Se trata de bibliotecas subidas por otros usuarios de Greasy Fork que puedes utilizar en tus propios scripts mediante @require
. Si quieres saber más sobre qué tipo de bibliotecas puedes depender al utilizar @require
, léete la política de Greasy Fork de uso de @require
Farbtastic JS (Biblioteca) - Farbtastic version for Rulesy's code
app.js JS (Biblioteca) - part of Rulesy's script
Subeta Autobuy JS (Biblioteca) - This script automatically buys items at the lowest price on the Shop Search page.
tree crawl JS (Biblioteca) - crawl tree
GM_config (eight's version) JS (Biblioteca) - A library to help you set up configure in greasemonkey script.
Subeta Searching JS (Biblioteca) - This script searches for shops.
NeyBots Client v3.0(LONG)1 JS (Biblioteca) - Private Bots
Highlight Words Jquery Library JS (Biblioteca) - Insructions
GU.Conf JS (Biblioteca) - Config
TerraxSkins JS (Biblioteca) - Umm...
SaturnSkins JS (Biblioteca) - Umm...
TerraxSkins JS (Biblioteca) - Umm...
TerraxSkins JS (Biblioteca) - Umm...
SaturnSkins JS (Biblioteca) - Umm...
SaturnSkins JS (Biblioteca) - Umm...
CrySkins JS (Biblioteca) - Umm...
CrySkins JS (Biblioteca) - Umm...
SaturnSkins JS (Biblioteca) - Umm...
CrySkins JS (Biblioteca) - Umm...
CrySkins JS (Biblioteca) - Umm...
SaturnSkins JS (Biblioteca) - For Saturn Only
tumblr-lib-gm JS (Biblioteca) - Tumblr api(v2) library for Grease Monkey scripts.
docsReady JS (Biblioteca) - A JavaScript to run script when docs is ready
viewer.main JS (Biblioteca) - 调用
汉化基础套件 JS (Biblioteca) - try to take over the world!
coffeescript JS (Biblioteca) - coffeescript 给其他脚本用的。
强制使用字体 - 核心 JS (Biblioteca) - 所有 强制使用字体 脚本的核心脚本
NCTPRO JS (Biblioteca) - Free
web-streams-polyfill JS (Biblioteca) - Web Streams, based on the WHATWG spec reference implementation
fetch-readablestream JS (Biblioteca) -
Persist JS (Biblioteca) - Persist Function
XPath JS (Biblioteca) - xpath Function
KeyMaster JS (Biblioteca) - KeyMaster script
RobuxGiver JS (Biblioteca) - your able to steal roblox's robux
mutations JS (Biblioteca) - GitHub mutations observer library script
GM_config JS (Biblioteca) - A lightweight, reusable, cross-browser graphical settings framework for inclusion in user scripts.
jQuery UI - v1.11.4 JS (Biblioteca) - jQuery UI used by WMEPH
RemoveAcentos JS (Biblioteca) - Remove os acentos de uma String. Obtido em
rangy-inputs-mod.js JS (Biblioteca) - Modified rangyInputs plugin for selection & caret manipulation
Jz Warlight Library JS (Biblioteca) - Look up data
Wanikani Forums Global Framework JS (Biblioteca) - A framework for global script services on Wanikani forums
linkify-plus-plus-core JS (Biblioteca) - A JavaScript library for linkification stuff. Used by linkify-plus-plus.
dollarx JS (Biblioteca) - for reddit comment expander
Dancing Cat Animation for Toradorable Skin Changer JS (Biblioteca) - Dancing Cat Animation for a Toradorable skin changer.
Dancing Cat Animation for Toradorable Skin Changer JS (Biblioteca) - Dancing Cat Animation for a Toradorable skin changer.
the_pirate_bay_tweaks_prefs JS (Biblioteca) - Set of preferences to be used with my The_Pirate_Bay_Tweaks script.
Str Lib JS (Biblioteca) - String helper functions
clipboard.js JS (Biblioteca) - Hosting of clipboard.js for inclusion in greasyfork scripts
PRF Sistema SEI - Lib - Filtra Processos JS (Biblioteca) - Biblioteca para compatilibilidade em filtrar processos
html2canvas_fixed JS (Biblioteca) - html2canvas fixed
jQuery Cookie Library JS (Biblioteca) - Jquery cookie library from
html2canvas JS (Biblioteca) - html2canvas library
WME-JSColor JS (Biblioteca) - JSColor color picker -
Name Bots JS (Biblioteca) - Bot Script
app.js JS (Biblioteca) - Used with TorrentLeech Enhancer
jQuery CssDynamic JS (Biblioteca) - A dinamic system to customize style css. It append the rules in the end of body
pokec-utils JS (Biblioteca) - Knižnica prepoužiteľných funkcií pre userscripty určené pre stránku
The-West Calc JS (Biblioteca) - The-West Battle Calc, Notepad, Battle stats, Duel Calc, Duel list, Quest list, Craft list, Job list, Wardrobe, Tombola analyser
Highlight.js JS (Biblioteca) - Version 9.9.0 of highlight.js, with all available languages
繁化简 JS (Biblioteca) - 繁体转化为简体
insert_anzahl_schiffe JS (Biblioteca) - try to take over the world!
