Neverwinter gateway - Profession Automation

Automatically selects professions for empty slots

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Publicado: 29/3/2015

Is there any list/guide for resource requirements to start and carry on ?

What i mean is in some professions you can start only with Vendor Supplies(or switch on "Auto Purchase Resources" )and some basic mats in your inventory for script to carry on going up lvl's. But on some of them like Platesmithing script cannot continue the chain after certain lvl, because there is no refine basic resources or something similar in the tasklist. If you do not Purchase refined resources manualy or edit most of the lvl lines after that, the only task that is left for the script to do is gather basic.
On alchemy is not even that - you need to buy all the resources, because task list is only for experiment and research.

Publicado: 29/3/2015

It should automatically make the items you need if you dont have them. Yes, it shows only experimentation in the list as the first task, but next to that task it shows the other tasks it will run if it doesnt have the items it needs to run it.

["Hvy_Armorsmithing_Tier3_Plate_Armor_Set_1", "Hvy_Armorsmithing_Tier3_Plate_Pants2", "Hvy_Armorsmithing_Tier3_Plate_Shirt2", "Hvy_Armorsmithing_Tier3_Plate_Helm_Set_1", "Hvy_Armorsmithing_Tier3_Plate_Pants","Hvy_Armorsmithing_Tier1_Gather_Basic"],

It goes down the list, trying to make each task till it is successfull.

Publicado: 29/3/2015

That quoted line is from 16 lvl and as you can see there is no task for making plates (Refine_Basic). In fact there is no task - Refine_Basic in any lvl except the last one 25.
Plates (iron/steel/mithral) are required to make any item even from the start, but when task for making them (Refine_Basic) is missing even in lvl 1, the only thing left for script to do is gather materials which are required for making plates.

0: ["Hvy_Armorsmithing_Tier0_Intro"],
1: ["Hvy_Armorsmithing_Tier1_Plate_Boots_1", "Hvy_Armorsmithing_Tier1_Plate_Shirt_1","Hvy_Armorsmithing_Tier1_Gather_Basic"],
2: ["Hvy_Armorsmithing_Tier1_Plate_Armor_1", "Hvy_Armorsmithing_Tier1_Plate_Pants_1","Hvy_Armorsmithing_Tier1_Gather_Basic"],
3: ["Hvy_Armorsmithing_Tier1_Plate_Armor_1", "Hvy_Armorsmithing_Tier1_Plate_Boots_Set_1","Hvy_Armorsmithing_Tier1_Gather_Basic"],

You need to either buy iron/steel/etc plates beforehand or manually add (Refine_Basic) tasks on almost every row.

Alchemy tasklist starts like this:
0: ["Alchemy_Tier0_Intro_1"],
1: ["Alchemy_Tier1_Experiment_Rank2", "Alchemy_Tier1_Experimentation_Rank1"],
2: ["Alchemy_Tier1_Experiment_Rank3", "Alchemy_Tier1_Experimentation_Rank2"],
3: ["Alchemy_Tier1_Experiment_Rank4", "Alchemy_Tier1_Experimentation_Rank3"],

No - (Alchemy_Tier1_Gather_Components), no - (Alchemy_Tier1_Refine_Basic), no nothing. So until you buy both Vitriol's and put them in inventory (same with all potions for higher lvls), slot's assigned for Alc will stay empty forever.

Publicado: 30/3/2015

@Lunarcy12 allready say all, normal cases script produce or buy items needed for crafting, only "Gold" and "Residuum" must be exist(workers are most cases mos efficient try buy, than produce, exceptions are BIIG farms).

Below is cut off from my log, if task is "Alchemy_Tier1_Experiment_Rank2" then script look what it must do for it.

BlackIce is level 3
createNextTask 1 0
Searching for task: Blackice_Tier1_Process_Blackice
Found required ingredient: Black_Ice_Raw
Searching ingredient tasks for: BlackIce
Attempting search for ingredient task: Blackice_Tier1_Gather_Rawblackice
Found required ingredient: Crafting_Resource_Blackice_Map
Searching ingredient tasks for: BlackIce
No ingredient tasks found for: Blackice_Tier1_Gather_Rawblackice Crafting_Resource_Blackice_Map
Finding next task
No more possible tasks at this level to try to start 1
task list:  ["Blackice_Tier1_Process_Blackice"]

