// ==UserScript==
// @name Steam - Intigrate HowLongToBeat
// @namespace Threeskimo
// @author Threeskimo
// @version 1.17
// @description Adds a button that shows the completion time for the "Main Story" and links to HowLongToBeat.
// @icon https://store.steampowered.com/favicon.ico
// @require https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.2.1/jquery.min.js
// @match https://store.steampowered.com/app/*
// @grant GM_xmlhttpRequest
// @license MIT
// ==/UserScript==
// Changelog //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// 1.17 : - Fixed button hyperlink not working.
// 1.16 : - Updated and improved search query parameters. Added some additional error handling.
// 1.15 : - Added some trickery to detect api changes. Let's see if this holds.
// 1.12 : - api call updated (again), as predicted.
// 1.11 : - api call updated. Call looks temporary so might break again.
// 1.10 : - Updated `htbUrl` to include `/locate` as well as updated `hltbQuery` request as it requires additional data to perform query
// 1.09 : - A few missed versions, but Fixed mobile loading (again). Should work now.
// 1.06 : - `pageTotal` no longer is null when no game is found, it returns 0 instead. Updated script to handle this change.
// 1.05 : - Updated to show "--" instead of "HLTB" on button when the GameName is found, but no data exists. (Will still show "HLTB" on the button if the game is not found at all.)
// 1.04 : - Added mobile integration (with loader).
// 1.03 : - Updated script to pull more accurate data by verifying game_name when possible.
// 1.02 : - HLTB updated to JSON responses. Updated script to account for this change.
// 1.01 : - Added "origin" and "referer" to GM_xmlhttpRequest headers as HLTB requires now.
// 1.0 : - Release.
(async function() {
//Setup loaders for mobile and desktop
$("#appHeaderGridContainer").append('<style type="text/css">@keyframes ldio-www0qkokjy{0%,25%{transform:translate(6px,0) scale(0)}50%{transform:translate(6px,0) scale(1)}75%{transform:translate(40px,0) scale(1)}100%{transform:translate(74px,0) scale(1)}}@keyframes ldio-www0qkokjy-r{0%{transform:translate(74px,0) scale(1) :}100%{transform:translate(74px,0) scale(0)}}@keyframes ldio-www0qkokjy-c{0%,100%{background:#0051a2}25%{background:#89bff8}50%{background:#408ee0}75%{background:#1b75be}}.ldio-www0qkokjy div{position:absolute;width:20px;height:20px;border-radius:50%;transform:translate(40px,0) scale(1);background:#0051a2;animation:2s cubic-bezier(0,.5,.5,1) infinite ldio-www0qkokjy;box-sizing:content-box}.ldio-www0qkokjy div:first-child{background:#1b75be;transform:translate(74px,0) scale(1);animation:.5s cubic-bezier(0,.5,.5,1) infinite ldio-www0qkokjy-r,2s step-start infinite ldio-www0qkokjy-c}.ldio-www0qkokjy div:nth-child(2){animation-delay:-.5s;background:#0051a2}.ldio-www0qkokjy div:nth-child(3){animation-delay:-1s;background:#1b75be}.ldio-www0qkokjy div:nth-child(4){animation-delay:-1.5s;background:#408ee0}.ldio-www0qkokjy div:nth-child(5){animation-delay:-2s;background:#89bff8}.loadingio-spinner-ellipsis-xiqce8pxsmm{width:44px;height:10px;display:inline-block;overflow:hidden;background:0 0}.ldio-www0qkokjy{width:100%;height:100%;position:relative;transform:translateZ(0) scale(.44);backface-visibility:hidden;transform-origin:0 0}</style><div class="grid_label grid_date">HLTB</div><div class="grid_content"> <div class="loadingio-spinner-ellipsis-xiqce8pxsmm"><div class="ldio-www0qkokjy"><div></div><div></div><div></div><div></div><div></div></div></div> </div>');
