Remove Anything Related To Manga On MAL And On Anime.Plus

Removes Anything Related To Manga On MAL And On Anime.Plus

Ili estas versioj de tiu ĉi skripto, kie la kodo estas ĝisdatigita. Montri ĉiujn versiojn

  • v19 2023/06/13

    Updated to work better with the Better Mal Favs script.

  • v18 2023/06/06

    Now the script removes the "buy manga on amazon" button if it exists.

  • v17 2022/07/23

    Minor code bug fixes and improvements

  • v16 2022/05/21

    Fixed bug that was making the script run on any anime entry related pages, instead of running only on the anime entry main page.

  • v15 2022/05/20

    Fixed bug that was making the script run on any profile related page, instead of running only on the profile main page.

  • v14 2022/05/06

    Update to work properly with the script "Better MAL Favs"

  • v13 2022/04/28

    Version number updated

  • v2.1 2021/12/22

    Fixed script icon.

  • v2.0 2021/12/04

    Fixed bug that wasn't removing the Manga Stats and the Last Manga Updates on profiles.

  • v1.9 2021/11/20

    Fixed bug that wasn't removing the RSS Manga related links on profiles.

  • v1.8 2021/11/19

    Fixed bug that wasn't removing the Manga Stats, Last Manga Updates, and RSS Manga related links on profiles.

  • v1.7 2021/10/16

    Now the script also removes on forum topics: The manga store suggestions on the bottom of the page. The manga store button on the right side top on the page.

  • v1.6 2021/08/31

    Now the script removes the manga store volume suggestions on

  • v1.5 2021/08/25

    Now the script will also remove the: Buy manga btn below the anime image Buy manga btn above the anime stats Manga store suggestions in the middle of the page

  • v1.4 2021/05/14

    Fixed "bug" that was making the script not highlight manga links on animes/mangas on the related animes/mangas section, because of the script

  • v1.3 2020/12/29 Fixed bug that wasn't removing the Manga Stats and Last Updates on profiles
  • v1.2 2020/12/28 Fixed bugs. Code Improvements and Beautified.Now instead of disabling manga links, they will have a yellow background. When searching on the quick Add page the script will now also remove the Manga Results.
  • v1.1 2020/11/23 Updated to work with this script "MyAnimeList(MAL) - Hover List, Notifications and Profile dropdown"
  • v1.0 2020/07/25