动漫岛 视频功能增强

允许观看和下载动漫岛视频,去除部分uBlock Orgin未自动拦截的广告

/* eslint-disable no-multi-spaces */

// ==UserScript==
// @name               动漫岛 视频功能增强
// @namespace          Mandao-Video
// @version            0.6
// @description        允许观看和下载动漫岛视频,去除部分uBlock Orgin未自动拦截的广告
// @author             PY-DNG
// @license            GPL-license
// @match              http*://www.mandao.tv/*
// @icon               https://www.mandao.tv/favicon.ico
// @grant              none
// @run-at             document-start
// ==/UserScript==

(function __MAIN__() {
    'use strict';

	// Polyfills
	const script_name = '新的用户脚本';
	const script_version = '0.1';
	const NMonkey_Info = {
		GM_info: {
			script: {
				name: script_name,
				author: 'PY-DNG',
				version: script_version
		mainFunc: __MAIN__
	const NMonkey_Ready = NMonkey(NMonkey_Info);
	if (!NMonkey_Ready) {return false;}

	// Arguments: level=LogLevel.Info, logContent, asObject=false
	// Needs one call "DoLog();" to get it initialized before using it!
	function DoLog() {
		// Get window
		const win = (typeof(unsafeWindow) === 'object' && unsafeWindow !== null) ? unsafeWindow : window ;

		// Global log levels set
		win.LogLevel = {
			None: 0,
			Error: 1,
			Success: 2,
			Warning: 3,
			Info: 4,
		win.LogLevelMap = {};
		win.LogLevelMap[LogLevel.None]     = {prefix: ''          , color: 'color:#ffffff'}
		win.LogLevelMap[LogLevel.Error]    = {prefix: '[Error]'   , color: 'color:#ff0000'}
		win.LogLevelMap[LogLevel.Success]  = {prefix: '[Success]' , color: 'color:#00aa00'}
		win.LogLevelMap[LogLevel.Warning]  = {prefix: '[Warning]' , color: 'color:#ffa500'}
		win.LogLevelMap[LogLevel.Info]     = {prefix: '[Info]'    , color: 'color:#888888'}
		win.LogLevelMap[LogLevel.Elements] = {prefix: '[Elements]', color: 'color:#000000'}

		// Current log level
		DoLog.logLevel = win.isPY_DNG ? LogLevel.Info : LogLevel.Warning; // Info Warning Success Error

		// Log counter
		DoLog.logCount === undefined && (DoLog.logCount = 0);

		// Get args
		let level, logContent, asObject;
		switch (arguments.length) {
			case 1:
				level = LogLevel.Info;
				logContent = arguments[0];
				asObject = false;
			case 2:
				level = arguments[0];
				logContent = arguments[1];
				asObject = false;
			case 3:
				level = arguments[0];
				logContent = arguments[1];
				asObject = arguments[2];
				level = LogLevel.Info;
				logContent = 'DoLog initialized.';
				asObject = false;

		// Log when log level permits
		if (level <= DoLog.logLevel) {
			let msg = '%c' + LogLevelMap[level].prefix;
			let subst = LogLevelMap[level].color;

			if (asObject) {
				msg += ' %o';
			} else {
				switch(typeof(logContent)) {
					case 'string': msg += ' %s'; break;
					case 'number': msg += ' %d'; break;
					case 'object': msg += ' %o'; break;

			if (++DoLog.logCount > 512) {
				DoLog.logCount = 0;
			console.log(msg, subst, logContent);

	// Constances
	const CONST = {Text: {}};

	// Init language
	let i18n = navigator.language;
	let i18n_default = 'en';
	if (!Object.keys(CONST.Text).includes(i18n)) {i18n = i18n_default;}

	function main() {
		const HOST = getHost();
		const API = getAPI();

		// Common actions

		// API-based actions
		switch(API[0]) {
				// https://www.mandao.tv/templets/player/player_php/xigua.php
			case "man_v":
			case "man":
				DoLog('API is {}'.replace('{}', API));
		API[0] === 'templets' && API[1] === 'player' && hideInlineAd();

	function commons() {
		// Your common actions here...

	function showLink() {

		let count = 0, hooked = [];
		const protects = ['.urlli>div'];

		const evts = ['DOMSubtreeModified', 'DOMNodeInserted', 'DOMNodeRemoved'];
		evts.forEach((evtName) => (document.addEventListener(evtName, hook)));

		function hook(e) {
			if (!e.target || !e.target.parentElement || !e.target.parentElement.classList) {return false;}
			if (hooked.includes(e.target)) {return false;}
			if (protects.some((selector) => (Array.from($All(selector)).includes(e.target)))/* && e.target.style.display === 'none'*/) {

				const div = e.target;
				const ul = $(e.target, 'ul');
				const parent = div.parentElement;
				bringback(parent, div, ul, count);
				DoLog(LogLevel.Success, '拦截到入口[' + count + ']更改');

				count >= countElms() && evts.forEach((evtName) => (document.removeEventListener(evtName, hook)));

		function bringback(parent, div, ul, n) {
			const interval = setInterval(work, 100);

			function work() {
				if (div.parentElement !== parent) {
					div.style.display = '';
					DoLog(LogLevel.Success, '成功恢复入口[' + n + ']');

		function countElms() {
			let count = 0;
			for (const selector of protects) {
				count += $All(selector).length;
			return count;