$(".apphub_OtherSiteInfo").prepend('<style type="text/css">@keyframes ldio-www0qkokjy{0%,25%{transform:translate(6px,0) scale(0)}50%{transform:translate(6px,0) scale(1)}75%{transform:translate(40px,0) scale(1)}100%{transform:translate(74px,0) scale(1)}}@keyframes ldio-www0qkokjy-r{0%{transform:translate(74px,0) scale(1) :}100%{transform:translate(74px,0) scale(0)}}@keyframes ldio-www0qkokjy-c{0%,100%{background:#0051a2}25%{background:#89bff8}50%{background:#408ee0}75%{background:#1b75be}}.ldio-www0qkokjy div{position:absolute;width:20px;height:20px;border-radius:50%;transform:translate(40px,0) scale(1);background:#0051a2;animation:2s cubic-bezier(0,.5,.5,1) infinite ldio-www0qkokjy;box-sizing:content-box}.ldio-www0qkokjy div:first-child{background:#1b75be;transform:translate(74px,0) scale(1);animation:.5s cubic-bezier(0,.5,.5,1) infinite ldio-www0qkokjy-r,2s step-start infinite ldio-www0qkokjy-c}.ldio-www0qkokjy div:nth-child(2){animation-delay:-.5s;background:#0051a2}.ldio-www0qkokjy div:nth-child(3){animation-delay:-1s;background:#1b75be}.ldio-www0qkokjy div:nth-child(4){animation-delay:-1.5s;background:#408ee0}.ldio-www0qkokjy div:nth-child(5){animation-delay:-2s;background:#89bff8}.loadingio-spinner-ellipsis-xiqce8pxsmm{width:44px;height:10px;display:inline-block;overflow:hidden;background:0 0}.ldio-www0qkokjy{width:100%;height:100%;position:relative;transform:translateZ(0) scale(.44);backface-visibility:hidden;transform-origin:0 0}</style> <div id="loader" style="float:left;padding-right:5px;padding-top:10px;"> <div class="loadingio-spinner-ellipsis-xiqce8pxsmm"><div class="ldio-www0qkokjy"><div></div><div></div><div></div><div></div><div></div></div></div> </div>');
// Grab Steam game name (and normalize weird letters, get rid of symbols, lowercase everything, and split up words)
let appNameString = document.getElementsByClassName("apphub_AppName")[0].textContent.normalize("NFD").replace(/[\u0300-\u036f]/g, "").replace("’","'").replace(/[^a-z _0-9`~!@#$%^&*()-_=+|\\\]}[{;:'",<.>/?]/gi,'')
let appName = appNameString.toLowerCase().split(/\s+/).map(word => `"${word}"`).join(",");
// Get apikey and construct URL
let phpScriptUrl = 'https://umadb.ro/hltb/fetch.php';
let hltbUrl;
// Fetch HLTB URL with key
try {
const response = await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
method: "GET",
url: phpScriptUrl,
onload: resolve,
onerror: reject
if (response.status === 200) {
const key = response.responseText.trim();
console.log('%c[HLTB-Key]:%c ' + key, 'color:#ff8c00; font-weight:bold;', '');
hltbUrl = "https://howlongtobeat.com/api/search/" + key;
} else {
throw new Error('Failed to fetch key. Status: ' + response.status);
} catch (error) {
console.log('%c[HLTB-Key]:%c Request failed.', 'color:#ff8c00; font-weight:bold;', '');
// Set POST string w/ correct game name
let hltbQuery = '{"searchType":"games","searchTerms":['+appName+'],"searchPage":1,"size":20,"useCache":false}'
// Perform POST request
method: "POST",
url: hltbUrl,
data: hltbQuery,
headers: {
"Content-Type": "application/json",
"origin": "https://howlongtobeat.com",
"referer": "https://howlongtobeat.com/"
onload: function (response) {
// Grab response
let hltb = JSON.parse(response.responseText);
//Determine if data is present in response by checking the page count. If no data, set default HLTB button.
let hltbPages = hltb['count'];
if(hltbPages == 0) {
hltbTime = "HLTB";
bgcolor = "ff8c00";
console.log( '%c[HLTB-Response]:%c <empty>', 'color:#ff8c00; font-weight:bold;', '');
} else {
//If data is present in response, let's rock!
