Colorize GCal:monthly timed events

Colored background for Google Calendar timed events in month view

< Feedback on Colorize GCal:monthly timed events

Review: OK - Skripti toimii, mutta siinä on ongelmia

Posted: 12.7.2016

Doesn't work under Firefox 47.0

What's the best way to debug?

Posted: 12.7.2016

Install Greasemonkey addon first, which is required for most userscripts to work, then install the userscript. It works here in FF48.

Posted: 12.7.2016

Greasemonkey, is of course, already installed.

Posted: 12.7.2016

Well, try opening the devtools console (F12 key), maybe there are some error messages.

Posted: 12.7.2016

F.i. this script works well.

Posted: 12.7.2016

Well, I don't know why it doesn't work for you.

Posted: 12.7.2016

Where do I have to look exactly in the devtools console?

Posted: 12.7.2016


Posted: 12.7.2016

I've installed FF47 portable, Greasemonkey, this userscript - it worked.

Posted: 12.7.2016

Here is a screenshot and here is the content.

Posted: 12.7.2016

Unfortunately the log isn't helpful as all the errors are caused by the site scripts. I have not a slightest idea why it doesn't work for you.

Posted: 12.7.2016

Very strange...

If I activate the same buttons (JS, Logging, Server), then I get the same results as you posted here:


Posted: 12.7.2016

Please post a screenshot of some day in the monthly calendar view, maybe we're talking about different things.

Posted: 12.7.2016

See here

Posted: 12.7.2016

Huh. Please post a screenshot after rightclicking a time label and then Inspect:


Posted: 12.7.2016

Here it is.

Posted: 12.7.2016

For some reason the structure is different. I've updated the script, try it.

Posted: 12.7.2016

Wohoo, now it works! Thanks!

But the colors do not match. An all-day event looks slightly different, than a timed one. Ideally, both events, the all-day and the timed one, should look the same, with the same background and text color.

Is that possible with this script?

BTW, did you notice my answer on this request?

Thanks in advance!

Posted: 12.7.2016

Try the updated version.

Posted: 12.7.2016

It's getting better, see here, but they still don't match.

Posted: 12.7.2016

I don't know why GCal behaves differently for us, both styles match here. Disable my userscript, reload the calendar page and make a screenshot of devtools inspector panel for the two green bars. Also make sure to expand all sub-nodes:


(use the first button in the devtools toolbar on the top twice to click each appointment)

Posted: 12.7.2016

Have a look here.

Posted: 12.7.2016
Edited: 12.7.2016

Yeah the colors are different: #16a765 and #007d39. I'm not sure there's anything I can do about it.

Posted: 13.7.2016

OK, never mind. Thanks for creating this script though!

Posted: 13.7.2016

@wOxxOm If you can fix it somehow. I'm willing to give you a bit of money on paypal if needed. I really need this script for my mom.

Posted: 13.7.2016

I don't understand why color difference needs fixing. Also I don't see it here so you'd have to give me a complete list of all color pairs (their hex values from devtools inspector) used in your GCal.

Posted: 22.7.2016

@wOxxOm Hey, finally had time to look into it. I now understand how your scripts works (using font color as background color) so I understand why changing that color would be a mess. I'll just try making the colors of the calendars as bright as possible so that the slightly darker version on the month view doesn't get really dark.

Thank you very much for the script

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