	function showPlay() {
		if (document.readyState !== 'complete') {
			window.addEventListener('load', showPlay);
		const selectors = ['#stab_1_71', '.play_left'/*, '.play_right'*/, '.player', '.playding', '.pfromd', '.footer'];
		const elms = selectors.map(s => $(s));
		for (const elm of elms) {
			if (elm) {
				elm.style.display = '';
				Object.defineProperty(elm.style, 'display', {
					get: () => '',
					set: () => true,
					enumerable: true,
					configurable: true,

	function hideInlineAd() {
		if (document.readyState !== 'complete') {
			window.addEventListener('load', hideInlineAd);
		const elm = $('.dplayer-logo');
		if (elm) {
			elm.style.display = 'none';
			elm && Object.defineProperty(elm.style, 'display', {
				get: () => 'none',
				set: (v) => true,
				enumerable: true,
				configurable: false,
			const img = $(elm, 'img');
			img.src = '';
			img.style.display = 'none';

	function dlButton() {
		const src = getCurVideoSrc();
		if (!src) {
			!dlButton.count && (dlButton.count = 0);
			++dlButton.count < 60 ? setTimeout(dlButton, 500) : makeBtn('javascript: void(0);', '不受支持', '该视频页面类型不受支持,无法获取下载链接');

		makeBtn(src, '下载', '如果直接点击无法下载,可以[右键>另存为],[右键>在新标签页打开],或者[右键>复制链接地址]');

		function makeBtn(src, text, title) {
			const li = $('.playding>ul>.aa');
			const dli = li.cloneNode(true);
			const a = $(dli, 'a');
			a.href = src;
			a.download = getCurVideoTitle();
			a.target = '_blank';
			a.title = title;
			a.childNodes.forEach((node) => (node.nodeType === 3 && (node.nodeValue = text)));
			a.removeChild($(a, 'i'));
			li.insertAdjacentElement('afterend', dli);

	function getCurVideoSrc() {
		try {
			return $($($('#cciframe').contentDocument,'#player>iframe').contentDocument,'video[src]').src;
		} catch(e) {
			return false;

	function getCurVideoTitle() {
		return Array.from($All('.urlli>div>ul>li>a')).find((a) => (a.href === location.href)).title;

	// Basic functions
	// querySelector
	function $() {
		switch(arguments.length) {
			case 2:
				return arguments[0].querySelector(arguments[1]);
				return document.querySelector(arguments[0]);
	// querySelectorAll
	function $All() {
		switch(arguments.length) {
			case 2:
				return arguments[0].querySelectorAll(arguments[1]);
				return document.querySelectorAll(arguments[0]);
	// createElement
	function $CrE() {
		switch(arguments.length) {
			case 2:
				return arguments[0].createElement(arguments[1]);
				return document.createElement(arguments[0]);
	// Object1[prop] ==> Object2[prop]
	function copyProp(obj1, obj2, prop) {obj1[prop] !== undefined && (obj2[prop] = obj1[prop]);}
	function copyProps(obj1, obj2, props) {props.forEach((prop) => (copyProp(obj1, obj2, prop)));}

	function clearChildnodes(element) {
		Array.from(element.childNodes).forEach((child) => (element.removeChild(child)));

	// Just stopPropagation and preventDefault
	function destroyEvent(e) {
		if (!e) {return false;};
		if (!e instanceof Event) {return false;};

	// GM_XHR HOOK: The number of running GM_XHRs in a time must under maxXHR
	// Returns the abort function to stop the request anyway(no matter it's still waiting, or requesting)
	// (If the request is invalid, such as url === '', will return false and will NOT make this request)
	// If the abort function called on a request that is not running(still waiting or finished), there will be NO onabort event
	// Requires: function delItem(){...} & function uniqueIDMaker(){...}
	function GMXHRHook(maxXHR=5) {
		const GM_XHR = GM_xmlhttpRequest;
		const getID = uniqueIDMaker();
		let todoList = [], ongoingList = [];
		GM_xmlhttpRequest = safeGMxhr;

		function safeGMxhr() {
			// Get an id for this request, arrange a request object for it.
			const id = getID();
			const request = {id: id, args: arguments, aborter: null};

			// Deal onload function first

			// Stop invalid requests
			if (!validCheck(request)) {
				return false;

			// Judge if we could start the request now or later?
			return makeAbortFunc(id);

			// Decrease activeXHRCount while GM_XHR onload;
			function dealEndingEvents(request) {
				const e = request.args[0];

				// onload event
				const oriOnload = e.onload;
				e.onload = function() {
					oriOnload ? oriOnload.apply(null, arguments) : function() {};

				// onerror event
				const oriOnerror = e.onerror;
				e.onerror = function() {
					oriOnerror ? oriOnerror.apply(null, arguments) : function() {};

				// ontimeout event
				const oriOntimeout = e.ontimeout;
				e.ontimeout = function() {
					oriOntimeout ? oriOntimeout.apply(null, arguments) : function() {};

				// onabort event
				const oriOnabort = e.onabort;
				e.onabort = function() {
					oriOnabort ? oriOnabort.apply(null, arguments) : function() {};

			// Check if the request is invalid
			function validCheck(request) {
				const e = request.args[0];

				if (!e.url) {
					return false;

				return true;

			// Call a XHR from todoList and push the request object to ongoingList if called
			function checkXHR() {
				if (ongoingList.length >= maxXHR) {return false;};
				if (todoList.length === 0) {return false;};
				const req = todoList.shift();
				const reqArgs = req.args;
				const aborter = GM_XHR.apply(null, reqArgs);
				req.aborter = aborter;
				return req;

