Full WideScreen Chat
These are versions of this script where the code was updated. Show all versions.
Version 1.9 :
Update 1.85 : Fixed a small bug where the Script wouldn't run on the the new site (Thanks, Russell Brashears for telling me!) I'm currently working on making the new site's speech bubbles stretch in Update 1.9
Update 1.8 : Added support for the new UI Update!
Update 1.7 : Made it work with old.character.ai (beta.character.ai seems to redirect to character.ai now, which would've made this script useless if i didn't update it)
**1.6 Changelog** : Made it work properly with the new UI
1.5 Changelog : Fixed errors in the console and Input box now scales properly
1.4 Changelog : Made the script compatible with both the old and new chats (Input box doesn't seem to get scaled though)