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Uptobox to uptostream

Posted: 2016/11/17

Uptobox to uptostream

Hi !

Can someone make a scrips where the url "http://uptobox.com/nk5rzsalxms" To the redirection "http://uptostream.com/nk5rzsalxms" ?

Sorry for this short text, i'm french.

Posted: 2016/11/17

And that for all caracters after the /

Posted: 2016/11/25

Just use this:

// ==UserScript==
// @author       @leoncastro
// @namespace    https://github.com/leoncastro
// @name         uptobox-to-uptostream-redirection
// @version      0.01
// @description  Redirects uptobox.com to uptostream.com  
// @include      http://uptobox.com/*
// @compatible   firefox+greasemonkey
// @compatible   chrome+tampermonkey
// @grant        none
// @run-at       document-start
// ==/UserScript==
if(location.pathname != '' && location.pathname != '/404.html')
 location.href = location.protocol + '//uptostream.com' + location.pathname + location.search;

Two checks are used to disable the script: 1) if you want to go to the http://uptobox.com homepage 2) if you got an error, you will be redirected to http://uptostream.com/404.html that redirects to http://uptobox.com/404.html causing an infinite loop

Note: your links are dead, so they are in case 2) and script will no take effect.

Posted: 2016/11/25
Edited: 2016/11/25

Thanks, the link are dead because fake, it's just for an example.
I would like it to work for all the character behind the /

Like: I go on "http://uptobox.com/**(Random)**" And it's redirecte me to "http://uptostream.com/**(Same random thing)**"

Thanks for the work ! Thanks and again, THANKS ;)

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