			// Make a function that aborts a certain request
			function makeAbortFunc(id) {
				return function() {
					let i;

					// Check if the request haven't been called
					for (i = 0; i < todoList.length; i++) {
						const req = todoList[i];
						if (req.id === id) {
							// found this request: haven't been called
							delItem(todoList, i);
							return true;

					// Check if the request is running now
					for (i = 0; i < ongoingList.length; i++) {
						const req = todoList[i];
						if (req.id === id) {
							// found this request: running now

					// Oh no, this request is already finished...
					return false;

			// Remove a certain request from ongoingList
			function reqFinish(id) {
				let i;
				for (i = 0; i < ongoingList.length; i++) {
					const req = ongoingList[i];
					if (req.id === id) {
						ongoingList = delItem(ongoingList, i);
						return true;
				return false;

	// Get a url argument from lacation.href
	// also recieve a function to deal the matched string
	// returns defaultValue if name not found
    // Args: {url=location.href, name, dealFunc=((a)=>{return a;}), defaultValue=null} or 'name'
	function getUrlArgv(details) {
        typeof(details) === 'string'    && (details = {name: details});
        typeof(details) === 'undefined' && (details = {});
        if (!details.name) {return null;};

        const url = details.url ? details.url : location.href;
        const name = details.name ? details.name : '';
        const dealFunc = details.dealFunc ? details.dealFunc : ((a)=>{return a;});
        const defaultValue = details.defaultValue ? details.defaultValue : null;
		const matcher = new RegExp('[\\?&]' + name + '=([^&#]+)');
		const result = url.match(matcher);
		const argv = result ? dealFunc(result[1]) : defaultValue;

		return argv;

	// Append a style text to document(<head>) with a <style> element
    function addStyle(css, id) {
		const style = document.createElement("style");
		id && (style.id = id);
		style.textContent = css;
		for (const elm of document.querySelectorAll('#'+id)) {
			elm.parentElement && elm.parentElement.removeChild(elm);

	// Save dataURL to file
	function saveFile(dataURL, filename) {
		const a = document.createElement('a');
		a.href = dataURL;
		a.download = filename;

	// File download function
	// details looks like the detail of GM_xmlhttpRequest
	// onload function will be called after file saved to disk
	function downloadFile(details) {
		if (!details.url || !details.name) {return false;};

		// Configure request object
		const requestObj = {
			url: details.url,
			responseType: 'blob',
			onload: function(e) {
				// Save file
				saveFile(URL.createObjectURL(e.response), details.name);

				// onload callback
				details.onload ? details.onload(e) : function() {};
		if (details.onloadstart       ) {requestObj.onloadstart        = details.onloadstart;};
		if (details.onprogress        ) {requestObj.onprogress         = details.onprogress;};
		if (details.onerror           ) {requestObj.onerror            = details.onerror;};
		if (details.onabort           ) {requestObj.onabort            = details.onabort;};
		if (details.onreadystatechange) {requestObj.onreadystatechange = details.onreadystatechange;};
		if (details.ontimeout         ) {requestObj.ontimeout          = details.ontimeout;};

		// Send request

	// get '/' splited API array from a url
	function getAPI(url=location.href) {
		return url.replace(/https?:\/\/(.*?\.){1,2}.*?\//, '').replace(/\?.*/, '').match(/[^\/]+?(?=(\/|$))/g);

	// get host part from a url(includes '^https://', '/$')
	function getHost(url=location.href) {
		const match = location.href.match(/https?:\/\/[^\/]+\//);
		return match ? match[0] : match;

	function AsyncManager() {
		const AM = this;

		// Ongoing xhr count
		this.taskCount = 0;

		// Whether generate finish events
		let finishEvent = false;
		Object.defineProperty(this, 'finishEvent', {
			configurable: true,
			enumerable: true,
			get: () => (finishEvent),
			set: (b) => {
				finishEvent = b;
				b && AM.taskCount === 0 && AM.onfinish && AM.onfinish();

		// Add one task
		this.add = () => (++AM.taskCount);

		// Finish one task
		this.finish = () => ((--AM.taskCount === 0 && AM.finishEvent && AM.onfinish && AM.onfinish(), AM.taskCount));

    // NMonkey By PY-DNG, 2021.07.18 - 2022.02.18, License GPL-3
	// NMonkey: Provides GM_Polyfills and make your userscript compatible with non-script-manager environment
	// Description:
	    Simulates a script-manager environment("NMonkey Environment") for non-script-manager browser, load @require & @resource, provides some GM_functions(listed below), and also compatible with script-manager environment.
	    Provides GM_setValue, GM_getValue, GM_deleteValue, GM_listValues, GM_xmlhttpRequest, GM_openInTab, GM_setClipboard, GM_getResourceText, GM_getResourceURL, GM_addStyle, GM_addElement, GM_log, unsafeWindow(object), GM_info(object)
	    Also provides an object called GM_POLYFILLED which has the following properties that shows you which GM_functions are actually polyfilled.
	    Returns true if polyfilled is environment is ready, false for not. Don't worry, just follow the usage below.
	// Note: NMonkey is an advanced version of GM_PolyFill (and BypassXB), it includes more functions than GM_PolyFill, and provides better stability and compatibility. Do NOT use NMonkey and GM_PolyFill (and BypassXB) together in one script.
	// Usage:
		// ==UserScript==
		// @name      xxx
		// @namespace xxx
		// @version   1.0
		// ...
		// @require   https://.../xxx.js
		// @require   ...
		// ...
		// @resource  https://.../xxx
		// @resource  ...
		// ...
		// ==/UserScript==

