X.com (Twitter) - Auto Show Sensitive Content

X.com (Twitter) Auto Show Sensitive Content. You Don't Have To Click "Show" Button Anymore When Reading NSFW Tweets With Blur Alert. 推特自动显示色情暴力内容,不再被模糊化。

// ==UserScript==
// @name         X.com (Twitter) - Auto Show Sensitive Content
// @namespace    http://tampermonkey.net/
// @version      2.5
// @description  X.com (Twitter) Auto Show Sensitive Content. You Don't Have To Click "Show" Button Anymore When Reading NSFW Tweets With Blur Alert. 推特自动显示色情暴力内容,不再被模糊化。
// @author       Martin______X
// @match        https://twitter.com/*
// @include      https://x.com/*
// @icon         https://www.google.com/s2/favicons?sz=64&domain=x.com
// @grant        none
// @license      MIT
// ==/UserScript==

let $home_show_button = "css-175oi2r r-sdzlij r-1phboty r-rs99b7 r-lrvibr r-173mn98 r-1s2bzr4 r-15ysp7h r-4wgw6l r-3pj75a r-1loqt21 r-o7ynqc r-6416eg r-1ny4l3l";

let $media_show_button = "css-146c3p1 r-bcqeeo r-qvutc0 r-37j5jr r-a023e6 r-rjixqe r-16dba41 r-1loqt21 r-fdjqy7";

let $home_hide_button = "css-175oi2r r-sdzlij r-1phboty r-rs99b7 r-lrvibr r-rki7wi r-42265s r-u8s1d r-15ysp7h r-4wgw6l r-3pj75a r-1loqt21 r-o7ynqc r-6416eg r-1ny4l3l";

let $profile_show_button = "css-175oi2r r-sdzlij r-1phboty r-rs99b7 r-lrvibr r-k200y r-1j93nrh r-1mnahxq r-19yznuf r-64el8z r-1fkl15p r-1loqt21 r-o7ynqc r-6416eg r-1ny4l3l";

const simpleClick = (async (button)=>{
const nfswClickInterval = setInterval(() => {
        let i = 0;
        //For Profile caution
        let profile_show_buttons = document.getElementsByClassName($profile_show_button);
        //For Home & Profile--->Tweets
        let home_show_buttons = document.getElementsByClassName($home_show_button);
        //For Profile--->Media
        let media_show_buttons = document.getElementsByClassName($media_show_button);
        //Annoying Button
        let home_hide_buttons = document.getElementsByClassName($home_hide_button);
        //Attributes In Tabs
        let role = "";
        let dir = "";

        //Profile caution
            let profile_show_button = profile_show_buttons[i];
            role = profile_show_button.getAttribute("role");
            dir = profile_show_button.getAttribute("dir");
            if(role == "button"){
        //Click The Show Button On Home & Profile Tweets
            let home_show_button = home_show_buttons[i];
            role = home_show_button.getAttribute("role");
            if(role == "button"){
        //Click The Show Button On Media
            let media_show_button = media_show_buttons[i];
            role = media_show_button.getAttribute("role");
            dir = media_show_button.getAttribute("dir");
            if(role == "button" & dir == "ltr"){
        //Hide The Hide Button On Home & Profile Tweets
            let home_hide_button = home_hide_buttons[i];
            role = home_hide_button.getAttribute("role");
            if(role == "button"){
                home_hide_button.style.display = 'none';
}, 1);