reddit image info

Shows and highlights media/author information from imgur, gfycat, giphy,, and more, adds an improved image/video expando, and detects reposted imgur comments.

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Shows information from imgur, gfycat,, and other image hosting sites, including:

  • imgur/gfycat/giphy/ author, link to author/comments pages when available
  • difference in date/time between when posted to imgur gallery (or uploaded to other image hosting sites) and posted to reddit
  • imgur topic/section, gfycat and other site's respective tags
  • imgur gallery titles and descriptions, gfycat/ titles
  • highlights titles and authors that match between reddit and imgur/gfycat/giphy/, shows title similarity when over threshold (default 75%)
  • imgur/gfycat/giphy/ image/video sizes and dimensions, highlights large sizes/dimensions
  • video frame rates, highlights low/high frame rates
  • imgur NSFW status, gfycat/giphy content rating
  • gfycat/giphy/ video source when available
  • highlights animated images and long durations, durations shown on title after expanding content and shown for gfycat links
  • highlights known spam accounts on imgur, account farmer content sources, and others
  • highlights several known shock/troll images such as shoveldog and zippocat
  • highlights several link shorteners and ad/affiliate redirect sites in image descriptions
  • highlights thumbnail/reduced size versions of links
  • highlights imgur content that may indicate potential spam or sketchy behavior

Also adds a few features:

  • improved inline album/image/video expandos - loads webm/mp4 where RES would load GIFs (certain indirect links and albums), and loads the original source video where the native reddit expando would load a very badly compressed low quality version of a video/GIF
  • GIF to gfy conversion option
  • highlights reddit comments that are direct copies of ones in the corresponding imgur gallery for a post

All features are configurable via the rii settings button next to the user preferences link. Virtually everything can be disabled or modified as desired. You can add your own tags for author names that match a regex, add tags for media with specific dimensions and size, and highlight media description text that matches a regex.