		// Use a closure to wrap your code. Make sure you have it a name.
		(function YOUR_MAIN_FUNCTION() {
			'use strict';
			// Strict mode is optional. You can use strict mode or not as you want.
			// Polyfill first. Do NOT do anything before Polyfill.
			var NMonkey_Ready = NMonkey({
				name: "script-storage-key, aims to separate different scripts' storage area. Use your script's @namespace value if you don't how to fill this field.",
				requires: [
						name: "", // Optional, used to display loading error messages if anything went wrong while loading this item
						src: "https://.../xxx.js",
						loaded: function() {return boolean_value_shows_whether_this_js_has_already_loaded;}
						execmode: "'eval' for eval code in current scope or 'function' for Function(code)() in global scope or 'script' for inserting a <script> element to document.head"
				resources: [
						src: "https://.../xxx"
						name: "@resource name. Will try to get it from @resource using this name before fetch it from src",
				GM_info: {
					// You can get GM_info object, if you provide this argument(and there is no GM_info provided by the script-manager).
					// You can provide any object here, what you provide will be what you get.
					// Additionally, two property of NMonkey itself will be attached to GM_info if polyfilled:
					// {
					//     scriptHandler: "NMonkey"
					//     version: "NMonkey's version, it should look like '0.1'"
					// }
					// The following is just an example.
					script: {
						name: 'my first userscript for non-scriptmanager browsers!',
						description: 'this script works well both in my PC and my mobile!',
						version: '1.0',
						released: true,
						version_num: 1,
						authors: ['Johnson', 'Leecy', 'War Mars']
						update_history: {
							'0.9': 'First beta version',
							'1.0': 'Finally released!'
					surprise: 'if you check GM_info.surprise and you will read this!'
					// And property "scriptHandler" & "version" will be attached here
			if (!NMonkey_Ready) {
				// Stop executing of polyfilled environment not ready.
				// Don't worry, during polyfill progress YOUR_MAIN_FUNCTION will be called twice, and on the second call the polyfilled environment will be ready.

			// Your code here...
			// Make sure your code is written after NMonkey be called
			// ...

			// Just place NMonkey function code here
			function NMonkey(details) {
		}) ();

		// Oh you want to write something here? Fine. But code you write here cannot get into the simulated script-manager-environment.
	function NMonkey(details) {
		// Constances
		const CONST = {
			Text: {
				Require_Load_Failed: '动态加载依赖js库失败(自动重试也都失败了),请刷新页面后再试:(\n一共尝试了{I}个备用加载源\n加载项目:{N}',
				Resource_Load_Failed: '动态加载依赖resource资源失败(自动重试也都失败了),请刷新页面后再试:(\n一共尝试了{I}个备用加载源\n加载项目:{N}',
				UnkownItem: '未知项目',

		// Init DoLog

		// Get argument
		const mainFunc = details.mainFunc;
		const name = details.name || 'default';
		const requires = details.requires || [];
		const resources = details.resources || [];
		details.GM_info = details.GM_info || {};
		details.GM_info.scriptHandler = 'NMonkey';
		details.GM_info.version = '1.0';

		// Run in variable-name-polifilled environment
		if (InNPEnvironment()) {
			// Already in polifilled environment === polyfill has alredy done, just return
			return true;

		// Polyfill functions and data
		let GM_POLYFILL_storage;
		const Supports = {
			GetStorage: function() {
				let gstorage = localStorage.getItem(GM_POLYFILL_KEY_STORAGE);
				gstorage = gstorage ? JSON.parse(gstorage) : {};
				let storage = gstorage[name] ? gstorage[name] : {};
				return storage;

			SaveStorage: function() {
				let gstorage = localStorage.getItem(GM_POLYFILL_KEY_STORAGE);
				gstorage = gstorage ? JSON.parse(gstorage) : {};
				gstorage[name] = GM_POLYFILL_storage;
				localStorage.setItem(GM_POLYFILL_KEY_STORAGE, JSON.stringify(gstorage));
		const Provides = {
			// GM_setValue
			GM_setValue: function(name, value) {
				GM_POLYFILL_storage = Supports.GetStorage();
				name = String(name);
				GM_POLYFILL_storage[name] = value;

			// GM_getValue
			GM_getValue: function(name, defaultValue) {
				GM_POLYFILL_storage = Supports.GetStorage();
				name = String(name);
				if (GM_POLYFILL_storage.hasOwnProperty(name)) {
					return GM_POLYFILL_storage[name];
				} else {
					return defaultValue;

			// GM_deleteValue
			GM_deleteValue: function(name) {
				GM_POLYFILL_storage = Supports.GetStorage();
				name = String(name);
				if (GM_POLYFILL_storage.hasOwnProperty(name)) {
					delete GM_POLYFILL_storage[name];

			// GM_listValues
			GM_listValues: function() {
				GM_POLYFILL_storage = Supports.GetStorage();
				return Object.keys(GM_POLYFILL_storage);

			// unsafeWindow
			unsafeWindow: window,

			// GM_xmlhttpRequest
			// not supported properties of details: synchronous binary nocache revalidate context fetch
			// not supported properties of response(onload arguments[0]): finalUrl
			// details.synchronous is not supported as Tampermonkey
			GM_xmlhttpRequest: function(details) {
				const xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();

