Better Google JS - Add 'quick search' input and 'go to top' button for Google. Also highlight search terms.
Seach Movie from Douban JS - Add a movie searching field in Douban Movie
Better Baidu JS - Remove the 'right' contents. Add Bing and Google search buttons.
Outlook without Ads JS - Remove ads from Outlook
荔枝FM 节目下载。Download Lizhi FM MP3 JS - 下载当前节目。Download current MP3 playing on Lizhi FM
Better Pictures 凤凰网 图片尺寸修复及键盘左右页面切换 JS - 如题
Classic Online-Stopwatch JS - Return to classic Online-Stopwatch
Better Bing JS - A better Bing experience
YSlow JS - YSlow for Firefox Greasemonkey