convert ISO 3166-1 code to country names in i18n

convert ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 or alpha-3 or numeric contry/district code to country/district name in i18n

Tästä skriptistä on versioita, joissa koodia päivitettiin. Näytä kaikki versiot.

  • v0.1 5.10.2022

    return an array if codes=true, instead of string joined with slash

  • v0.1 4.10.2022

    deal num in num2country in case \d or \d\d or int passed in

  • v0.1 4.10.2022

    fix zh-\w\w convertion error in convertlang function
    support return a2/a3/num codes with country name
    slim functions with new code2country function

  • v0.1 3.10.2022

    update function convertlang, support more \w\w-\w\w lang pattern

  • v0.1 3.10.2022

    export functions instead of include them in the anonymous function

  • v0.1 3.10.2022

    update match rule

  • v0.1 3.10.2022