
Script contains features like video download, auto best quality choose and some hotkeys for website.

Tässä ovat skriptin kaikki versiot. Näytä vain versiot, joissa koodi muuttui.

  • v0.4 7.6.2023

    Video downloading link added.

  • v0.3.6 23.8.2021

    Best quality auto set feature has been adjusted to the updated player.

  • v0.3.5 28.7.2021

    Hotkeys are now case-insensitive

  • v0.3.4 3.7.2021

    Sorry, mistake in logic... „Next video” feature fixed (finally?)

  • v0.3.3.1 30.6.2021

    Unused variables removed.

  • v0.3.3 30.6.2021

    Next video option fixed (I hope so)...

  • v0.3.2 23.6.2021

    "Next video" feature fixed.

  • v0.3.1 23.6.2021

    Some issues fixed and the "Next video hotkey" added.

  • v0.3 21.6.2021

    Versioning fix, picture of configuration dialog added.

  • v0.2.2 21.6.2021

    The script is now fully configurable via Configuration dialog window.

  • v0.2.1 18.6.2021

    Unnecessary console.log() removed

  • v0.2 18.6.2021

    From now next and suggested videos' (right column on website) links are set to HD version (if it's available; `bestQualityEnable` option).
    Previous HD version auto set option has now `bestQualityAutoSet` property in the `config` object.

  • v0.1 5.2.2021 Description added :)
  • v0.1 5.2.2021