Netflix - subtitle downloader

Allows you to download subtitles from Netflix

< Opiniones de Netflix - subtitle downloader

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Publicado: 3/3/2022

I installed it in Firefox, I chose download all subtitles for the season, a progress bar appeared that reached 100%. But now I don't know where these downloaded subtitles are... Where do the subtitles go after downloading?


Publicado: 3/3/2022

This has nothing to do with my script and can be answered with one quick google search but fine, I'll answer that:

Publicado: 4/3/2022

Thank you for the link.

For those who do not understand computer language or scripts, it is not easy to understand a number of things. I'm learning little by little. I thought the script had an option to choose where to save the files or that it could open a folder where those files would be.

I've realized now that it doesn't work like that...

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