Youtube polymer engine fixes

Some fixes for Youtube polymer engine

< Opiniones de Youtube polymer engine fixes

Puntuación: Pasable; el script funciona, pero tiene carencias importantes

Publicado: 20/11/2021

Home page forced to 1 column when using custom thumbnail sizes. Rolling back to old versions doesn't fix so I assume YT changed something on their end.

Publicado: 20/11/2021

Am also getting that. Set thumbnail width to default.

Publicado: 20/11/2021

Should be fixed in 2.10.6.

Publicado: 20/11/2021

Home page forced to 1 column when using custom thumbnail sizes. Rolling back to old versions doesn't fix so I assume YT changed something on their end.

is fixed friend , wait for apporove source by @Bogudan

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