YouTube JS Engine Tamer

To enhance YouTube performance by modifying YouTube JS Engine

< Opiniones de YouTube JS Engine Tamer

Puntuación: Pasable; el script funciona, pero tiene carencias importantes

Publicado: 28/2/2024

When I go to sleep and leave a live stream running, usually the next day I wake up, this video crashes and the video connection ball keeps running instead of returning automatically, it seems to be from the script, and it doesn't seem to happen in every video.

Publicado: 28/2/2024



removed the related fix. the issue should be gone.

Publicado: 29/2/2024
Editado: 29/2/2024

When I go to sleep and leave a live stream running, usually the next day I wake up, this video crashes and the video connection ball keeps running instead of returning automatically, it seems to be from the script, and it doesn't seem to happen in every video.

Please disable this script and try again. I think this issue is due to the youtube own coding.

This issue should be not often. Just refresh your browser.

You might also try the following:

open the userscript code editing.

change ENABLE_discreteTasking, ENABLE_weakenStampReferences, WEAK_REF_BINDING, WEAK_REF_PROXY_DOLLAR from true to false

It might take you a week to try to ensure these are the root clause for the issue.

Tried to update some coding in 0.11.6 to avoid such a problem

I think the issue has been fixed now. Please check again and change to GOOD if it works.

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