YouTube - Show Full View Count and Date (unless hovering)

Brings back the full view count and date to the description box.

< Feedback on YouTube - Show Full View Count and Date (unless hovering)

Review: Good - script works

Posted: 2022-11-03

Good! But please don't change the full date when hovering. Instead show a tooltip with the default numbers(the rounded dates) when hovering over the full dates

Posted: 2022-11-04

That was one of the first things I tried. Unfortunately, once any CSS rules are added that alter the position of the default text, it ends up making things behave very erratic and strange in that area. It'll look alright at first but then the text will shift around in unpredictable ways once anyone hovers near it. It's a issue with the javascript that YouTube is using on the element, so it's not something a stylesheet for Stylus like this can address with just CSS code. I'll keep messing with it to see if there's a workaround, but it doesn't look promising. It would most likely require javascript which is outside the scope of Stylus. Anyway, someone is surely working on a browser extension which returns YouTube to how it used to look.

Posted: 2022-11-04

Thanks for the response! But I sometimes feel userscript>extension for small changes :)

Posted: 2022-11-04

I understand, but this isn't even a userscript. This is simply a stylesheet.

Posted: 2022-11-06

Oh got it! Any possibility on a script which brings back the old youtube sort menu?

Posted: 2022-11-06
Edited: 2022-11-06

The problem is we're no longer able to make scripts which ask YouTube's servers "tell me when each video from this channel was published" like we used to be able to. Years ago I had tens of thousands of people using a script I wrote, and altogether they accessed information from about a million videos per day, all using this one API code which I got from Google. Then suddenly one day, Google severely decreased the information limit attached to API codes from ten million to just thousands of videos, and that immediately killed mine and a whole bunch of other people's scripts. Ever since then, Google's been basically forcing the writers of these free scripts to have to pay a huge subscription fee of around a couple thousand per year in order to do stuff like that again.

So unless someone wants to be a hero like the Return YouTube Dislike guy and either pay Google's API fees or do something like hosting their own expensive server, there's not a whole lot that us hobbyist script writers can do. In order to get a free script to work under Google's current system without getting money involved, the author would have to walk each and every single user through the long and confusing process of creating their own unique API key - something which is still confusing to me, and I've done it several times. And then even after all that, it's possible that if someone with the script went to a channel with tens of thousands of videos, it would quickly deplete their daily allotment of information that YouTube lets them have with their API key. The script would soon stop working for the person and then they'd go write a bad review. And the other thing is, there's technically a rule against people using the API to change the order in which video thumbnails appear, so that's also fun.

YouTube's not only making their site worse year after year, they're making it impossible for people to voluntarily fix it for them.

Posted: 2022-11-06

Thanks for your efforts man! I am glad you are contributing to the community and doing your part.
btw do check this script out, this guy attempts to bring the sort menu for artist channels on Youtube
This guy seems to exploit a bug(maybe) by adding url parameters which YouTube team has avoided looking into for artist channels lmao.
I tested it but it does not work on normal channels, sadly.

Posted: 2022-11-07

You could sort channels that only have a few videos that all appear once you go to their videos page, but not if it's a channel with hundreds or thousands of videos, like many of them do these days. You would have to wait as the script kept scrolling down until it found the bottom of the video list, which could take forever. At that point, you may as well just scroll down yourself by keeping the Page Down button pressed because it would just as long.

Posted: 2022-11-15

Thanks lednerg. Youtube genuinely messed up with their UI badly.
I have 2 good ideas which I would like to share and if they could be implemented:
1. If it could be possible to show the date of creation of video under the shorts(in the shorts section)
for eg.
It would be great if we could see the date of creation, or atleast the 'relative' date of creation of the shorts video under the shorts section as is shown in the 'videos' section.
2. If a progress bar could be implemented in the shorts, this would be damn cool!

Posted: 2022-11-19

I only make scripts and stylesheets that I actually use. Whenever I view shorts, they appear just like regular videos to me because I use this script here:

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