Leadership is level 20
createNextTask 12 0
Searching for task: Leadership_Tier3_13_Patrol
Checking bags for Crafting_Resource_Mining_Claim
Too many Mining Claims: skiping
Finding next task
Leadership is level 20
createNextTask 12 1
Searching for task: Leadership_Tier3_20r_Master2
Could not find task for: Leadership_Tier3_20r_Master2
Finding next task
Leadership is level 20
createNextTask 12 2
Searching for task: Leadership_Tier3_20r_Master1
Found required ingredient: Crafting_Resource_Mark_Of_Gratitude
Failed to resolve item requirements for task: Leadership_Tier3_20r_Master1
Finding next task
Leadership is level 20
createNextTask 12 3
Searching for task: Leadership_Tier3_20r_Master3
Could not find task for: Leadership_Tier3_20r_Master3
Finding next task
Leadership is level 20
createNextTask 12 4
Searching for task: Leadership_Tier3_20_Destroy
Task Found
Clicked item
Items Populated
Clicking Start Task Button
Publicado: 30/3/2015
Editado: 30/3/2015

ok thx Rooten_mind, but where are the entries in the script for let's say production and refining tasks for alchemy and other professions ? Because i am not like most of you (to run PC/browsers/scripts 24/7 from start to finish) i run it for 8-10 h/day max and only when i want to. So sometimes i want to be able to edit some of the task chains/progresion trough lvl up's to not be fully automated and run only specific tasks on specific lvls. Another thing is - where and how i can see that log(my log)?

As fas as i experienced script is running only tasks associated with current profession lvl (in the row for that lvl) Is that right and intentional ?
6: ["Jewelcrafting_Tier1_Neck_Misc_1", "Jewelcrafting_Tier1_Waist_Misc_1", "Jewelcrafting_Tier1_Refine_Basic", "Jewelcrafting_Tier1_Gather_Basic"],
7: ["Jewelcrafting_Tier2_Waist_Offense_2", "Jewelcrafting_Tier2_Refine_Basic", "Jewelcrafting_Tier2_Gather_Basic", "Jewelcrafting_Tier1_Gather_Basic"],
Here when you get enough exp to lvl up to lvl 7 - Neck_Misc_1 and Waist_Misc_1 (along with all other low lvl tasks) won't start anymore even if you have the stuff to make it unless you manually add the task in lvl 7 row. I that situation if i don't have the items/resources for other lvl 7 listed task "Waist_Offense_2" all production stops and script starts looping gather and refine materials.
To prevent this i need to add all previous tasks in the lvl 7 row (or at least the ones for the chain which produces the required item/mats for making "Waist_Offense_2" or buy it myself). When i do this everything returns to normal until next lvl up.
Also for your other tool "NW -profession names"
"+ go NW gateway place where is porfession task listed
+ click button
+ write Profession name
+ open console log"

I can't see the button to click and how to open/look at the console log ?
The only thing i see for that script that looks like a button is the warning message when not in the right page
"'For Pete\'s sake, don\'t click me! okay, move to page where is profession what names you want print and then... click'"
But i can see nothing there or anywhere else when i am at the right place for the use.
And one last interesting question
How much/many gold/Residuum/bag slots you need to have in char for full auto lvl 0 -> lvl 20 for Alchemy and what about some more bag space heavy profs like weaponsm and armorsm ? Time for the whole process is not important - can be much higher than normal for you, if that can be a factor for the script and what it needs.

Edit: I just noticed that switching on/off "Auto Purchase Resources" somehow interrupts the ability for script to start lower lvl tasks even if item/resources to start it are available in inventory as in the above example.

Publicado: 30/3/2015
Editado: 30/3/2015

I think you don't have sufficient amounts of Residuum. You cann't craft it. The only source of residuum is AH (cost is very variable: sometimes you can buy 999 for 20k, sometimes 150k :P), collecting in game (very slow), or bags from Leadership (slow too if you don't have tens/hundreds of characters) .
999 Residuum is enough for levelling 3-4 profession to 20 lvl.
If you don't have enough bag slots and have no time to move items to bank/post (in game) or you lack of gold, the only solution is to set "auto vendor" in script options.

"'For Pete\'s sake, don\'t click me! okay, move to page where is profession what names you want print and then... click'" IS a button. Click it and see log (CTRL+SHIFT + i) in Chrome/Chromium.

For Alchemy you don't want Residuum and only couple of bag slots.

Publicado: 30/3/2015
Editado: 30/3/2015
I think you don't have sufficient amounts of Residuum.

