Add buttons (past 1/2/3 days, weeks, PDF search etc.) for Google search page
< Opiniones de Google Search Extra Buttons
Now I reload 74 to 75 version of chrome (Win7) and latest version 2019.1.11 works normally (2018.12 also). I use it in developer mode with load as unpacked extension (with file nanifest.json in the same folder).
In your variant script may not work due to: 1) TamperMonkey not supports in version 75 (check on any another sctipt); 2) previous installation of specifical extension may not give to start userscript (more often it present in Firefox and addon as NoScript (show comments lower); 3) in my region Google give old version, but in your region is newer; 4) any more...
The Google search box may have changed and I am happy to report that the search button still works Tested on:
@spmbt greetings in 2019 :)
Don't work in the new(?) google search web style
Hello ,I like this extra button for Goolge search ,that's amazing function for me! thank you for your great job! Now I think there's some issues cause the button didn't work on my computer (Win10 /chrome 75 64bit /Tamper monkey ) I noticed that when I scroll down the web page of google search ,there's always the search bar on the top,it's different than before ever, if it's helpful
I dunno why I can't upload the pic ,sorry about that