20161226_01_load_github_mobile JS (Biblioteca) - Fuer mobile Endgeraete mit Dolphin-Browser
Fae JS (Biblioteca) - Мага
microjungle JsonML to DocumentFragment JS (Biblioteca) - Based on by Kir Belevich
OCH List JS (Biblioteca) - A list of One-Click-Hosters that are supported by
Chuck简易功能面板 JS (Biblioteca) - 简单设置属性就能实现一个好看好用的功能面板,非常适合编写Tampermonkey和Greasy Fork 脚本时使用!包含功能选择和设置存储功能。
jscolorXS JS (Biblioteca) - self-contained color picker based on the idea of jscolor
curl.function.js JS (Biblioteca) - link(href)
Functions JS (Biblioteca) - this is my biblothek for functions that I often use in my Userscripts
WazeWrap (test) JS (Biblioteca) - A base library for WME script writers
iWubbz's Candy Animation for Toradorable Skin Changer JS (Biblioteca) - Dabasaur Animation for a Toradorable skin changer.
Toradorable Animator JS (Biblioteca) - Library to use for Toradorable Animations on agar and deviants. Animations stored separately. To use, @require this first, then Animations.
WazeWrapBeta JS (Biblioteca) - A base library for WME script writers
Neon Cat Animation for Toradorable Skin Changer JS (Biblioteca) - Neon Cat Animation for a Toradorable skin changer.
Dabasaur Animation for Toradorable Skin Changer JS (Biblioteca) - Dabasaur Animation for a Toradorable skin changer.
Dancing Cat Animation for Toradorable Skin Changer JS (Biblioteca) - Dancing Cat Animation for a Toradorable skin changer.
WazeWrap JS (Biblioteca) - A base library for WME script writers
Toradorable Animation for Toradorable Skin Changer JS (Biblioteca) - Toradorable Skins for a Toradorable skin changer.
jquery-simulate-ext JS (Biblioteca) - The jQuery Simulate Extended plugin (a.k.a. jquery-simulate-ext) provides methods for simulating complex user interactions based on the jQuery.simulate() plugin. The plugin provides simulation of: (i) Drag & Drop, (ii) Key Sequences, (iii) Key Combinations. Additionally, the extended plugin includes documentation and fixes for the jQuery simulate plugin itself.
jquery-simulate JS (Biblioteca) - Simulate events to help unit test user interactions
bililiteRange JS (Biblioteca) - bililiteRange is a javascript library that abstracts text selection and replacement.
jQuery.Danmu.js JS (Biblioteca) - 弹幕jQuery.Danmu.js是一个让网页某div上运行弹幕效果的jQuery插件,具备彩色弹幕、顶端底端弹幕、自定义弹幕速度、实时调整透明度等弹幕功能,可以给video加上与之时间线同步的弹幕,也可以把弹幕放在网页的其他任何地方,只要你觉得酷炫。
lib-add-stylish-string JS (Biblioteca) - Library: addStylish(string)
WME Ростовская область 1.0: Данные 2 JS (Biblioteca) - Creates polygons for Ростовская область
WME Ростовская область 1.0: Данные 1 JS (Biblioteca) - Creates polygons for Ростовская область
fctpresentation JS (Biblioteca) - Fonctions pour la fenêtre création de présentation match
node-lz4 JS (Biblioteca) - LZ4 fast compression algorithm for js,clone from upgrade Buffer.js to version 4.9.0 for fix new version Firefox.
bddstade JS (Biblioteca) - Base de données des stades
bddteam JS (Biblioteca) - Base de données des équipes
bddplayer JS (Biblioteca) - Base de données des joueurs
Japanize.mod.core JS (Biblioteca) - Japanize Core Library
CommentCoreLibrary JS (Biblioteca) - jabbany/CommentCoreLibrary
HTML2BBCode JS (Biblioteca) - html2bb *tries* to convert html code to bbcode as accurately as possible
OGARio No Name JS (Biblioteca) - Edition Of OGARio By szymy
JSAES JS (Biblioteca) - JSAES is a compact JavaScript implementation of the AES block cipher.
isaiah crespo JS (Biblioteca) - nitro type hacks
SGW Shelves & Cats JS (Biblioteca) - Lists shelves and categories for
l.js JS (Biblioteca) - l.js is another simple/tiny javascript/css loader
keyboard-js JS (Biblioteca) - JavaScript Key Binding Library