If you talk about this: "Here when you get enough exp to lvl up to lvl 7 - Neck_Misc_1 and Waist_Misc_1 (along with all other low lvl tasks) won't start anymore even if you have the stuff to make it unless you manually add the task in lvl 7 row"
As i wrote in there - all that is required to make "Necklace of Reformation"(Neck_Misc_1) is Which's Necklace + residuum and they are in inventory, so what you say cannot be the reason. When i click manually that task can be started without problems.
Now when i know how to look in console i see this error in red, but is so random and i cannot link it to any particular event or condition -

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property '_lastSeen' of null client.js?cb=1426776122000en:1 g.releaseOldLists

and that is even after fresh reinstall of the script.
To give you some info - the only 3 options which i switch on/tick on in settings menu are "Auto Purchase Resources", "Debug" and "Fill Optional Assets" - all others are switched off/blank. And i never leave the browser/chars unattended for more than hour or two.
Edit: Now i noticed it is not random! It's not tied to event, but is time based - exactly 30 seconds +/- 3% and have some induced 1 sec delay caused by something every couple minutes.
Lastly one very strange red message in browser's pop up box for collected rewards"
"Failed to collect rewards for assignment "Forge Steel Plates." Make sure that you have room in your inventory."
That is unreal - Profession Resources Bag is like 200+ slots and only 21 are occupied, so room is not the issue :0 And what happens after that error - rewards are dumped in to black hole ? :D Because that slot is emptied for next task.

Publicado: 30/3/2015
Editado: 30/3/2015

Here is explanation for that kind JAVA error,

, it exist it not affect script functions.

Default options are those what works most cases and script is done that way that it can do actions with out user interactions/babysitting. If you dont like default settings, you should read this thread,

There is errors what makes tampermonkey stop, but most cases they are based Gateway errors and that "inventory full"... script itself has no logic to detect that gateway bug(it need no actions).

Publicado: 30/3/2015
Editado: 30/3/2015

Thx Rotten_mind
1 So that is only some kind of display error - good to know.
2 I know that script and default settings are done for full auto. And i am not saying that i don't like the settings, but just wanted to know how to control/edit them for semi-auto use which will give me more choices on different lvls, not just default progresion task chains.
3 I already read that thread on day one even before installing the script for 1-st time and i have no problems to setup and run it properly for multiple chars and professions. :) Or with anything for that matter (discussed in there).
Anyway i already discovered how to change most of the things i wanted to tweak. And if i have the patience to search for specifics/"decipher" the whole code maybe i will find all in time. ;)
Btw where are you from ? Your native language is not even with Latin alphabet or what ? Mine is not (Cyrillic here) and many things about our language and english are entirely different. And on top that i even have not taught it in school (other languages) all i know is on my own.

Publicado: 31/3/2015

..for bot itself, for me it is "all about Automation" I wish to see it work "Automagic", no user inferences needed and you have all possible slots open and Leadership running.

...and about engrish spweaking errors, I must admit that my cat do that much grammatical errors, but he really likes read and write on web Forums... xD, maybe we must forgive and understand that "furry animal" has not same logic what we have(lucky us)...

Publicado: 31/3/2015

:) about automation i know and i said it, just asked if someone was trying to change things around and already knows from where they can be influenced. That will save much time for me to search, change and try different stuff before figuring out what does what and for what reason, because i am not familiar at all with full Java scripts. Although i have some experience with other scripts and know some basic stuff, but not much.

About your cat :D They are funny animals.
I was not criticising you about errors at all, sry if it sounded that way . I was just curious about your native alphabet and language (as i already said mine) ;)

One thing to keep in mind -- the script finds craftable dependencies for the things it wants to craft; and so it usually finds the gather/refine tasks through that mechanism, rather than because they're listed in the task lists. The reason to list them in the task lists is that, in many cases, you can only have 3 instances of a task going at once, so if you have 9 open slots, you need at least 3 different tasks to start at any given time.

So, the "gather" tasks listed in the task lists are there to fill slots in case you run out of other tasks (or Residuum); they're not really there specifically to gather or refine anything. In many cases, you could list the "refine" tasks as well, but then you may have more tasks than you would ever start.

In the case of Alchemy, the gather/refine tasks are again found through the dependency search mechanism, and since you can't have more than one "experiment" or "research" task going at once anyway, it doesn't make a lot of sense to dedicate more than 1-2 slots to Alchemy (unless you're trying to make Aqua Regia for an event); so again, the gather/refine tasks are not necessarily needed in the tasklist. (That said, I added them to mine, because I wanted to use more slots / go faster -- but then I manually stopped that when it was at a point that it would do useless work.)

Publicado: 31/3/2015
One thing to keep in mind .........

