CS User Manuals Hot Key JS - Mturk Hit the ? key for key list
Snagajob Highlighter JS - Mturk Highlights key words and adds hotkey, click ? for key list
Prospect Smarter JS - Adds Hot keys to Prospect Smarter Hits
Collins Non Quals JS - Mturk collins multiple copy/paste
SET Master Keys JS - Adds Hot keys to Set Master Hits
Mturk Multi Layer Master Cats JS - Keys A,S,D,F,G assigned to choices top to bottom, Key E to submit.
Mturk Single Layer Master Cats JS - Keys A,S,D,F,G assigned to choices top to bottom.
Preview, Accept and Hoard JS - Adds an Accept and Hoard link to every Hit Capsule.
turk HPCBeauty JS - Hides the Instructions in the Mturk hit
Custom Google Search for Mturk JS - A new window will open and search the highlighted words and saved words.
Mturk Logout Time JS - This will show your estimated auto logout time and display a warning when the time drops below 30 minutes.
Mini Grind JS - Creates Custom Forum Format For Mturk Grind
Mturk Hit Not Accepted JS - Unaccepted hits will have a light red background.
Return All JS - Adds a Return All link to the Mturk Queue page.
Amazon Requester Inc Yes/No JS - Use keys to select options in the Mturk Hit
Relevance Groupon on Mturk JS - Hides instructions, auto opens link, when radio is clicked new window closes and hit submits.
Amazon Requester Inc Multiple JS - Keys A,S,D,Z,X,C to mark choices top to bottom and W Key to submit.
Custom Mturk Tab Titles JS - Adds new settings to the very bottom of your Dashboard page that allow you to set tab titles for urls.
Endor Mic JS - A key triggers Mic S key triggers play D key triggers submit
Zing on Mturk JS - Hot keys and hidden Instructions for are these receipts the same
FGD JS - Direct google links with click or hover to copy urls displayed below results
Confirm Report Hit JS - Ask for confirmation before reporting a hit to Mturk AHK friendly
Taste of the World Matching Task JS - A is Yes S is No D is unsure
Version Testing JS - Could be any script that is still being tested.
Tate JS - Reduces the size of the original picture and open it in a new window
Linky JS - Turn selected areas inside a Mturk hit into a google link.
Mturk Contact Templates JS - Store multiple email templates on the Contact Requester page
MTG Grind Mode Switch JS - Adds buttons to the bottom of your screen to switch grind mode on and off
OCMP Extract Multiple Dividends JS - Expand the work area and site boxes
Evan J JS - Search for company news URL
RelevanceQuest JS - Flag images Non Adult and hide instructions
Mturk Block Ads JS - Block the new ads on the top of mturk
Full Queue JS - All 25 hits on one page, return all, return by requester name and open by requester name.
Mturk Unqualified Contact JS - Adds a contact link to unqualified hit capsules