Saltarse Todos los Enlaces Acortados

Saltarse Automáticamente todos los enlaces acortados, AdFly y omitir anuncios, ir directamente al destino, ahora se agregó descarga automática de archivos

< Opiniones de Saltarse Todos los Enlaces Acortados

Puntuación: Pasable; el script funciona, pero tiene carencias importantes

Publicado: 7/8/2022

Hi, Can u bypass this URL sHortener? Thanks:

Publicado: 8/8/2022

Hi bro, can you tell me if is hard to bypass?
Sample link:


Publicado: 8/8/2022

i don't like to check the site that causes my browser not responding when I see the source code such as,
just wait my next version , someday maybe i will bypass it

Publicado: 9/8/2022

what do you mean by not responding? I right click and click "view page source" and it works? Do you mean "inspect elements"? Thanks

Publicado: 9/8/2022

i don't like to check the site that causes my browser not responding when I see the source code such as,
just wait my next version , someday maybe i will bypass it

Hi @bloggerpemula can you answer my last question please? Thanks

Publicado: 9/8/2022

yes inspecting element , i know this bugs come from my favorite browser and my pc is low spec, working fine if using another browser.

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