				// open request
				const openArgs = [details.method, details.url, true];
				if (details.user && details.password) {
				xhr.open.apply(xhr, openArgs);

				// set headers
				if (details.headers) {
					for (const key of Object.keys(details.headers)) {
						xhr.setRequestHeader(key, details.headers[key]);
				details.cookie ? xhr.setRequestHeader('cookie', details.cookie) : function () {};
				details.anonymous ? xhr.setRequestHeader('cookie', '') : function () {};

				// properties
				xhr.timeout = details.timeout;
				xhr.responseType = details.responseType;
				details.overrideMimeType ? xhr.overrideMimeType(details.overrideMimeType) : function () {};

				// events
				xhr.onabort = details.onabort;
				xhr.onerror = details.onerror;
				xhr.onloadstart = details.onloadstart;
				xhr.onprogress = details.onprogress;
				xhr.onreadystatechange = details.onreadystatechange;
				xhr.ontimeout = details.ontimeout;
				xhr.onload = function (e) {
					const response = {
						readyState: xhr.readyState,
						status: xhr.status,
						statusText: xhr.statusText,
						responseHeaders: xhr.getAllResponseHeaders(),
						response: xhr.response
					(details.responseType === '' || details.responseType === 'text') ? (response.responseText = xhr.responseText) : function () {};
					(details.responseType === '' || details.responseType === 'document') ? (response.responseXML = xhr.responseXML) : function () {};

				// send request
				details.data ? xhr.send(details.data) : xhr.send();

				return {
					abort: xhr.abort

			// NOTE: options(arg2) is NOT SUPPORTED! if provided, then will just be skipped.
			GM_openInTab: function(url) {

			// NOTE: needs to be called in an event handler function, and info(arg2) is NOT SUPPORTED!
			GM_setClipboard: function(text) {
				// Create a new textarea for copying
				const newInput = document.createElement('textarea');
				newInput.value = text;

			GM_getResourceText: function(name) {
				const _get = typeof(GM_getResourceText) === 'function' ? GM_getResourceText : () => (null);
				let text = _get(name);
				if (text) {return text;}
				for (const resource of resources) {
					if (resource.name === name) {
						return resource.content ? resource.content : null;
				return null;

			GM_getResourceURL: function(name) {
				const _get = typeof(GM_getResourceURL) === 'function' ? GM_getResourceURL : () => (null);
				let url = _get(name);
				if (url) {return url;}
				for (const resource of resources) {
					if (resource.name === name) {
						return resource.src ? btoa(resource.src) : null;
				return null;

			GM_addStyle: function(css) {
				const style = document.createElement('style');
				style.innerHTML = css;

			GM_addElement: function() {
				let parent_node, tag_name, attributes;
				const head_elements = ['title', 'base', 'link', 'style', 'meta', 'script', 'noscript'/*, 'template'*/];
				if (arguments.length === 2) {
					tag_name = arguments[0];
					attributes = arguments[1];
					parent_node = head_elements.includes(tag_name.toLowerCase()) ? document.head : document.body;
				} else if (arguments.length === 3) {
					parent_node = arguments[0];
					tag_name = arguments[1];
					attributes = arguments[2];
				const element = document.createElement(tag_name);
				for (const [prop, value] of Object.entries(attributes)) {
					element[prop] = value;

			GM_log: function() {
				const args = [];
				for (let i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) {
					args[i] = arguments[i];
				console.log.apply(null, args);

			GM_info: details.GM_info,

			GM: {info: details.GM_info}
		const _GM_POLYFILLED = Provides.GM_POLYFILLED = {};
		for (const pname of Object.keys(Provides)) {
			_GM_POLYFILLED[pname] = true;

		// Not in polifilled environment, then polyfill functions and create & move into the environment
		// Bypass xbrowser's useless GM_functions

		// Create & move into polifilled environment

		return false;

		// Bypass xbrowser's useless GM_functions
		function bypassXB() {
			if (typeof(mbrowser) === 'object' || (typeof(GM_info) === 'object' && GM_info.scriptHandler === 'XMonkey')) {
				// Useless functions in XMonkey 1.0
				const GM_funcs = [
				for (const GM_func of GM_funcs) {
					window[GM_func] = undefined;
					eval('typeof({F}) === "function" && ({F} = Provides.{F});'.replaceAll('{F}', GM_func));
				// Delete dirty data saved by these stupid functions before
				for (let i = 0; i < localStorage.length; i++) {
					const key = localStorage.key(i);
					const value = localStorage.getItem(key);
					value === '[object Object]' && localStorage.removeItem(key);

		// Check if already in name-predefined environment
		// I think there won't be anyone else wants to use this fxxking variable name...
		function InNPEnvironment() {
			return (typeof(GM_POLYFILLED) === 'object' && GM_POLYFILLED !== null && GM_POLYFILLED !== window.GM_POLYFILLED) ? true : false;

		function ExecInNPEnv() {
			const NG = new NameGenerator();

			// Init names
			const tnames = ['context', 'fapply', 'CDATA', 'uneval', 'define', 'module', 'exports', 'window', 'globalThis', 'console', 'cloneInto', 'exportFunction', 'createObjectIn', 'GM', 'GM_info'];
			const pnames = Object.keys(Provides);
			const fnames = tnames.slice();
			const argvlist = [];
			const argvs = [];

			// Add provides
			for (const pname of pnames) {
				!fnames.includes(pname) && fnames.push(pname);

