No Youtube Short

Allows you to view Youtube shorts as normal videos

< Opiniones de No Youtube Short

Puntuación: Malo; el script no funciona

Publicado: 21/7/2023

It does not work

Publicado: 29/10/2023

It does not work

Hello Fabian
Sorry it didn't work for you, it was a very rudimentary version that didn't take into account links without the "www" and waited for the page to load before redirecting to the normal (non-short) video page so it was a little bit slow, all this has now been fixed and it should work very fine now :)

Publicado: 24/1/2024

Thank you for your answer, and I am grateful for all the work you put into your script. I came to the conclusion that I don't need the YouTube Shorts because I've only watched 2 YouTube Shorts videos, so I switched to blocking YouTube Shorts bye using a browser extension.

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