Greasy Fork is available in English.

IdlePixel Keybinds - GodofNades Fork

Adds customizable keybinds for panel switching, casting spells in combat and starting combat in the different areas.

Ili estas versioj de tiu ĉi skripto, kie la kodo estas ĝisdatigita. Montri ĉiujn versiojn

  • v1.1.1 2023/10/09

    @Version 1.1.1
    Added in ability to assign the loot log (history) window to "Tab"

  • v1.1.0 2023/07/03

    @version 1.1.0
    Added ability to select which monster you want to directly use on the select monster potions (Regular & Plus)

  • v1.0.5 2023/06/28
  • v1.0.4 2023/05/16

    @version 1.0.4
    Added keybinds for some potions
    Rain Pot/Loot Pot (Only work in the actual combat screen/actively fighting)
    Rare Pot and Super Rare Pot (Only work while outside of combat)

  • v1.0.3 2023/05/11

    @version 1.0.3
    Fixed the keybind firing off if you were typing in chat while in the combat panel. Will only work now if not actively focused on typing in chat while in the combat window.

  • v1.0.2 2023/05/11
  • v1.0.1 2023/05/11