			// Add grants
			if (typeof(GM_info) === 'object' && GM_info.script && GM_info.script.grant) {
				for (const gname of GM_info.script.grant) {
					!fnames.includes(gname) && fnames.push(gname);

			// Make name code
			for (let i = 0; i < fnames.length; i++) {
				const fname = fnames[i];
				const exist = eval('typeof ' + fname + ' !== "undefined"') && fname !== 'GM_POLYFILLED';
				argvlist[i] = exist ? fname : (Provides.hasOwnProperty(fname) ? 'Provides.'+fname : '');
				argvs[i] = exist ? eval(fname) : (Provides.hasOwnProperty(fname) ? Provides[name] : undefined);
				pnames.includes(fname) && (_GM_POLYFILLED[fname] = !exist);

			// Load all @require and @resource
			loadRequires(requires, resources, function(requires, resources) {
				// Join requirecode
				let requirecode = '';
				for (const require of requires) {
					const mode = require.execmode ? require.execmode : 'eval';
					const content = require.content;
					if (!content) {continue;}
					switch(mode) {
						case 'eval':
							requirecode += content + '\n';
						case 'function': {
							const func = Function.apply(null, fnames.concat(content));
							func.apply(null, argvs);
						case 'script': {
							const s = document.createElement('script');
							s.innerHTML = content;

				// Make final code & eval
				const varnames = ['NG', 'tnames', 'pnames', 'fnames', 'argvist', 'argvs', 'code', 'finalcode', 'wrapper', 'ExecInNPEnv', 'GM_POLYFILL_KEY_STORAGE', 'GM_POLYFILL_storage', 'InNPEnvironment', 'NameGenerator', 'LocalCDN', 'loadRequires', 'requestText', 'Provides', 'Supports', 'bypassXB', 'details', 'mainFunc', 'name', 'requires', 'resources', '_GM_POLYFILLED', 'CONST', 'NMonkey', 'polyfill_status'];
				const code = requirecode + 'let ' + varnames.join(', ') + ';\n(' + mainFunc.toString() + ') ();';
				const wrapper = Function.apply(null, fnames.concat(code));
				const finalcode = '(' + wrapper.toString() + ').apply(this, [' + argvlist.join(', ') + ']);';

			function NameGenerator() {
				const NG = this;
				const letters = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ';
				let index = [0];

				NG.generate = function() {
					const chars = [];
					for (let i = 0; i < index.length; i++) {
						chars[i] = letters.charAt(index[i]);
					return chars.join('');

				NG.randtext = function(len=32) {
					const chars = [];
					for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) {
						chars[i] = letters[randint(0, letter.length-1)];
					return chars.join('');

				function indexIncrease(i=0) {
					index[i] === undefined && (index[i] = -1);
					++index[i] >= letters.length && (index[i] = 0, indexIncrease(i+1));

				function randint(min, max) {
					return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1)) + min;

		// Load all @require and @resource for non-GM/TM environments (such as Alook javascript extension)
		// Requirements: function AsyncManager(){...}, function LocalCDN(){...}
		function loadRequires(requires, resoures, callback, args=[]) {
			// LocalCDN
			const LCDN = new LocalCDN();

			// AsyncManager
			const AM = new AsyncManager();
			AM.onfinish = function() {
				callback.apply(null, [requires, resoures].concat(args));

			// Load js
			for (const js of requires) {
				!js.loaded() && loadinJs(js);

			// Load resource
			for (const resource of resoures) {

			AM.finishEvent = true;

			function loadinJs(js) {

				const srclist = js.srcset ? LCDN.sort(js.srcset).srclist : [];
				let i = -1;
				LCDN.get(js.src, onload, [], onfail);

				function onload(content) {
					js.content = content;

				function onfail() {
					if (i < srclist.length) {
						LCDN.get(srclist[i], onload, [], onfail);
					} else {
						alert(CONST.Text.Require_Load_Failed.replace('{I}', i.toString()).replace('{N}', js.name ? js.name : CONST.Text.UnkownItem));

			function loadinResource(resource) {
				let content;
				if (typeof GM_getResourceText === 'function' && (content = GM_getResourceText(resource.name))) {
					resource.content = content;
				} else {

					let i = -1;
					LCDN.get(resource.src, onload, [], onfail);

					function onload(content) {
						resource.content = content;

					function onfail(content) {
						if (resource.srcset && i < resource.srcset.length) {
							LCDN.get(resource.srcset[i], onload, [], onfail);
						} else {
							alert(CONST.Text.Resource_Load_Failed.replace('{I}', i.toString()).replace('{N}', js.name ? js.name : CONST.Text.UnkownItem));

		// Loads web resources and saves them to GM-storage
		// Tries to load web resources from GM-storage in subsequent calls
		// Updates resources every $(this.expire) hours, or use $(this.refresh) function to update all resources instantly
		// Dependencies: GM_getValue(), GM_setValue(), requestText(), AsyncManager(), KEY_LOCALCDN
		function LocalCDN() {
			const LC = this;
			const _GM_getValue = typeof(GM_getValue) === 'function' ? GM_getValue : Provides.GM_getValue;
			const _GM_setValue = typeof(GM_setValue) === 'function' ? GM_setValue : Provides.GM_setValue;

			const KEY_LOCALCDN_VERSION = 'version';
			const VALUE_LOCALCDN_VERSION = '0.3';

			// Default expire time (by hour)
			LC.expire = 72;

