AliExpress Ultra Efficient

Sort Price from Low to High, Put Items in View list All Automatically

< Opiniones de AliExpress Ultra Efficient

Puntuación: Bueno; el script funciona tal y como promete

Publicado: 11/06/2019

Am I missing something?

It is not running by default, nothing has changed. I'm on this search and this is what I see

Publicado: 11/06/2019

Everything here is working fine :

Maybe you have another userscripts or extension that conflict with this script.

Your URL once converted by the script should look like this:

Publicado: 14/06/2019

I am using Chrome with no other scripts or extentions running and it does not work. I tried it on Firefox and it does work. What browser are you using?

Publicado: 14/06/2019

I'm using Chromium ( ☺️

Publicado: 18/06/2019

Aliexpress plus fixed and more works for me but ultra efficient does not. I'm glad I have one of them working on Chrome now :). I'm fine with this and I thought I would share this for the information. I'm giving both scripts a Good rating, they do such great things :)!

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