Descargador de Instagram

Agregue botones para descargar o abrir medios

< Opiniones de Descargador de Instagram

Puntuación: Bueno; el script funciona tal y como promete

Publicado: 5/12/2023
Editado: 5/12/2023

If you use to download stories only, like myself
change this line:
headers: new Headers({
'User-Agent': window.navigator.userAgent,
Origin: location.origin,
for just this:
headers: new Headers(),

it will solve the problem and download it stories normally.
(line number 714)

Publicado: 5/12/2023

It didn't work for me, in the F12 console says "Cannot find post id" and "Cannot find media id"

Publicado: 5/12/2023

It didn't work for me, in the F12 console says "Cannot find post id" and "Cannot find media id"

fetch(url, {
headers: new Headers(),
mode: 'cors',

check if it's like that?
On firefox it's working stories downloading for me.

Publicado: 5/12/2023

fetch(url, {
headers: new Headers(),
mode: 'cors',

check if it's like that?
On firefox it's working stories downloading for me.

Exactly like this
I use Chrome, maybe that's why

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