			// Try to get resource content from loaclCDN first, if failed/timeout, request from web && save to LocalCDN
			// Accepts callback only: onload & onfail(optional)
			// Returns true if got from LocalCDN, false if got from web
			LC.get = function(url, onload, args=[], onfail=function(){}) {
				const CDN = _GM_getValue(KEY_LOCALCDN, {});
				const resource = CDN[url];
				const time = (new Date()).getTime();

				if (resource && resource.content !== null && !expired(time, resource.time)) {
					onload.apply(null, [resource.content].concat(args));
					return true;
				} else {
					LC.request(url, _onload, [], onfail);
					return false;

				function _onload(content) {
					onload.apply(null, [content].concat(args));

			// Generate resource obj and set to CDN[url]
			// Returns resource obj
			// Provide content means load success, provide null as content means load failed
			LC.set = function(url, content) {
				const CDN = _GM_getValue(KEY_LOCALCDN, {});
				const time = (new Date()).getTime();
				const resource = {
					url: url,
					time: time,
					content: content,
					success: content !== null ? (CDN[url] ? CDN[url].success + 1 : 1) : (CDN[url] ? CDN[url].success : 0),
					fail: content === null ? (CDN[url] ? CDN[url].fail + 1 : 1) : (CDN[url] ? CDN[url].fail : 0),
				CDN[url] = resource;
				_GM_setValue(KEY_LOCALCDN, CDN);
				return resource;

			// Delete one resource from LocalCDN
			LC.delete = function(url) {
				const CDN = _GM_getValue(KEY_LOCALCDN, {});
				if (!CDN[url]) {
					return false;
				} else {
					delete CDN[url];
					_GM_setValue(KEY_LOCALCDN, CDN);
					return true;

			// Delete all resources in LocalCDN
			LC.clear = function() {
				_GM_setValue(KEY_LOCALCDN, {});

			// List all resource saved in LocalCDN
			LC.list = function() {
				const CDN = _GM_getValue(KEY_LOCALCDN, {});
				const urls = LC.listurls();
				return LC.listurls().map((url) => (CDN[url]));

			// List all resource's url saved in LocalCDN
			LC.listurls = function() {
				return Object.keys(_GM_getValue(KEY_LOCALCDN, {})).filter((url) => (url !== KEY_LOCALCDN_VERSION));

			// Request content from web and save it to CDN[url]
			// Accepts callbacks only: onload & onfail(optional)
			LC.request = function(url, onload, args=[], onfail=function(){}) {
				const CDN = _GM_getValue(KEY_LOCALCDN, {});
				requestText(url, _onload, [], _onfail);

				function _onload(content) {
					LC.set(url, content);
					onload.apply(null, [content].concat(args));

				function _onfail() {
					LC.set(url, null);

			// Re-request all resources in CDN instantly, ignoring LC.expire
			LC.refresh = function(callback, args=[]) {
				const urls = LC.listurls();

				const AM = new AsyncManager();
				AM.onfinish = function() {
					callback.apply(null, [].concat(args))

				for (const url of urls) {
					LC.request(url, function() {

				AM.finishEvent = true;

			// Sort src && srcset, to get a best request sorting
			LC.sort = function(srcset) {
				const CDN = _GM_getValue(KEY_LOCALCDN, {});
				const result = {srclist: [], lists: []};
				const lists = result.lists;
				const srclist = result.srclist;
				const suc_rec = lists[0] = []; // Recent successes take second (not expired yet)
				const suc_old = lists[1] = []; // Old successes take third
				const fails   = lists[2] = []; // Fails & unused take the last place
				const time = (new Date()).getTime();

				// Make lists
				for (const s of srcset) {
					const resource = CDN[s];
					if (resource && resource.content !== null) {
						if (!expired(resource.time, time)) {
						} else {
					} else {

				// Sort lists
				// Recently successed: Choose most recent ones
				suc_rec.sort((res1, res2) => (res2.time - res1.time));
				// Successed long ago or failed: Sort by success rate & tried time
				[suc_old, fails].forEach((arr) => (arr.sort(sorting)));

				// Push all resources into seclist
				[suc_rec, suc_old, fails].forEach((arr) => (arr.forEach((res) => (srclist.push(res)))));

				DoLog(['LocalCDN: sorted', result]);
				return result;

				function sorting(res1, res2) {
					const sucRate1 = (res1.success+1) / (res1.fail+1);
					const sucRate2 = (res2.success+1) / (res2.fail+1);

					if (sucRate1 !== sucRate2) {
						// Success rate: high to low
						return sucRate2 - sucRate1;
					} else {
						// Tried time: less to more
						// Less tried time means newer added source
						return (res1.success+res1.fail) - (res2.success+res2.fail);

			function upgradeConfig() {
				const CDN = _GM_getValue(KEY_LOCALCDN, {});
					case undefined:
					case '0.1':
					case '0.2':
						DoLog('LocalCDN is in latest version.');
						DoLog(LogLevel.Error, 'LocalCDN.upgradeConfig: Invalid config version({V}) for LocalCDN. '.replace('{V}', CDN[KEY_LOCALCDN_VERSION]));
				_GM_setValue(KEY_LOCALCDN, CDN);

				function logUpgrade() {
					DoLog(LogLevel.Success, 'LocalCDN successfully upgraded From v{V1} to v{V2}. '.replaceAll('{V1}', CDN[KEY_LOCALCDN_VERSION]).replaceAll('{V2}', VALUE_LOCALCDN_VERSION));

