Publicado: 19/05/2023

I'm trying https://greasyfork.org/en/search to search the user scripts in there. I tried for example `author:xcanwin` or `title:HTML5` but it doesn't work. I need to search within specifying its title (the script name), the description, and the site domain. I looked for some references for the search query but apparently they are not providing enough guide on it. It says "Sphinx extended query syntax." on the page, but apparently `@title hello` doesn't work either. Would someone help me to use the advanced search feature there? Thanks.

Publicado: 19/05/2023

I believe these are currently not working due to this bug. I've made some progress on that bug it's not fixed yet.

Publicado: 20/05/2023
Editado: 20/05/2023

Oh, okay I see. So there's only a normal simple keyword query searching available for now I guess. Thanks for telling me that @JasonBarnabe.

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