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Bypass FileCrypt

Bypass FileCrypt and get the original link! Try this version first. If Bypass FileCrypt shows a "2" in the page and doesn't redirect to the final page, then remove this script and try Bypass FileCrypt (XHR) instead.

< Opiniones de Bypass FileCrypt

Puntuación: Pasable; el script funciona, pero tiene carencias importantes

Publicado: 24/2/2024

Hi, for me it works: it shows the list of the available links.
Which browser and userscript manager are you using?

Publicado: 25/2/2024

Okay, working now. must have been a one time problem

Publicado: 1/3/2024

Again not working for

can you check again?

Publicado: 9/3/2024

the script works, but the site it uses for decrypting links ( might not be working sometimes.

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