Fix images for token pages JS - makes images work in token pages
ETI Animated Avatars JS - animates gifs in avatars
AppleLinks JS - Brings back glorious System 7.
ETI Archive Quoter JS - Adds a 'Quote' button to posts in the archives
Imagenorator JS - turns images into links in specified people's posts
ETI MAL Integration JS - Integrates MyAnimeList anime history into posts
ETI Zebra Tables JS - Makes lines in link/topic etc. lists alternate colors
ETI Dice Roller JS - Makes it easy to roll dice and post the results on luelinks
Frambreaker Prevention JS - adds all sandbox restrictions to iframes except allow-same-origin
Hey Listen JS - Brings back our favorite fairie.
ETI Image Width JS - Prevents images from stretching pages sideways with an optional max width
Mandarake yen converter JS - Converts prices from yen to dollars on mandarake
amiami price converter JS - Converts amiami prices from jpy to usd
Navi be quiet JS - lowers the volume of Navi so it isn't as annoying
SSS JS - Really highlights sss
ETI Color Scheme Randomizer JS - Randomly generates a new color scheme every page load
Filter Me JS - adds a filter me button to the infobar
ETI Sig Fader JS - fades sigs
ETI Image Redirector JS - changes images from linking to their imagemap to their image page
VOLKS Yen Converter JS - converts stuff on things