MAL Public Score in MangaList

Adds new column with public score to the MangaList. WARNING! this script only works on Modern Lists, and, not the Classic ones (I think so)

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Puede que también te guste MAL Public Score in Animelist.

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Jery Js
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2 0 0
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This is a tweaked version of this script, which could only show the scores in animelist.
Now, Using this script, the same can be done for the Mangalist too ! (but, only on modern layouts)

This script will add a new column "public score" to your manga list and fill it with the public score of the manga.
The score header can be clicked and sorts the score ascending and descending.
Scores will be cached but can be refreshed on demand.

The following menu entries are available in Tampermonkey/Greasemonkey:
"Show oldest public score timestamp" -> shows an alert how old your oldest cached public score is
"Refresh public scores" -> throws away all cached public scores and triggers a refresh
"Toggle manual activation" -> switches to manual activation and back, manual activation doesn't show scores automatically
"Show public scores" -> adds the public score column left of your user score column

If u wanna ask me somethin, then u can find me on MAL (just hit the comments!)

Below u can see wat it looks like in Both, Default & Custom List styles (for Modern Layout):