
Skip ADB Check,auto download.

< Opiniones de megaupSkipADBCheck

Puntuación: Pasable; el script funciona, pero tiene carencias importantes

Publicado: 14/8/2023

Most of the time the script works, but it happen a lot where it keeps oscillating between the page and

When this happen it never stop and it's impossible to download the file

Publicado: 26/10/2023
Editado: 26/10/2023

I tried fixing it, but megaup somehow doesnt let you download it, if you are faster than ~3 seconds. So this can just be fixed by changing the seconds variable in the script from 0 to 3. You'll have to wait 3 seconds now, but it'll still auto download.

Also I'm no expert on this, so if anyone is please take a look and see if you can fix it.

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