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Saltar Automáticamente Anuncios De YouTube

Omita automáticamente los anuncios de YouTube al instante. Elimine la ventana emergente de advertencia del bloqueador de anuncios. Muy ligero y eficiente.

< Opiniones de Saltar Automáticamente Anuncios De YouTube

Puntuación: Pasable; el script funciona, pero tiene carencias importantes

Publicado: 29/9/2024
Editado: 29/9/2024

It works on regular videos, just not on shorts. It would be best if you excluded*

function skipAd() {
    // Check if the current URL is a YouTube Shorts URL and exit the function if true
    if (window.location.pathname.startsWith('/shorts/')) {
        return; // Do nothing for Shorts
//rest of the code

Other than that, everything works fine. thanks!

Publicado: 30/9/2024

YouTube uses a single-page app, using @exclude will not run the script when you start on a Shorts page. I have updated the code based on your code. Thanks for your contribution.

Publicado: 30/9/2024

Thanks for updating that! I have been manually adding that to my code, so I appreciate you adding it to the original.

If I find more valuable changes, I will let you know.

PS -- ignore all the haters in the feedback. The negative reviews *always* are more than the good ones because the only ones who review are the complainers, and most of the people who use it without issue never review.

Publicado: 3/10/2024

You're welcome! If you find any other valuable changes, feel free to contribute.

I agree. In fact, most satisfied users won't leave reviews, so negative reviews are not many.

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