Violentmonkey Scripts
< Opiniones de Autopass Cloudflare CAPTCHA
async function VerifyYouAreHuman_02() { let dom = await global_module.waitForElement("input[type='checkbox']", null, null, 200, -1); global_module.clickElement($(dom).eq(0)[0]); dom = await global_module.waitForElement("span[class='mark']", null, null, 200, -1); global_module.clickElement($(dom).eq(0)[0]);}now fail to click checkbox , always reload CAPTCHA let dom = await global_module.waitForElement("input[type='checkbox']", null, null, 200, -1); global_module.clickElement($(dom).eq(0)[1]);bypass checkbox click for work
let dom = await global_module.waitForElement("input[value='Verify you are human'][type='button']", null, null, 200, -1); global_module.clickElement($(dom).eq(0)[0]);no work too
Inicia sesión para responder.
async function VerifyYouAreHuman_02() {
let dom = await global_module.waitForElement("input[type='checkbox']", null, null, 200, -1);
dom = await global_module.waitForElement("span[class='mark']", null, null, 200, -1);
now fail to click checkbox , always reload CAPTCHA
let dom = await global_module.waitForElement("input[type='checkbox']", null, null, 200, -1);
bypass checkbox click for work