Pixiv Previewer

Display preview images (support single image, multiple images, moving images); Download animation(.zip); Sorting the search page by favorite count(and display it). Updated for the latest search page.

< Feedback on Pixiv Previewer


Posted: 27.9.2019
Edited: 27.9.2019

Invalid publication links in sorted search.

https://imgur.com/a/CrhN19L After sorting, he offers to go to the damaged link incorrect - https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/76994768id=76994607 correct - https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/76994607

Posted: 29.9.2019

@"Alter House" pixiv has been updated, this script will fix this problem later.

Posted: 29.9.2019

@"Alter House" Fixed, please update to new version.

Posted: 29.9.2019

@ocrosoft написал: @"Alter House" Fixed, please update to new version.

thanks a lot!

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