				function init() {
					// Nothing to do here

				function v01_To_v02() {
					const urls = LC.listurls();
					for (const url of urls) {
						if (url === KEY_LOCALCDN_VERSION) {continue;}
						CDN[url] = {
							url: url,
							time: 0,
							content: CDN[url]

				function v02_To_v03() {
					const urls = LC.listurls();
					for (const url of urls) {
						CDN[url].success = CDN[url].fail = 0;

			function clearExpired() {
				const resources = LC.list();
				const time = (new Date()).getTime();

				for (const resource of resources) {
					expired(resource.time, time) && LC.delete(resource.url);

			function expired(t1, t2) {
				return (t1 - t2) > (LC.expire * 60 * 60 * 1000);


		function requestText(url, callback, args=[], onfail=function(){}) {
			const req = typeof(GM_xmlhttpRequest) === 'function' ? GM_xmlhttpRequest : Provides.GM_xmlhttpRequest;
	            method:       'GET',
	            url:          url,
	            responseType: 'text',
				timeout:      45*1000,
	            onload:       function(response) {
	                const text = response.responseText;
					const argvs = [text].concat(args);
	                callback.apply(null, argvs);
				onerror:      onfail,
				ontimeout:    onfail,
				onabort:      onfail,

		function AsyncManager() {
			const AM = this;

			// Ongoing xhr count
			this.taskCount = 0;

			// Whether generate finish events
			let finishEvent = false;
			Object.defineProperty(this, 'finishEvent', {
				configurable: true,
				enumerable: true,
				get: () => (finishEvent),
				set: (b) => {
					finishEvent = b;
					b && AM.taskCount === 0 && AM.onfinish && AM.onfinish();

			// Add one task
			this.add = () => (++AM.taskCount);

			// Finish one task
			this.finish = () => ((--AM.taskCount === 0 && AM.finishEvent && AM.onfinish && AM.onfinish(), AM.taskCount));

		// Arguments: level=LogLevel.Info, logContent, asObject=false
	    // Needs one call "DoLog();" to get it initialized before using it!
	    function DoLog() {
	    	const win = typeof(unsafeWindow) !== 'undefined' ? unsafeWindow : window;

	        // Global log levels set
	        win.LogLevel = {
	            None: 0,
	            Error: 1,
	            Success: 2,
	            Warning: 3,
	            Info: 4,
	        win.LogLevelMap = {};
	        win.LogLevelMap[LogLevel.None]     = {prefix: ''          , color: 'color:#ffffff'}
	        win.LogLevelMap[LogLevel.Error]    = {prefix: '[Error]'   , color: 'color:#ff0000'}
	        win.LogLevelMap[LogLevel.Success]  = {prefix: '[Success]' , color: 'color:#00aa00'}
	        win.LogLevelMap[LogLevel.Warning]  = {prefix: '[Warning]' , color: 'color:#ffa500'}
	        win.LogLevelMap[LogLevel.Info]     = {prefix: '[Info]'    , color: 'color:#888888'}
	        win.LogLevelMap[LogLevel.Elements] = {prefix: '[Elements]', color: 'color:#000000'}

	        // Current log level
	        DoLog.logLevel = win.isPY_DNG ? LogLevel.Info : LogLevel.Warning; // Info Warning Success Error

	        // Log counter
	        DoLog.logCount === undefined && (DoLog.logCount = 0);
	        if (++DoLog.logCount > 512) {
	            DoLog.logCount = 0;

	        // Get args
	        let level, logContent, asObject;
	        switch (arguments.length) {
	            case 1:
	                level = LogLevel.Info;
	                logContent = arguments[0];
	                asObject = false;
	            case 2:
	                level = arguments[0];
	                logContent = arguments[1];
	                asObject = false;
	            case 3:
	                level = arguments[0];
	                logContent = arguments[1];
	                asObject = arguments[2];
	                level = LogLevel.Info;
	                logContent = 'DoLog initialized.';
	                asObject = false;

	        // Log when log level permits
	        if (level <= DoLog.logLevel) {
	            let msg = '%c' + LogLevelMap[level].prefix;
	            let subst = LogLevelMap[level].color;

	            if (asObject) {
	                msg += ' %o';
	            } else {
	                switch(typeof(logContent)) {
	                    case 'string': msg += ' %s'; break;
	                    case 'number': msg += ' %d'; break;
	                    case 'object': msg += ' %o'; break;

	            console.log(msg, subst, logContent);

	// Polyfill String.prototype.replaceAll
	// replaceValue does NOT support regexp match groups($1, $2, etc.)
	function polyfill_replaceAll() {
		String.prototype.replaceAll = String.prototype.replaceAll ? String.prototype.replaceAll : PF_replaceAll;

		function PF_replaceAll(searchValue, replaceValue) {
			const str = String(this);

			if (searchValue instanceof RegExp) {
				const global = RegExp(searchValue, 'g');
				if (/\$/.test(replaceValue)) {console.error('Error: Polyfilled String.protopype.replaceAll does support regexp groups');};
				return str.replace(global, replaceValue);
			} else {
				return str.split(searchValue).join(replaceValue);

	function randint(min, max) {
		return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1)) + min;

	// Del a item from an array using its index. Returns the array but can NOT modify the original array directly!!
	function delItem(arr, delIndex) {
		arr = arr.slice(0, delIndex).concat(arr.slice(delIndex+1));
		return arr;