
Access your remote files directly from qBittorrent Web UI, just like in the desktop app.

These are all versions of this script. Show only the versions where the code changed.

  • v0.5.5 2024-06-23 Imported from URL
  • v0.5.4 2024-06-21 Imported from URL
  • v0.5.3 2024-06-21 Imported from URL
  • v0.5.3 2024-06-20
    • Fix issue with unicode characters
  • v0.5.2 2024-06-20
    • Fix for paths containing commas
  • v0.5.1 2024-06-18
    • Fix for paths with depth (relative to the base path)
  • v0.5 2024-05-26
    • Fix RCE vulnerability.
    • Add unicode support and fix issue with whitespaces.
    • Note: You will need to re-install the latest ladderr.reg.
  • v0.4 2024-05-25

    Update README

  • v0.4 2024-05-23
    • Powershell popup window no longer appears.
    • New browser window/tab closes itself immediately after opening a file/folder.
    • Removed dependency from Python by replacing it with Powershell.
    • Note: You will need to re-install the latest ladderr.reg.
  • v0.3.1 2024-01-30 Imported from URL
  • v0.3 2023-11-26
  • v0.3 2023-11-26
  • v0.3 2023-11-25

    Update README

  • v0.3 2023-11-25

    Update to version 0.3

  • v0.2 2023-11-09 Imported from URL
  • v0.2 2023-11-07
    • Added Open and Open containing folder in the Content tab.
      • Technical: splitted URI protocol into two ladderr-open: and ladderr-select: to allow opening files directly. Reinstalling ladderr.reg is necessary.
  • v0.1 2023-11-06
  • v0.1 2023-11-06
  • v0.1 2023-11-06
  • v0.1 2023-11-06

    Small corrections

  • v0.1 2023-11-05