Hide un-revivables - Oxy's Revive 1.2

Checks an entire faction's member list and hides members with revives disabled. (Now works on your own facion page. Has less overhead on other pages.)

// ==UserScript==
// @name         Hide un-revivables - Oxy's Revive 1.2
// @namespace    gaskarth.revivechecker.torn Fork of oxy.revivechecker.torn
// @version      1.20.7
// @description  Checks an entire faction's member list and hides members with revives disabled. (Now works on your own facion page.  Has less overhead on other pages.)
// @author       Gaskarth, Oxycodone [2306250], Updated by GPT
// @match        https://www.torn.com/*
// @icon         https://www.google.com/s2/favicons?sz=64&domain=torn.com
// @grant        none
// @license      MIT
// ==/UserScript==

const API_KEY = '??????????????????'; // Replace with your actual API Key

const pagesToInjectInto =['factions.php?step=profile', 'factions.php?step=your#/tab=info'];
let factionMembers = [];
let buttons=[];

async function fetchData(url) {
    const response = await fetch(url);
    if (!response.ok) {
        console.error(`Failed to fetch data: ${response.statusText}`);
        return null;
    return await response.json();

function raiseError(userMessage, errorMessage){
    return false;

async function getRevivableFactionMembers(factionId) {
    const factionData = await fetchData(`https://api.torn.com/v2/faction/${factionId}/members?key=${API_KEY}&striptags=true`);
    if (!factionData || !factionData.members) return raiseError('Failed to fetch faction data. Check the console for details.', 'No member data returned:'+ factionData);
    return({revivesEnabled:factionData.members.filter(m=>m.is_revivable===true /* && m.status.state=='Hospital' */).map(m=>m.id),members:factionData.members});

async function clickRevive(factionId) {
    buttons.forEach(b=>{b.el.innerText = 'Busy';b.el.disabled = true;});
    applyReviveFilter( await getRevivableFactionMembers(factionId));
    buttons.forEach(b=>{b.el.innerText = b.defaultLabel + ' √' ; b.el.disabled = false;});

function applyReviveFilter({revivesEnabled,members}) {
    const th=document.querySelector('UL.table-header')?.querySelector('LI.table-cell.days');
    if(th) th.innerHTML='<span style="color:green" title="Days in faction replaced with life">Life</span>';

    document.querySelectorAll('.table-body > li').forEach((row) => {
        // TornTools injects a DIV after the user info row
        let nextSibling = row.nextElementSibling;
        if (!nextSibling || !nextSibling.classList.contains('tt-stats-estimate')) nextSibling=null;
        // Extract the user ID (XID) from the <a> tag inside the row
        const userLink = row.querySelector('a[href^="/profiles.php?XID="]')?.getAttribute('href').split('?')[1];
        if (userLink) {
            const userId = (new URLSearchParams(userLink).get('XID')); // Extracts the user ID as a string value from the URL
            if (userId && +userId && +userId>0 && !revivesEnabled.includes(+userId)) {
            } else {
                const member=members.find(m=>m.id==userId);
                const daysElement = row.querySelector('.table-cell.days');
                const statusElement = row.querySelector('.table-cell.status span');
                const hospitatised = statusElement.innerText=='Hospital';
                const statusDetailWord = (member.status.details)?.split(' ')[0];
                daysElement.title = `Days in faction: ${daysElement.innerText}<br/>
                Life percentage: ${(member.life.maximum>0) ? Math.floor(100 * member.life.current / member.life.maximum + 0.5) : 'n/a' }<br/>
                Total life: ${member.life.maximum}<br/>
                Last Action: ${member.last_action.relative}<br/>
                Status: ${member.status.description}<br/>
                if(statusDetailWord) statusElement.innerText=`🏥 ${statusDetailWord}`;

function waitForElement(selector, callback, timeout = 5000) {
    const intervalTime = 100; // Check every 100ms
    const startTime = Date.now();
    const interval = setInterval(() => {
        const element = document.querySelector(selector);
        if (element) {
        } else if (Date.now() - startTime > timeout) {
            console.error(`Element not found: ${selector}`);
    }, intervalTime);

function makeButton(id,className, label, alt, click){
    const button = document.createElement('button');
    button.id = id;
    button.textContent = label;
    button.alt = alt;
    button.className = className;
    button.addEventListener('click', click);
    return button

async function insertButtons(factionId) {
    const button = document.createElement('button');
    buttons=[{id:'revive-check-button1',defaultLabel:'Hide Unrevivables'},
             {id:'revive-check-button2',defaultLabel:'Hide Unrevivables'}];
    const altText='Created by a script, Revive state filter, to hide unrevivable users from a faction list';
    buttons[0]={...buttons[0], el:makeButton(buttons[0].id,'torn-btn',buttons[0].defaultLabel, altText,() => clickRevive(factionId))};
    buttons[1]={...buttons[1], el:makeButton(buttons[1].id,'torn-btn',buttons[1].defaultLabel, altText,() => clickRevive(factionId))};
    if (!document.querySelector('#'+ buttons[0].id)) document.querySelector('.content-title')?.appendChild(buttons[0].el);
    // Find the target element and insert the button above its content
    if (!document.querySelector('#'+ buttons[1].id)) {
        waitForElement('.faction-info-wrap.restyle.another-faction', (targetElement) => {
            targetElement.insertBefore(buttons[1].el, targetElement.firstChild);

function getFactionId(){
    const url = window.location.href;
    const factionIdMatch = url.match(/factions\.php\?step=profile\/(\d+)/);
    let factionId = document.querySelector('.view-wars')?.getAttribute('href')?.split('ranked/')[1]
    || document.querySelector('#tt-faction-id')?.innerText.replace(/\D/g, '')
    || ((factionIdMatch?.length>1) && factionIdMatch[1]);
    return factionId;

function init() {
    const factionId = getFactionId();
    window.addEventListener('hashchange', init);
        console.error("No faction id found in this page");
        alert("The Faction id could not be found in the page - please report this");
    if (API_KEY[0] === '?') {
        alert('RTFM — You need to edit this script and add your API key');
        console.error('No API_KEY supplied');

const url = window.location.href;

if (url.includes('factions.php?step=profile') ) {
    if (document.readyState !== 'complete') {
        window.addEventListener('load', init);
    } else {
} else {
    if ( url.includes('factions.php?step=your#/tab=info')) {//
        waitForElement('.faction-info-wrap.faction-profile.own-faction-profile', (targetElement) => {