YouTube - Search Results Cleaner

Hides most of the random, unrelated videos which YouTube injects into search results, but still allows you to access them. This script gathers videos from categories like "People also watched" and "For you" and collapses them into thin boxes on-screen so they won't distract from actual search results. Hover the mouse over these boxes to show their contents.

These are versions of this script where the code was updated. Show all versions.

  • v24.1.11.2 2024-01-11

    Added line to disable video previews for boxes with Shorts. Made it obvious in the code what to delete to revert this change.

  • v24.1.11 2024-01-11

    Prevents video previews from playing within the boxes because it causes glitchy behavior. Since this is just a CSS stylesheet and not javascript, this is really my only option.

  • v23.4.22 2023-04-22

    Now also applies to lists of Shorts.

  • v22.11.9 2022-11-10
  • v22.11.9 2022-11-09
  • v22.11.9 2022-11-09