MouseHunt AutoBot UPDATED

Script automating MH horn sounding and gifting, mostly functional as of 14/04/2024; updating the outdated script from nobodyrandom, who adapted the original versions by CnN and Ooi.

< Feedback on MouseHunt AutoBot UPDATED

Review: OK - Skripti toimii, mutta siinä on ongelmia

Posted: 11.9.2020

This script is good and working, except for some few features:

1) The Auto KR solver works sometimes, but sometimes doesn't. I installed the classic Auto KR script but I dunno if I should disable the Auto KR here to make the other one work.

2) The Trap Check Time is fixed and cannot be modified (always set to 45 mins only).

Posted: 13.9.2020

Hi Fig Yur!

1) The Auto KR solver is the same as the other script you installed - the script in this bot is meant to link to it so that it works together seamlessly. However, the reason why the solver sometimes fails to solve the CAPTCHA is because the OCRAD is outdated; I am not so sure how to fix it however.

2) Am not really sure how to fix this too, sorry! But I don't think it affects the script that much save for refreshing at wrong intervals.

Posted: 23.9.2020

The trap check time can be modified in the code. I recommend just turning trapcheck off though.

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