Auto Click "I'm not a robot"

Automatically clicks the "I'm not a robot" checkbox and Solves CloudFlare Turnstile

These are versions of this script where the code was updated. Show all versions.

  • v0.7 2024-07-16

    feat: Enhance Auto Click 'I'm not a robot' User Script to v0.8

    • Improve initial setup to handle reCAPTCHA and Cloudflare Turnstile immediately on load.
    • Add initial attempts for reCAPTCHA and Turnstile right after script loads for quicker engagement.
    • Consolidate main functions for clarity and maintenance.
    • Enhance simulateClick to support various CAPTCHA elements.
    • Upgrade MutationObserver for better detection and handling of CAPTCHA elements.
    • Implement periodic attempts with optimized sleep intervals for continuous monitoring and solving.
    • Fix detection issues for reCAPTCHA and Turnstile under varied conditions.
    • Improve error handling to minimize script interruptions.
  • v0.6 2024-07-16

    feat: Improve element selection and interaction logic

    • Enhanced findRecaptchaCheckboxElement to more accurately find reCAPTCHA checkboxes by searching for elements containing "I'm not a robot" text and selecting the closest .recaptcha-checkbox.
    • Simplified execution by combining intervals for clicking reCAPTCHA checkboxes and solving Cloudflare Turnstile challenges into a single interval.
    • Replaced .click() with dispatchEvent to dispatch MouseEvent, improving interaction method reliability in solveCloudflareTurnstile.
    • Introduced small delays between interactions in solveCloudflareTurnstile to simulate more human-like behavior, enhancing the function's reliability.
  • v0.5 2024-05-20
  • v0.5 2024-05-20

    Version 0.5
    - Removed elementSelector and delayBetweenClicks variables
    - Removed clickOnElements function
    - Removed check for the "start" element
    - Added clickRecaptchaCheckbox and findRecaptchaCheckboxElement functions
    - Changed execution method to periodically call clickRecaptchaCheckbox (interval 200ms)
    - Updated interval for solving CloudFlare Turnstile to 1500ms

  • v0.4 2024-05-15
  • v0.3 2024-05-14