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// @description  try to take over the world!
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      function getVidieoTime(num) {
        const m = parseInt(num / 60)<10?'0'+parseInt(num / 60):parseInt(num / 60)
        const s = (num % 60)<10?'0'+(num % 60):(num % 60)
        return m+ ":" +s

      function getLocalTime(nS) {
        let time = new Date(parseInt(nS) * 1000);
        let newTime = new Date()
          .replace(/\//g, "-")
          .substr(5, 10);
        let DataTime = time
          .replace(/\//g, "-")
          .substr(5, 10);
        if (newTime == DataTime) {
          DataTime = "";
        return DataTime + " " + time.toTimeString().substr(0, 5);

        function setView(data) {
        return parseInt(data / 10000);

      bili.addEventListener("scroll", () => {
        var scrollTop = bili.scrollHeight - bili.scrollTop;
        if (scrollTop <= document.documentElement.clientHeight + 10) {
          if (flag <= 9 && isAction) {

      window.addEventListener("resize", () => {
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      let fli = "";
      async function a1() {
        const res = await fetch(
    method: 'GET',
    credentials: 'include'}
        const data = await res.json();
        fli = fsend(data.result, fli);
      async function b() {
        const res = await fetch(
    method: 'GET',
    credentials: 'include'}
        const data = await res.json();
        fan.innerHTML = fsend(data.result, fli);

      function fsend(data, li) {
        let seasons = data[6].seasons;
        let time = Date.parse(new Date()) / 1000;
        for (let i of seasons) {
          li += `<li class="c_fan"  id="${i.url}"  title="${i.title}">
    <div  id="${i.url}">
      <p  id="${i.url}">${i.pub_time}</p>
      <p  id="${i.url}"></p>
    <img src="${i.square_cover}" alt="" loading='lazy'  id="${i.url}">
    <div  id="${i.url}">
      <p><a href="${i.url}" target="_blank">${i.follow==1?'<span class="f-tag">已追番</span>':''} ${i.title}</a></p>
      <p class="${i.pub_ts <= time && i.pub_index ? "geng" : "hua"}"  id="${
          }">${i.pub_index ? i.pub_index : i.delay_reason}</p>
        return li;
      function getPage(child, height) {
        return 87 * child >= height ? true : false;
      const fbtn = document.querySelector(".c_btn");
      fbtn.addEventListener("click", (e) => {
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        ) {
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  // Your code here...