MyAnimeList (MAL) Track Missing Relations

Allows to find missing relations and entries with wrong episode/chapter count

A continuación se muestran las versiones de este script en las que se actualizó el código. Ver todas las versiones.

  • v7.2 17/8/2016 HTTPS support
  • v7.1 30/7/2016 minor changes
  • v7.0.5 7/6/2016 Fixed includes
  • v7.0.4 4/6/2016 fixed again
  • v7.0.3 4/6/2016 fixed a critical bug, when empty entries could appear on relations list
  • v7.0.2 4/6/2016 cosmetic changes
  • v7.0.1 4/6/2016 fix final status message
  • v7.0 4/6/2016 Updated main algorithm; less memory and traffic usage; finding much more relations
  • v6.7.1 3/6/2016 Make the script compatible with USI add-on
  • v6.7 21/5/2016 fixed a minor bug, added hint to Deep Scan options, minor css changes
  • v6.6.5 9/5/2016
  • v6.6.4 9/5/2016 fixed minor bug
  • v6.6.3 20/4/2016 code update #2
  • v6.6.2 20/4/2016 code updates
  • v6.6.1 8/2/2016 revert the previous change
  • v6.6 8/2/2016 updated library
  • v6.5.10 6/2/2016 fix disabled Deep Scan on pressing Update
  • v6.5.9 28/1/2016 updated according to recent changes on MAL
  • v6.5.8 18/1/2016 remove script version from missing relations header, which will probably allow to use the script as a bookmarklet (GM API to retrieve version can't be used in bookmarklets)
  • v6.5.7 17/1/2016
  • v6.5.6 17/1/2016 fix includes (greasyfork bug), added index.php
  • v6.5.5 17/1/2016 fixed cache saving issuel (hopefully)
  • v6.5.4 16/1/2016 suppressed JSLint warnings
  • v6.5.3 16/1/2016 Update ignored entries on pressing Update. They could only be updated by Rescan before.
  • v6.5.2 16/1/2016 Don't suggest entries from the list, if they have an Ignored (in Settings) status. That was kind of illogical, if the user already has an entry in the list, it's pointless to suggest him it.
  • v6.5.1 16/1/2016 small fix
  • v6.5 15/1/2016 added link to fast switch between anime/manga
  • v6.4.1 13/1/2016 fixed a few possible bugs
  • v6.4 13/1/2016 the Settings dialog now returns back to previous dialog, instead of closing
  • v6.3.1 4/1/2016 fixed possible issues with fancybox position
  • v6.3 2/1/2016 replaced MAL's fancybox with my own fancybox
  • v6.2.0 30/12/2015 added Visible count to the left column
  • v6.1.8 7/11/2015 fixed links on panel page
  • v6.1.7 16/10/2015 updated according to recent changes on MAL
  • v6.1.6 23/8/2015 fix
  • v6.1.5 23/8/2015 fix
  • v6.1.4 23/8/2015 update detecting wrong ep/chapter count logic
  • v6.1.3 3/8/2015 don't mark rewatching/rereading series as wrong entries
  • v6.1.2 1/8/2015 Show 'Loading...' status message
  • v6.1.1 30/7/2015 update red relations on pressing Update
  • v6.1 30/7/2015 code update
  • v6.0.2 27/7/2015 fix quotes in titles
  • v6.0.1 27/7/2015 fixes
  • v6.0 27/7/2015 probably fixed
  • v5.2.2 17/7/2015 updated according to recent changes on MAL
  • v5.2.1 20/6/2015 increased buttons font
  • v5.2 20/6/2015 redesign; fix for small browser window
  • v5.1.1 14/6/2015 code update
  • v5.1 14/6/2015 fixed a few bugs; added more status checkboxes to settings
  • v5.0 14/6/2015 a lot of code changes; added settings window; changed css code a little

Ver todas las versiones del script.