Now when i searched/looked at most of the script to see how it works i know all that you wrote here. My concern when i asked the OP question was not really about gather tasks per se, but about other tasks who need resources. Back then (before i looked deep in the script itself) i didn't know that script uses only less than 10-20 % of all available tasks through all levels. That is something like this - 4 tasks from lvl 1 to 7, 2 tasks from lvl 8, than nothing all the way to lvl 12 (looping lvl 8 and lower tasks), then again 2 from lvl 12 and nothing untill lvl 15 (again looping lvl 12 task for 3 levels of exp). So basically script is doing jumps by performing task only on certain lvls (6-7 out of 20)
example: 1,2,3,7,8,12,15,18 or something similar - big gaps between lvls. Now i know that is done for simplicity of full automatization at the expense of resources and space.

The "optimal path" varies by profession, but in most cases there does seem to be some subset of tasks that produce more experience or resources than others. On the other hand, I'm guessing the original author of the script played a rogue, with plenty of residuum and gold, as often rogue related tasks were listed when others were equivalent, and tasks that required lots of residuum were listed. So... I've certainly been tweaking those by both my needs and (changing) resources. Just a case of no "one size fits all" solutions....

Publicado: 1/4/2015
I've certainly been tweaking those by both my needs and (changing) resources. Just a case of no "one size fits all" solutions....

Exactly - that is what interests me the most.
I am guessing it's not enough to just to change/move around the tasks in tasklist by levels, because not all chained tasks used by script are listed there. My original doubts and a question was pretty much for that reason. So if you can give me some more specific pointers from where other things can be influenced i will appreciate it.

Publicado: 1/4/2015
Editado: 1/4/2015
One thing to keep in mind .........

...snip... snap... is done for simplicity of full automatization at the expense of resources and space.

(started looking how "markdown" works, hope we get some fun sheets here)

If overall performance gain is 50%, but you must give hours your own time for it... is it worth?

...and space/resources/expenses/time, if you dont use "residuum" you waste space and or resources so it affects expenses... or you use first space and later "residuum" then you waste less resources, but you anyway waste "resources"... so it again raise expenses.... and most expencive use "residuum" use less time and other resources, but you need some space(just trash away from inventory).

As long script can run and not waste user time, that long script efficiency is acceptable, IMHO.

...but current profiles/task´s can grind one profession up lvl20 very fast if you have resources, but if start from "scratch"... it can take long time to get anything done.

Resources needed by profession task´s(Leadership is different)

Residuum Gold extra workers no Extra resources
gives more XP needed basic refining, buy eg. charcoal, solvent mass refining/gathering only gathering
... because not all chained tasks used by script are listed there.

Sometimes you have to look up a task's name, if it's one you want to do and it isn't listed in script already.

In case you don't know how to do that: In Chrome, Right-click on the "Continue" button on the professions's task list pages, and select "Inspect Element." Sometimes you have to do it twice to bring the actual code into view.

Publicado: 2/4/2015

Rotten_Mind thx for the link. As i already said - this script is very good, because it needs minimal input and is perfect for people who run bot-farms with several tens or even hundreds of chars on dedicated PC/server working 24/7. But for normal people like me who can use it only for 10-12 h/day must be changed slightly (i mean the people who want to do it and have basic know-how stuff). Now - because there is a big gaps in tasks used through lvls my primary concern is space. How to not trash most of produced items because they cannot be used before much higher lvl is reached for next task that requires it as material. If sell function is used when inv is full, those same items all must be produced again trough steps from +1, +2, +3 when new lvl for next +X is finally reached on top of gathering/buying materials again. I think the amount of +X items required to go through lvls can be narrowed down to less than 100 (from 156 - 200+ needed in big gaps now). Sure will need management here and there, but as you said - the scales always have two sides :)

Glowing Crystalline Entity
I know all that from day one and no need to even go there. The link/name for the task is in address bar before you click "start task".

What i meant in that line was - script is using tasks that are not listed in lvl by lvl task list and didn't know how they are chain-linked together with listed ones (as is the case with Alchemy and some other).

Anyway thx for both of you. Any helpful advice that you can add here for how the script can be tweaked will be beneficial for all readers.

Publicado: 2/4/2015
But for normal people like me who can use it only for 10-12 h/day must be changed slightly (i mean the people who want to do it and have basic know-how stuff).

Now - because there is a big gaps in tasks used through lvls my primary concern is space. How to not trash most of produced items because they cannot be used before much higher lvl is reached for next task that requires it as material.

There is no gaps, just optimization so script dont waste resource making product it cant finish.

Leveling profession when output product cant be used or sold with profit is what happens in Neverwinter professions.(waste)

Most items what you produce are useless ingame, so you sell them or script sell them for you... no problems with inventory space.

If want keep your profession running, but also want that PC is not OnLine, then you get lower efficiency because you use "mass tasks" or pick long leadership task´s.

If something is made working "Online" then it is hard to make work "Offline", but any one can try use gateway when its offline.... so that tweak is something I want see, very usefull for us, xD.

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