TamperTube 📺

Simple youtube downloader with a selfmade API ! 📺

// ==UserScript==
// @name         TamperTube 📺
// @namespace    http://tampermonkey.net/
// @version      0.1
// @description  Simple youtube downloader with a selfmade API ! 📺
// @author       vodkarm
// @run-at       document-end
// @match        *://*.youtube.com/watch?v=*
// @license      MIT
// @icon         https://www.google.com/s2/favicons?sz=64&domain=youtube.com
// @grant        none
// ==/UserScript==

(function() {
    'use strict';
    // don't skid
    // author is vodkarm
    // github.com/vodkarm
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    el.innerHTML = `<style>
@import url('https://fonts.googleapis.com/css2?family=Itim&display=swap');

h1 {
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* {
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.dialog * {
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.close {
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.close:before, .close:after {
	content: ' ';
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.close:after {
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.close:hover {
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.btn {
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.btn:active {
	transform: scale(0.8);

.msg {
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	animation: msg 0.5s forwards, msg 0.5s reverse forwards 3s;
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<div class="msg" style="display: none;"></div>
<div class="dialog">
    <div class="close" onclick="this.parentNode.style.display='none';"></div>
	<h1>TamperTube 📺</h1>
    #1 Free Youtube Downloader without ads ! 💪
	<div style="display: grid; grid-template-columns: 1fr 1fr; grid-gap: 5px;">
		<div class="btn" onclick="alert('Loading of the page may be long if you are trying to download a long video, please be patient :)'); window.open('https://tampertube.vodkarm06.repl.co/mp4?url=${window.location.href}', '_blank');">📺 Download in MP4</div>
		<div class="btn" onclick="alert('Loading of the page may be long if you are trying to download a long video, please be patient :)'); window.open('https://tampertube.vodkarm06.repl.co/mp3?url=${window.location.href}', '_blank');">🔊 Download in MP3</div>
        <div class="btn" onclick="window.open('https://github.com/vodkarm', '_blank')">💻 Github</div>
        <div class="btn" onclick="window.open('https://t.me/vodkarm', '_blank')">💬 Contact</div>
    const msgEl = el.querySelector( '.msg' );
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