Hover Preview

Pops up a floating div when you hover over a link, containing the target page!

< Opiniones de Hover Preview

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Publicado: 17/04/2015

Feature Request: Hover preview only on hotkey-press

Hello, I really like this script and it is the only one of its type that I can even seem to find. Still, I don't actually use it very often because I only want to use it on certain links -- not all. Just FYI, I am not much of a programmer (I tried to edit the code and do this myself but I have no idea what I'm doing), and I registered on this site just to make this comment. So I apologize in advance if this is not the right way to do this, but..

Could I make a feature request that you make it so the hover-preview div only comes up if you use some hotkey on the mouse (after hovering for a bit)? For example, you could have the hover preview window appear only upon pushing middle mouse after hovering the cursor over a link for some pre-set delay (like, say, 1000ms). The delay would keep it from blocking normal middle-mouse functionality on the link.

This feature would be kind of like the Mouseover Popup Image Viewer script (also on this site), where - after the hovering div of the image first appears - you can right click (or change to another mouse button like mWheelUp) to make the image expand to full screen. Except, in the case of Hover Preview, hovering on the link for the set delay would only enable the possibility of using middle mouse to make the hover-preview window appear, not make it fullscreen after it has already appeared anyway (though that would be a cool feature too).

Of course, the hotkey wouldn't have to be middle mouse; scrolling up/down or using right mouse could easily work, too. So long as you have that delay so people can still keep their normal mouse button functionality, it would be perfect. And I'm only talking about only using the common mouse buttons (no keyboard) because I think that people who use hover scripts such as this and MPIV are inherently lazier browsers (like myself), and prefer to only use one hand on their mouse to browse, if at all possible.

Keep up the good work, and thanks so much for making this script!

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