- // ==UserScript==
- // @name Moomoo.io ItzF1ker1 editon
- // @namespace None.
- // @version 3.0
- // @description I'm trying to make dis. xd
- // @author ItzF1ker1
- // @match http://moomoo.io/*
- // @match https://moomoo.io/*
- // @match *://*.moomoo.io/*
- // @grant None.
- // @icon http://u.cubeupload.com/FikriXGamer/Crown.png
- // ==/UserScript==
- (function() {
- 'use strict';
- document.getElementById("gameName").innerHTML = "DeadGame.io";
- $('#leaderboard').append('Fancied by: ItzF1ker1');
- document.getElementById("diedText").innerHTML = "GIT GUD"
- $('#diedText').css({'background-color': 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.74)'});
- document.getElementById('enterGame').innerHTML = 'Press Here to Suffer';
- document.getElementById('loadingText').innerHTML = 'You gonna play this dead game? Ok...';
- document.getElementById("pingDisplay").style.color = "#000000";
- const pingDisplay = $("#pingDisplay");
- pingDisplay.css("top", "8px");
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- function cssColorToRGB(color) {
- var values;
- if (color.startsWith("rgba")) {
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- values = color.substring(4, color.length - 1).split(",");
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- b : Number(values[2])
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- return "rgb(" + (255 - values.r) + "," + (9 - values.g) + ","
- + (9 - values.b) + ")";
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- function getOpaqueRGB(values) {
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- var now = Date.now();
- var elapsed = now - lastUpdate;
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- displayElement.textContent = fps + " FPS";
- frames = 0;
- lastUpdate = now;
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- lastUpdate = Date.now();
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- setInterval(() => {
- setTimeout( () => {
- document.title="~oo Moo"
- setTimeout( () => {
- document.title="M~o Moo"
- setTimeout( () => {
- document.title="Mo~ Moo"
- setTimeout( () => {
- document.title="Moo~Moo"
- setTimeout( () => {
- document.title="Moo ~oo"
- setTimeout( () => {
- document.title="Moo M~o"
- setTimeout( () => {
- document.title="Moo Mo~"
- setTimeout( () => {
- }, 580);
- }, 580);
- }, 580);
- }, 580);
- }, 580);
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