//Show response in console for debugging purposes (or comment to hide)
let hltbstring = JSON.stringify(hltb);
//console.log( '%c[HLTB-Response]:%c ' + hltbstring, 'color:#ff8c00; font-weight:bold;', '');
//Make sure you have the right game_name (if possible, otherwise just use first result from response)
let n = 0;
let loop = hltb['count'];
for (let i = 0; i < loop; i++) {
let hltbName = hltb['data'][i]['game_name'];
if (hltbName.toLowerCase() == appName.toLowerCase()) {
console.log( '%c[HLTB-GameName]:%c ' + hltbName, 'color:#ff8c00; font-weight:bold;', '');
n = i;
// Extract time for "Main Story" and convert into hours
hltbTime = hltb['data'][n]['comp_main'];
hltbTime = hltbTime/60/60; // Convert to hours
hltbTime = Math.round(hltbTime*2)/2; // Round to closes .5
hltbTime = hltbTime.toString() .replace(".5","½"); // Convert .5 to ½ to be consistent with HLTB
console.log( '%c[HLTB-MainTime]:%c ' + hltbTime, 'color:#ff8c00; font-weight:bold;', '');
// Extract the Confidence level
hltbConfidence = hltb['data'][n]['comp_main_count'];
console.log( '%c[HLTB-Confidence]:%c ' + hltbConfidence, 'color:#ff8c00; font-weight:bold;', '');
// If game exists but no time was returned ("--"), set button to default HLTB button
if (!hltbTime) {
hltbTime = "HLTB";
bgcolor = "ff8c00";
} else if (hltbTime == 0) {
hltbTime = "--";
bgcolor = "222222";
} else {
// Append "Hour(s)" to the end of the time
if (hltbTime == 1 ) { hltbTime = hltbTime + " Hour"; } else { hltbTime = hltbTime + " Hours"; }
// Determine what color to make button (based on HLTB confidence level). These might not reflect how HLTB calculates their confidence, this is just a guess.
if (hltbConfidence < 5 ) {
bgcolor = "FF3A3A";
} else if (hltbConfidence < 10) {
bgcolor = "cc3b51";
} else if (hltbConfidence < 15) {
bgcolor = "824985";
} else if (hltbConfidence < 20) {
bgcolor = "5650a1";
} else if (hltbConfidence < 25) {
bgcolor = "485cab";
} else if (hltbConfidence < 30) {
bgcolor = "3a6db5";
} else if (hltbConfidence >= 30) {
bgcolor = "287FC2";
} else {
bgcolor = ""
//Display HLTB button next to "Community Hub" button and remove loader
$(".apphub_OtherSiteInfo").prepend(' <div class="apphub_OtherSiteInfo" style="float:left;padding-right:5px;"><a class="btnv6_blue_hoverfade btn_medium" href="https://howlongtobeat.com/?q='+appNameString+'" target="_blank" style="background-color:#'+bgcolor+';"><span style="color:white;">'+hltbTime+'</span></a></div>');
//Or if on mobile (<500), display under the "Release Date"
if ($(window).width() < 500 ) {
$("div:contains('HLTB')").next("div.grid_content").html('<a class="btnv6_blue_hoverfade btn_small" href="https://howlongtobeat.com/?q=' + appNameString + '" target="_blank" style="background-color:#' + bgcolor + ';"><span style="color:white;">' + hltbTime + '</span></a>');
onerror: function (error) {
// General network or request errors
console.log( '%c[HLTB-Error]:%c Network Error.', 'color:#ff8c00; font-weight:bold;', '');
$(".apphub_OtherSiteInfo").prepend(' <div class="apphub_OtherSiteInfo" style="float:left;padding-right:5px;"><a class="btnv6_blue_hoverfade btn_medium" href="https://howlongtobeat.com/q='+appNameString+'" target="_blank" style="background-color:#222222"><span style="color:white;">Error</span></a></div>');
ontimeout: function () {
// Handle request timeout
console.log( '%c[HLTB-Error]:%c Request timed out.', 'color:#ff8c00; font-weight:bold;', '');
$(".apphub_OtherSiteInfo").prepend(' <div class="apphub_OtherSiteInfo" style="float:left;padding-right:5px;"><a class="btnv6_blue_hoverfade btn_medium" href="https://howlongtobeat.com/q='+appNameString+'" target="_blank" style="background-color:#222222"><span style="color:white;">Error</span></a></div>');
timeout: 10000 // Timeout after 10 seconds