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Furaffinity Webcomic Autoloader SX

Gives you the option to load all the subsequent comic pages on a FurAffinity comic page automatically.

< Opiniones de Furaffinity Webcomic Autoloader SX

Puntuación: Bueno; el script funciona tal y como promete

Publicado: 6/10/2022
Editado: 6/10/2022

Really cool works perfectly fine. Just a little idea perhaps:
The script could check if the next link would be the same as the last one. Cause many people do add a "next" which leads to the same page as the current (if the current is the newest but not last page made).
This leads to an endless loop of the script loading the same page again and again.

But its just a little idea. This script works perfectly and I love it :D

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