Bonvenon al Greasy Fork, retejo por uzantaskriptoj.
Kiuj estas uzantaskriptoj
User scripts put you in control of your browsing experience. Once installed, they automatically make the sites you visit better by adding features, making them easier to use, or taking out the annoying bits. The user scripts on Greasy Fork were written by other users and posted to share with the world. They're free to install and easy to use.
Step 1: install a user script manager
To use user scripts you need to first install a user script manager. Which user script manager you can use depends on which browser you use.
Desktop Mobile (Android) Mobile (iOS)
- Chrome: Tampermonkey or Violentmonkey
- Firefox: Greasemonkey, Tampermonkey, or Violentmonkey
- Safari: Tampermonkey or Userscripts
- Microsoft Edge: Tampermonkey or Violentmonkey
- Opera: Tampermonkey or Violentmonkey
- Maxthon: Violentmonkey
- AdGuard: (no additional software required)
- Firefox: Greasemonkey, Tampermonkey, or Violentmonkey
- Maxthon: Violentmonkey
- Dolphin: Tampermonkey
- UC: Tampermonkey
- Kiwi: Tampermonkey or Violentmonkey
- XBrowser
- Safari: Tampermonkey or Userscripts
- Gear: (no additional software required)
Step 2: install a user script
Browse this site to find a user script you want to try. Here is a sample of the most popular scripts:
- 知乎免登录 - 去除知乎烦人的登录提示,安卓端免app浏览
- 文库下载器 - 百度文库、淘豆网、豆丁网、道客巴巴、原创力文档解析下载功能 解除百度文库、淘豆网复制限制【保持原格式】界面简洁,脚本仅限学习,请大家支持正版。
- 学习通刷课 - 刷视频
- Ne Prenu Mian IP - Blokas la kaptadon de la IP-adreso farita per ekstera API peto.
- Infinity Craft (en Esperanto) - Aldonas lingvon elektilon al la interfaco de la ludo Infinity Craft ĉe — la senfina ludo.
Once you've found a user script, click the green install button on the user script's page, and your user script manager will ask you to confirm the install.
Step 3: use the user script
Go to the site the user script affects. It should automatically do its thing. After trying out the user script for a while, go back to where you installed the user script and leave some feedback for the user script's author.