[TS] Linx Amender

Generic tracking/redirection/open-in-new-tab removal; Amend page title; URL redirector; and more power functionality. Has rules for Pixiv, deviantArt, twitter, youtube, blogger, Batota etc.

< Feedback on [TS] Linx Amender

Review: Good - script works

Posted: 2014-08-21

Linx Amender Rules Thread

If you have a GitHub account then post your suggestion there otherwise...

Post your exported rule suggestion here.

Script and Title rules are not allowed.
Unless you have some amazing style, CSS rules would most likely be rejected.

Posted: 2015-05-20
Edited: 2015-05-20

Greetings. I recently discovered your script, and I'm hoping it can be a replacement for the Redirector extension for Firefox (it's been abandoned, explicitly by its developer).

The very first rule I'm trying to invoke is a URL rule that really should be in the LA default list--that which redirects 'userscripts.org' to 'userscripts-mirror.org'.

I'm using the format as described in the GF discussion that first advised Firefox users to use Redirector:

I'ld like this rule to work either from a link on a page, or launched from a bookmark.

Here's what I have in LA, it's a URL rule:

userscripts.org Redirect


URL Rules
[search] (http)s?\\://(.*?)\\buserscripts\\.org(\\:8080)?\\/(.*)
[replace] $1://$2userscripts-mirror.org/$4

Sample Website

Obviously, this is not working.

e.g. I clicked on that sample link and my browser straightaway tries to resolve 'userscripts.org'.

What is the best way to implement this rule?

I'm using
[TS] LA 3.0.25
Greasemonkey 3.2beta2
Firefox 37.0.2

Posted: 2015-05-20

btw--apologies for posting a request-for-help in this thread; but I truly believe this rule should be in the default list.

Plus--once the rule is working properly--I'ld like to make a post on the Mozilla Add-on site recommending folks to use your script for redirecting.

Also, I'm not a regex expert, nor an enthusiast. And neither are most people from Moz's Add-on site. So if I do make that post, I would start a separate discussion here on GF (or would you prefer on OpenUserJS?), where people can make *requests* for specific rules.

My redirecting requests are quite modest (I only had 3 rules set up in Redirector; and hope to implement a fourth). I hope that my few examples will be more motivation for regular users like myself to use your script. I'll contribute to that as best I can, and hope to use your script to its fullest potential.

Posted: 2015-05-20
Edited: 2015-05-20


Should have posted on new thread but its not as though this thread is being used (lol). Thanks for the comment but I fear LA cannot help you here. Scripts only run on pages that start loading, so if the site is down the script never runs. There's nothing I can do about it. It's the way GreaseMonkey runs and makes sense.

But I can help you out with the rule but I fear it's of no use with LA and USO.

Search string: \/\/userscripts\.org
Replace string: \/\/userscripts-mirror

I do not see why you would redirection unless you are using GreaseFire.

Instead I would recommend:
GreaseFire2: Like original greaseFire but goes to userscripts-mirror.
Greasy Scripts: Same as GreaseFire but for GreasyFork and plans for OUJS support

Or you can try Redirector which got updated on May 11th and seems to work fine for me. :D

This is what you want:

Include pattern: http\:\/\/userscripts\.org(:8080)?\/(.*)
Redirect To: http://userscripts-mirror.org/$2

I never knew about redirector until I read your comment, but now I've seen it makes my script a bit useless in this regard. XD

Hope that helps

Posted: 2015-05-21
Edited: 2015-05-31

Hi, and thanks a bunch for the help.

Good to know that about GM's mechanics on page loading; and how it can't be used for url redirecting.

I know about Grease(fire(|2)|\by Scripts\b) [lol, is that even correct??] - but my needs for url directing are more generalized.

Thanx for the info about Redirector's sneak update! I installed it, and now my rules work again! (well, 3 of 4 of them) - yeehoo! Especially the original regex redirect format for 'userscript.org'.

Finally-- due to the memory leak in Greasemonkey's 3.x line, I've had to revert to 2.3 - so I have to defer using Linx Amender until GM is more stable. :-(

But I promise to try it out again in the future.

Thanks again for your help.

Posted: 2015-05-22

If you don't need it don't use it. :)

Glad you got the issue fixed.

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