// ==UserScript==
// @name Video Area Inverter
// @namespace twitch.tv/simplevar
// @version 2024-01-08
// @description Dark mode but for videos. Remembered your options per channel. ctrl+i to show/hide options, 'i' to toggle the area
// @author SimpleVar
// @match https://www.youtube.com/*
// @icon https://www.google.com/s2/favicons?sz=64&domain=youtube.com
// @license The Unlicense
// @run-at document-end
// @grant none
// ==/UserScript==
(() => {
'use strict';
setTimeout(() =>
const style = document.createElement("style");
document.head.appendChild(style); // must append before you can access sheet property
style.sheet.addRule('.html5-video-container', 'height: 100% !important')
style.sheet.addRule('.html5-video-player', 'overflow: visible !important; z-index: unset')
style.sheet.addRule('#player-container', 'z-index: 1')
style.sheet.addRule('#ytd-player', 'overflow: visible !important')
style.sheet.addRule('body[data-darkverysimpleunique="x"] .darkverysimpleunique', 'opacity: 1')
style.sheet.addRule('body[data-darkverysimpleuniqueui="x"] .darkverysimpleuniqueui', 'opacity: 1')
style.sheet.addRule('.darkverysimpleuniqueinput', 'pointer-events: none; user-select: auto;')
style.sheet.addRule('body[data-darkverysimpleuniqueui="x"] .darkverysimpleuniqueinput', 'pointer-events: auto;')
style.sheet.addRule('.darkverysimpleunique', 'position: absolute; pointer-events: none; transition: opacity 200ms; opacity: 0; border: 3px solid black; backdrop-filter: invert(1); box-sizing: border-box; box-shadow: black 0 0 0 2px; border-radius: calc(var(--height) * var(--radius) * 0.1px); height: calc(var(--height) * 1%); aspect-ratio: var(--aspect); left: 50%; transform: translateX(calc(var(--left) / var(--aspect) * 1%))')
style.sheet.addRule('.darkverysimpleuniqueui', 'position: absolute; pointer-events: none; user-select: none; transition: opacity 80ms; opacity: 0; bottom: 0; right: 0; transform: translateY(100%); display: flex; align-items: baseline; font-size: medium; background-color: rgba(10, 10, 10, 0.9); padding-bottom: 0.334em; color: #eee')
}, 100)
document.body.addEventListener('keydown', e => {
const anyModifier = e.altKey | e.ctrlKey | e.shiftKey | e.metaKey
if (e.key === 'i' && !anyModifier) {
const x = document.body.dataset.darkverysimpleunique === 'x'
document.body.dataset.darkverysimpleunique = x ? '' : 'x'
if (e.key === 'i' && e.ctrlKey) {
const x = document.body.dataset.darkverysimpleuniqueui === 'x'
document.body.dataset.darkverysimpleuniqueui = x ? '' : 'x'
}, {passive: false, capture: true})
function waitTruthy(pollInterval, fn) {
return new Promise((res, _) => {
function poll() {
const x = fn()
if (x) res(x)
else setTimeout(poll, pollInterval)
async function waitEl(elOrSelector, predicate = undefined, pollInterval = 100, knownParent = undefined) {
if (!(elOrSelector instanceof HTMLElement)) {
knownParent ??= document
elOrSelector = await waitTruthy(pollInterval, () => knownParent.querySelector(elOrSelector))
if (predicate) await waitTruthy(pollInterval, () => predicate(elOrSelector))
return elOrSelector
;(async () => {
const ch = (await waitEl('.ytd-channel-name a.yt-formatted-string')).getAttribute('href')
const vid = await waitEl('video')
fixVideoElement(vid, ch)
new MutationObserver(muts => {
for (const m of muts) {
for (const el of m.addedNodes) {
if (el.tagName === 'video') setTimeout(fixVideoElement, 1000, el)
}).observe(document.body, { childList: true, subtree: true });
function fixVideoElement(el, ch) {
if (el.__eww_9832475) return
el.__eww_9832475 = true
el.style.position = 'relative'
const area = document.createElement('div')
area.className = 'darkverysimpleunique'
const ui = document.createElement('div')
ui.className = 'darkverysimpleuniqueui'
const STOP = e => { e.stopPropagation() };
const chStorageKey = 'darkverysimpleuniqueedges_' + ch
let memberedEdges = null
try { memberedEdges = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem(chStorageKey) ?? '{}') } catch {}
if (!(memberedEdges instanceof Object)) memberedEdges = null
const edges = Object.assign({left: 0, top: 0, height: 0, aspect: 0, radius: 0}, memberedEdges ?? {})
const mkInp = (key, label, min, max) => {
if (label) {
const lbl = document.createElement('label')
lbl.textContent = label
lbl.style.marginLeft = '1ch'
const inp = document.createElement('input')
inp.className = 'darkverysimpleuniqueinput'
inp.type = 'number'
inp.min = min
inp.max = max
inp.step = 0.025
inp.style.width = '6ch'
inp.style.fontSize = 'inherit'
const storageKey = 'darkverysimpleuniqueedge' + key
inp.value = (memberedEdges && memberedEdges[key]) ?? localStorage.getItem(storageKey)
if (!inp.value && inp.value !== 0) inp.value = key === 'aspect' ? 1 : 25
const onChange = e => {
e && STOP(e);
edges[key] = inp.value
if (key === 'radius') area.style.setProperty('--radius', +(inp.value ?? 25))
else if (key === 'height') area.style.setProperty('--height', +(edges.height ?? 25))
else if (key === 'aspect') area.style.setProperty('--aspect', +(inp.value ?? 100) * 0.01)
else if (key === 'left') area.style.setProperty('--left', +(inp.value ?? 0))
else area.style[key] = (50 - +(inp.value ?? 0)) + '%'
localStorage.setItem(storageKey, inp.value)
localStorage.setItem(chStorageKey, JSON.stringify(edges))
inp.__onChange = onChange
const stoppedEvents = [
'click', 'dblclick', 'auxclick', 'contextmenu', 'wheel', 'scroll', 'tap', 'pointerdown', 'pointerup', 'touchstart', 'mouseleave', 'mousedown',
'panmove', 'panstart', 'panend', 'pinchin', 'pinchout', 'mouseover', 'mousemove', 'focusin', 'gesturechange', 'gestureend', 'keyup',
for (const ev of stoppedEvents) inp.addEventListener('click', STOP)
inp.addEventListener('keydown', e => {
let dy = 0
switch (e.key) {
case 'ArrowUp': dy = 1; break;
case 'ArrowDown': dy = -1; break;
if (dy) {
dy *= (e.ctrlKey | e.shiftKey) ? 5 : 0.1
inp.value = dy + +(inp.value ?? 0)
inp.addEventListener('input', onChange)
return inp
mkInp('top', 'T=', 0, 100)
mkInp('height', 'H=', 0, 100)
mkInp('left', 'L=', undefined, undefined)
mkInp('aspect', 'W=', 0, undefined)
mkInp('radius', 'radius=', 0, 50)