapping and checks to reswap in case of wrong values.
    • Bugfix: Changed dashes (-) in filenames with underscores (_).
    • Bugfix: If requested media content is unauthorized or unable to get, an error is displayed instead of downloading a corrupted file.
    • Bugfix: Changed old inaccurate error text.
    • And a bit more quality of life fixes...
  • v1.0 18.7.2023