Botón de traducción de página de Bard

🍓 permite que Bard traduzca la página web que estás leyendo con un solo clic

< Opiniones de Botón de traducción de página de Bard

Puntuación: Pasable; el script funciona, pero tiene carencias importantes

Publicado: 4/2/2024

I installed the script with tampermonkey and it doesn't work. I see a button but when I click it nothing happens. Then I uninstall the script but the button is still there. How can I remove it? I try then install and uninstall again, I try to deactivate tampermonkey. But whenever I start Chrome, and on every tab - the button is here.

Publicado: 15/2/2024

Uninstalling the script should solve the problem, but it's strange that the script is still there after you've uninstalled it and deactivated Tampermonkey.

Honestly, I got no idea.

Publicado: 15/2/2024

I was wrong! I had Violet Monkey and Tampermonkey and when I uninstalled it also from Violet everything was back to normal

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